Allow marines to repair power nodes
ScardyBob Join Date: 2009-11-25 Member: 69528Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
i got it! turn the mac into a power node. why not? it runs on nanites. since macs cost so much and build sooooo slow now (it makes me mad that they die so easily) we should make macs act as a portable power nodes.
its not imba cuz macs already get slaughtered by aliens as a priority and that way, just having a mac in your base will keep it powered but it will also be powered as the power node is being repaired (by the mac).
if the power node is repairable by marines then the mac really is redundant.
I like the MACs, but I'm against forced helplessness on the part of the marines. Power nodes are such a crucial part of expanding, that not allowing marines the ability to repair them gives the aliens a huge advantage.
It takes like 2 seconds for a skulk to kill a mac. Aren't they just a tad fragile for such a role?
Ahh, even better. Electrify the mac and duct tape dual min guns to it and a mine stapled to it's as$. That should fix the skulk food problem.