Alien side

vlncvlnc Join Date: 2010-09-07 Member: 73921Members, Squad Five Blue
edited April 2011 in Ideas and Suggestions
<div class="IPBDescription">about the fade secondary attack</div>Hi everyone,

I'd like to speak about the Fade.

I think dev should reduce the time of the second attack (faster animation) cause it is too slow OR make the fade moving at his normal speed when you're launching the secondary attack OR the both (last suggestion is maybe too OP)

I play very often and most of time all fades are only using the primary attack (blink or not blink), maybe linked to what I said upper.

I know, at this stage of the game we've got lags and framerates issues so maybe at release the present state of the fade will be great.

What do you think ?

edit : my apologies for my poor english (fr)
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