who wants a free $25 coupon for an item of the month club?

douchebagatrondouchebagatron Custom member title Join Date: 2003-12-20 Member: 24581Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
edited December 2010 in Off-Topic
<div class="IPBDescription">free to whoever</div>so I bought a christmas present for my family off of <a href="http://www.amazingclubs.com" target="_blank">AmazingClubs.com</a> and they gave me a coupon code for 25 dollars off any club. problem is i already got the one i wanted from there. so if anyone here still needs to get a last minute gift for someone, or just wants to enjoy some wine/beer/salsa/cheese/chocolate every month, use this code: 100102925122210

It expires 11:59 PM EST on Sunday, December 26th, so use it quick.

edit: i'm not trying to advertise, just giving away a bit of a discount to someone lucky to be browsing the forums on new years eve. if this is seen as against the forum rules, feel free to close the thread


  • That_Annoying_KidThat_Annoying_Kid Sire of Titles Join Date: 2003-03-01 Member: 14175Members, Constellation
    edited December 2010
    Hot sauce club looks tempting!

    I had my suspicions of your thread at first john, but your a reg and just trying to share! I bet you do okay with this one

    BBQ sauce club looks sweet as well!

    Pretty nifty business model these guys got, with the low overhead web portal as well ololol, it's just a savage warehouse somewhere that makes tons of recurring fee's
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