Difinitive Health/armor Chart
Join Date: 2002-01-30 Member: 135Members

I have notices alot of misconceptions about armor and health and so forth throughout the community, I was just in IRC talking and asking about armor, but nothing seemed to make sense. For the six hours I have been working on this in Lan. Yes, we finnaly get to find out how much carpace makes a difference.
-1.01 patch-
500 HP 150 AR 30% Absorbency
500 HP 200 AR 60% Absorbency
This is what I got when I took away 10 damage with a single LMG shot
494 HP 148 AR 30% -10 -5 HP -2 AR 70% damage taken
498 HP 197 AR 60% -10 -2 HP -3 AR 50% damage taken
This is what I got when I took away 20 damage with a single Pistol shot
487 HP 147 AR 30% -20 -13 HP -3 AR 70% damage taken
495 HP 195 AR 60% -20 -5 HP -5 AR 50% damage taken
So how much damage does a lvl 3 carpace onos have and how much does a lvl 0 carpace onos have when it all comes down to it?
Well for the last 6 hours 43 minutes I have tried to come out with a counculation for how much HP they have, but due to hidden decimels I was unscuccessfull, however I just did it the old fasion way grabbed a LMG turned on mp_drawdamage and came up with the following
Onos's REAL hp LvL 0 Carpace 950
Onos's REAL hp LvL 3 Carpace 1275
It only takes 95 lmg bullets (1000 damage) to kill a level 0 onos, it takes about 128 (1280 damage) to kill a level 3 carpace onos, even though you only get 50 more points, thats not the point, its absorbency.
Now everyone can stop asking how much health a onos has :]
I have notices alot of misconceptions about armor and health and so forth throughout the community, I was just in IRC talking and asking about armor, but nothing seemed to make sense. For the six hours I have been working on this in Lan. Yes, we finnaly get to find out how much carpace makes a difference.
-1.01 patch-
500 HP 150 AR 30% Absorbency
500 HP 200 AR 60% Absorbency
This is what I got when I took away 10 damage with a single LMG shot
494 HP 148 AR 30% -10 -5 HP -2 AR 70% damage taken
498 HP 197 AR 60% -10 -2 HP -3 AR 50% damage taken
This is what I got when I took away 20 damage with a single Pistol shot
487 HP 147 AR 30% -20 -13 HP -3 AR 70% damage taken
495 HP 195 AR 60% -20 -5 HP -5 AR 50% damage taken
So how much damage does a lvl 3 carpace onos have and how much does a lvl 0 carpace onos have when it all comes down to it?
Well for the last 6 hours 43 minutes I have tried to come out with a counculation for how much HP they have, but due to hidden decimels I was unscuccessfull, however I just did it the old fasion way grabbed a LMG turned on mp_drawdamage and came up with the following
Onos's REAL hp LvL 0 Carpace 950
Onos's REAL hp LvL 3 Carpace 1275
It only takes 95 lmg bullets (1000 damage) to kill a level 0 onos, it takes about 128 (1280 damage) to kill a level 3 carpace onos, even though you only get 50 more points, thats not the point, its absorbency.
Now everyone can stop asking how much health a onos has :]
would need to be stickied to be unaging
Also, even though a level 3 Carapace is taking a very large % of damage, so that the 200 carapace points will die long before the 500 health, there is no reduction in Damage Absorption when your armor is down : 1275 damage to kill a 700 total hp/armor Onos means that he is absorbing ~45% of the damage, which is nearly the same as the ~50% damage absorb you get for a single shot at full health/armor.
Does Marine armor work similarly? Heavy armor has "95% absorb", how much is this really?
I'm starting to get the hunch that armor may work like this:
Absorb percent defines how much damage gets through to HP. If you have 30% absorb, HP takes 70% damage and Armor takes 30%. The base absorb values are obviously incorrect. All levels of Kharaa armor seem to absorb MUCH more than what is listed. If the "60% absorb" for level 3 armor was correct, you should take 4 damage from a 10 damage shot to health, which is obviously not true. (you only take 2!)
So, a 10 damage shot against 50% absorbtion becomes:
5 damage to health
5 damage to armor
I'd guess, based on these numbers that actual absorbtion from Carapace goes like:
Unupgraded: 45%
Level 1: 55%
Level 2: 65%
Level 3: 75%
Damage to Health is applied first, and it always deals full damage. So a 60 damage Acid Rocket hitting a Heavy Armor (95% absorb) will deal 3 damage to Health and the rest goes to Armor.
Now, Armor has a set percent of "ignore damage". Because of Ignore, even though a 10 damage shot should deal 5 damage to Health and 5 damage to Armor, it actually does much less to Armor, only Health takes full damage. At least for Kharaa, this ignore seems to be applied regardless of whether you have any Armor points or not. (because you don't suddenly die much faster when your armor is gone) For humans, damage ignore does NOT seem to be applied when your armor is dead, because you die REALLY fast once your armor points are gone. I'd guess that the ignore is a fixed ~60% of the damage going to Armor. After that much damage is ignored, any remaining damage is applied to Armor. If armor is dead, this damage is applied to Health.
60% seems to be the most appropriate value for the Onos data here. If we apply this formula to the Onos's stats, we should get:
10 damage LMG shot against Onos
No upgrades : 5 damage to Health, 2 damage to Armor. (perfect match)
Level 3 Carapace : 2 damage to Health, 3 damage to Armor. (perfect match)
20 damage pistol shot against Onos
No upgrades : 11 damage to Health, 4 damage to Armor. (real values : 13/3)
Level 3 Carapace : 5 damage to Health, 6 damage to Armor. (real values : 5/5)
# shots to kill no-upgrades Onos with LMG : 90 (real value : 95)
# shots to kill full-upgrades Onos with LMG : 128 (real value : 128)
Can you repeat experiments on Skulks, Gorges, Lerks, and Fades, and also with Marines and Heavy Armor?
I just thought of somthing, the knife... but since I cant see my own health in decimals that wouldnt help anyway...
erk looks like we are stuck when it comes to exacts. But we have the rounded numbers and thats good enough.