Classes for marines and a few other ideas

Bad MojoBad Mojo Join Date: 2009-05-01 Member: 67317Members
Ok this has probably been discussed to some degree already but I would like to see a little diversity in the marines, as in having a choice between a few different "classes."

They shouldn't vary greatly from each other, nor do I think they should be hampered or improved much on a combat standpoint. What if we just had three classes, Soldier, Medic, and Engineer.

Soldiers would be the typical marines, but might have slightly more ammo in their clips or slightly more armor, nothing too significant, but enough to make them preferable for pure combat over the other classes, whose names suggest their respective uses.

Maybe have medics that can slowly heal teammates close to them over time. Or can store a couple extra med packs in their inventory that only they can grab from the armory. and maybe as the nerf to counter their additional healing abilities is to take the hatchet away from them (replace it with the stored med packs possibly). This might just stem from my personal enjoyment of taking on the role of healer in most games, as I like being relied upon and the only one on my team that can do my job (healing).

For the engineer, there are obviously many aspects of NS2 that Engineers can be useful for. Welding doors/vents, providing alternate light sources (someone in another thread mentioned an E-light, which seems like a decent enough idea). Repairing power nodes can also be delegated to Engineers.

I think there should be a limit to the two specialty classes. Maybe the commander can have the power to promote a specific player to be a medic or an engineer. That would be something that could be worked out through communication between the players and the commander, or just assigned by the commander as needed. As long as the differences are fairly minor this shouldn't really piss people off too much.

I also would prefer engineers or at least the marines in general to take care of all the building and repairing. I'm not a big fan of these MACs and Drifters, unless they are kept in a very limited role (only used in Marine Start, or only as an upgrade later on to make repairs automatically). I'm also not sure exactly what role the gorge plays now that the Alien Commander seems to do most of the building now.

Finally, I'm a little concerned about the vulnerability of the power nodes. It seems to me that they are much too easy to take out as an alien. Especially as player numbers grow and there are more aliens running distraction on the marines while just one can take this thing out. At the very least, I believe that Marine Start on any given map should have 2 power nodes, as the vast majority of the marine structures are located there usually and pretty much all marine functionality ceases when the one power node is destroyed.

Aside from that, my other idea is to have a marine building that is built only in front of power nodes, and can serve as either simply protection for the power node itself, or as a means of somehow boosting the efficiency of the structures located within that particular node's grid.


  • xVisionsxVisions Join Date: 2009-07-03 Member: 68021Members
    I don't think the class system fits into NS2. What your suggesting might be giving marines pretty much complete independence from the commander. As for marines being able to repair or heal that can be fit in through the armory purchasing system. I could see some room for squad leaders perhaps having some perks that help the squad out but giving each individual player extra rambo potential is a line i feel should not be meddled with.

    Power nodes are weak I'm sure they are aware of it and have some plans.
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