While you wait on NS2
Join Date: 2009-09-09 Member: 68725Members
<div class="IPBDescription">play ns1!!!</div>There are many people talking about getting pugs / gathers going again for the US side. Trying to setup a pug / gather night set in place. While ns2 gets all the kinks out, why not come play good old NS is all its glory? Anyone interested is welcome to join in. I'm setting up dedicated servers for it Central US, until NS2 gets fixed up for hosting. Post here if you might be interested.
We are using the badclan forums just because it's the only live ns group still alive for N. America. There is a forum thread "puggin" The more people we can get to chime in the better for times to get games and such going.
We are using the badclan forums just because it's the only live ns group still alive for N. America. There is a forum thread "puggin" The more people we can get to chime in the better for times to get games and such going.
but hey, if the servers all of a sudden start getting populated i'd be more then happy to start playing again.
For the lazy ;)
<a href="http://nsbadclan.org/forums" target="_blank">http://nsbadclan.org/forums</a>
<a href="http://nsbadclan.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=7383" target="_blank">http://nsbadclan.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=7383</a>
This functionality is really annoying by the way in case the BAD admins are reading. At this point with so little community left, it would be better if they just ran 2 or 3 classic servers and either re-directed people to one of those or just told you the server was full. 98% of the people who want to join BAD classic do not want to play combat or siege.
I've had some good strat on that server.
(But yes, default option is co).