Collection of Suggestions

YizYiz Join Date: 2009-06-20 Member: 67884Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Healer UI, Cloak, and Infestation</div>While playing around finally on servers that play close to optimal performance(156 East and West run great) I was able to execute basic tactics.

<b>HEALER UI</b>
Gorge heal spray and Med kits are great and under used, one large issue I feel that holds these two mechanics back is the lack of information for the players to use.

Both require you to target to provide information.

Simple HP bars would work but for the Gorge I was thinking that they could get a sort of body heat using something like their alien vision only subtle and only around the target, maybe like 15 to 20% opacity that would change colors based on HP.

Marines you could use the HP bars like SC2 with a display option at all times or something like that.

Another idea that came to me was that cloak in NS was ok but it wasn't really AWESOME.

You guys have a cool system built with all the dynamic stuff, imagine the cloak structure putting out spores or whatever that causes marines to hallucinate when entering the area.

A area that is infested with alien structures, growth, etc. would appear at first glance to be a normal room.

Enemies would almost blend into the surroundings, becoming noticeable that something isn't right to the marine if they move too fast.

Comms could use their normal ways to reveal cloak with the idea that they're revealing what is really in the room.

Could have a cool effect that the room fades in and out while the scan is there.

Players skilled with the game could use their knowledge of the map to realize that their isn't any marine presence in the area via structures or other rines.

Final idea is with infestation, I'd like to see little bits of orange glowy pores or whatever that mark the push of the infest(much like creep tumors).

The glow would be very slight, kinda like movie theater leading you.

You could bring the emergency lights down too(a win win imo) to get marines to use lights more and to improve the atmosphere even further for aliens.


  • HarimauHarimau Join Date: 2007-12-24 Member: 63250Members
    Regarding alien cloak, I think the Shift (or some other chamber) is supposed to do something like this, as an activatable ability. It will spawn 'ghost' skulks and such, to confuse marines.
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