Large playbase?

mowkymowky Join Date: 2011-01-15 Member: 77551Members
Hi there, just curious. After seeing movies and fluently updates on facebook on the developement on NS2 I was wondering if there are alot of servers running and it is worth PRE-purchase it?

Is there any Servers on the EU region and how large is the playerbase? Seeing how the community here is big can i expect the same ingame ?

My wishes.



  • mowkymowky Join Date: 2011-01-15 Member: 77551Members
    42 views no reply :( come on!
  • juicejuice Join Date: 2003-01-28 Member: 12886Members, Constellation
    Welcome mowky!

    If you plan on buying the game anyway you might as well pre-purchase, and support these incredible developers.

    The player base in the US is large enough to support 1-2 occupied servers for a couple days after each patch release, declining after that. I don't know about europe. I play an hour or two every couple of patches to see how it's progressing, but it's not near completion yet. Make sure you have a pretty powerful computer for the best experience.
  • LazerLazer Join Date: 2003-03-11 Member: 14406Members, Contributor, Constellation, NS2 Playtester
    For about the past month or so there's always been a couple servers of people playing all the time even with not so great performance. 174 had an issue that made the game unplayable for a day but 175 has fixed it to a state where I can foresee the player base expanding as people start seeing much better performance. Server performance has increased and once occlusion is fixed the clients should also see significant improvements to fps consistency I would assume.

    It's worth giving a shot now if you have a decent rig and can understand that it is still an in-development game.
  • marsvinmarsvin Join Date: 2011-03-22 Member: 87920Members
    I haven't played much yet because my gfx card sadly can't handle the game very well. But speaking for the EU the few times I've tried to join a server I normally see one active server, like 10+ players and a few scattered ones, with just a few players testing.
  • playerplayer Join Date: 2010-09-12 Member: 73982Members
    <a href="" target="_blank">Dev-tracker</a>. Clicking on the "x servers, x players online"-link will give you an accurate picture.
  • mowkymowky Join Date: 2011-01-15 Member: 77551Members
    Thanks for the response guys!
  • ObraxisObraxis Subnautica Animator & Generalist, NS2 Person Join Date: 2004-07-24 Member: 30071Super Administrators, Forum Admins, NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Silver, WC 2013 - Supporter, Subnautica Developer, Pistachionauts
    Indeed, performance overall have improved in both servers and fps. it used to be you needed an UBER high-end rig to play decently. Now a sort of middle-end PC can play pretty well, as long as you're on a decent server. But both server and client performance will improve over time :)
  • BitPonBitPon Join Date: 2010-11-20 Member: 75104Members
    Being able to follow how the game is progressing from an early stage is also something you might enjoy, I do! I'm in the EU region and I can usually find a server to play on. I don't really mind playing on US or Australian servers either, at least not until the game is polished enough to really tickle my competitive nerves.
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