Dynamic Start-up Locations, Skulk Leap-Mac, Gorge-Hive

LouisLouis Join Date: 2010-08-13 Member: 73611Members
edited August 2010 in Ideas and Suggestions
<div class="IPBDescription">Just Suggestions, Nothing more.</div>First off, <u>Dynamic Start-Ups.</u>

The best thing about some games are not knowing exactly where your enemy is (Hence, Starcraft), yet knowing regions where they could be located. This kind of also ties back into NS1 with dynamic Alien Hive spawns (minus the commander trick of hearing for the hive).

I think re-enabling the dynamic start-up locations allow for strategy to be made out as for scouting teams, etc. This also allows for the non-repetitiveness of maps, as the same hallways, same rooms will always continually be played time and time again.

<b>Now this dynamic start-up, is not just suggested for Aliens, but for Marines as well, thus making the aliens also scout.</b>


<u>Skulk Leap-MAC</u>

Something that may have been inspired by the Hunter (From L4D), Now I know that players hate being "pounced" on and ultimately helpless, but what if we turned the pouncing idea onto MACs.

I couldn't help but notice the amount of strategy required by a team to accompany MACs to ensure they stay safe and out of harms way. Instead of having a Mico-Commander VS a Human-Skulk battle, have the skulk's leap ability be tied onto a MAC.

<b>Simply put, if a skulk leaps on a mac, let the Skulk have some "pouncing effect" where it stays on the MAC and can simply bite the MAC consistently until it's dead. If it wants to get off, simply pressing space will allow it to.</b>

<i>EDIT: Also adds onto the ability for the marine's melee attack to go into effect, if a skulk is on a MAC, a marine can smack it off the MAC and ensure that the MAC is still alive

. Also ensures that MAC's are not pretty much stealth movers who can build where they please, however they please, making their presence in the game critical as ever.

. To those thinking a counter to the marines, don't. Your not going to be riding a drifter for fun.</i>


<u>Gorge Hives</u>

One thing that kind of bummed me was the fact that anyone can essentially become the "alien commander".

So I figured why not have that special role be the role of the trusty gorge. Now I know this sparks a lot of concern for need of gorge's in-battle, but if we let any skulk, lerk, or onos rule the alien commander place, it kind of takes away from the sense of "gorge is king" ideology.

Also, adding onto this feature, the beginning of a game would require a player to sacrifice his plasma(?) for the sake of the team and become the commander. Thus, ensuring that new-comers cannot simply join a game, become the alien commander and serve grief to the players (Of course this would mean resulting in the distribution of plasma in-game, where 25 Resources was given to players that joined the game at the very beginning and 0 Resources to players joining the game mid-game or end-game.

<b>Simply stating, Let Gorge have access to commander mode only, semi-protects from griefers, adds onto strategy for how many gorges on battle-field, and the player builds</b>


Also, I don't usually read the forums often, so If these ideas were previously presented or announced, sorry for any idea-stealing.

Now these are of course all suggestions, feel free to add onto or criticize them.


  • spellman23spellman23 NS1 Theorycraft Expert Join Date: 2007-05-17 Member: 60920Members
    Welcome to the forums!

    Random starts are something people have been toying with. There apparently already are triggers in place that will let us randomly spawn. In NS1 the Marines always spawned in one spot and the Aliens were in one of 3 hives.

    The tricky thing with making Marines and Aliens random spawn is that what makes a good starting area for Marines is lots of line-of-sight and plenty of room for your base. Aliens don't need that. In fact, they want as much vent access as possible and broken up line-of-sight to get in close.

    Still, having 2 starts for Marines and 2 for Aliens or some such would make the game more dynamic and interesting even on the same map. However, this will end up being a mod/mapper thing since the devs have said their maps will be with fixed starts in mind.

    MACs are already pretty vulnerable and I don't think latching on as a Skulk is necessary.

    Only allowing Gorges will definitely make the Gorge class more important. Right now, as far as we can tell, they mostly are there for healing and Hydras. I believe they may also influence the Dynamic Infestation, but no word on that that I know of. I'm neutral on this idea since it feels like the Alien Commander is a very transitory role and forcing your frontline Gorge to run back and jump in the Hive might be a bit much. However, I do like how it makes the Gorge more vital to the team and help replace the fact that they no longer are the primary building dropper.
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