Perhaps its just me but it seems like the map editor does things i never asked for, i find random vertex's appear and stuff seems to weld or is being selected along with others things which i don't want, is this a real issue or am i doing things wrong?
define your process for us.
the random vertex's have happened to a number of us. just add your stuff to a layer and hide it, whatever is left over is extra and can be deleted.
sometimes things don't weld (i'm talking about slicing faces with the line tool). it's trial and error. i find that if you select the face and then click the line tool and segment it, you'll have better results than trying to stitch vertices together.
as far as selecting, i think its one of the most useful tools in the editor (except double clicking an edge never gives me the edges i want). space bar then shift + mouseover.
It's an issue that we all have at the moment.