Scent of Fear/Parasite

sanobrewsanobrew Join Date: 2007-05-04 Member: 60801Members
edited March 2010 in Ideas and Suggestions
Now, I know the parasite ability will be taken away but I wasn't sure about scent of fear. I also conducted a search to see if I could find this same suggestion but nothing came up. My suggestion doesn't have to relate only with scent of fear, especially if it doesn't make it in NS2. But I'm guessing there will be some ability for the aliens to sense marines through walls. I got the idea for this from playing Aliens vs Predator. What if the red ring would have different strands of color such as yellow and blue. What this could symbolize is this:

Red - When using scent of fear Marines who have Heavy Armor or Jet-packs plus heavy weapons will have a red ring which will be visible through walls which symbolizes they're the biggest threat.

Yellow - Marines with shotguns or lower weapons will have a yellow ring around them which symbolizes they're medium threat.

Blue - Marines with standard light machine gun will have a blue ring around them which symbolizes they're a low threat.


  • TuTLookTuTLook Join Date: 2009-07-23 Member: 68245Members
    I think that would give aliens some unwanted advantage...
  • BacillusBacillus Join Date: 2006-11-02 Member: 58241Members
    Depends on how the upgrade system works. Right now skulks serve as great scouting aid for the lifeforms, since you can't tell the weapons or armor type without exposing yourself first. Based on NS1, I'd rather keep lifeforms dependand on skulk scouting. NS2 may be a different case of course.
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