builder issues

WiedeWiede Join Date: 2010-07-26 Member: 72933Members
edited August 2010 in Mapping

i tried to integrate some of my own custom textures into the editor but everytime i tried it, i get a syntax error or the message my pathes would be incorrect.

I tried to figure out the right pathes, but still doesn't work :X

I made it with the builder video tutorial<a href="" target="_blank"> click</a>, with the ns2wiki: <a href="" target="_blank"> click</a> tutorial but still can't figure out, how it works.

2. problem: when i open the materials description files, i get some cryptic code Oo At least nothing like in the tutorials...

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>

help? :)

edit: the builder creates a material-directory in the outputfolder but no materialfile :X
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