A Request

SethbeastalanSethbeastalan Join Date: 2011-05-05 Member: 97360Members
I'm not sure where you exactly are right now, but it would be very nice if you could throw us alien players a bone by developing some of the currently absent alien techniques. Right now the marines have flamethrowers, which if done right (and it's not hard to), destroys any hope of the aliens winning. I'm not asking for something as op, but I would like an edge, as even fades with full upgrades have a somewhat difficult time destroying the marine's base. I've had to rely on building hydras backed up by crags right on the border of the marine's main just to keep the push alive sometimes.

Now, I understand that you may deny this request because you have this slotted for further down the line, but the only gratifying tech aliens have is the fade, where as marines have their 3 guns, and an observatory.


  • ShiloriusShilorius Join Date: 2011-01-14 Member: 77445Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    I agree.. a new "chamber" would be cool. It doesn't have to be feature complete (the crag has also some parts missing like babblers) but it would be nice to have at least the passive abillity of the shade or/and shift...
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