What I Like About NS2

NolSinklerNolSinkler On the Clorf Join Date: 2004-02-15 Member: 26560Members, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">A very positive thread.</div>Well I figured this could be a nice counter-thread to the "What I Dislike About NS2" thread. Here we post what we like about NS2, why we like it, and basically keep it positive. If you want to complain, go to the "What I Dislike About NS2" thread because that's what it's for yo. I feel like in this thread we can maybe give the developers an idea of the things that they are really doing a good job on. I feel like when the developers are feeling discouraged, they should be able to look in here, and smile to themselves, and say "we're doing alright".

I think it's a nice looking game. I appreciate all of the effort that has gone into the various structures, alien models, marine models and weapons, and so on. I love the Flamethrower. The Power Nodes are really cool, and infestation is also quite awesome. I enjoy the Alien Commander; though it's different than the gorges in NS1 I understand that this is a different game and I enjoy that the developers have not merely cloned the first game. I appreciate how the developers keep us updated with what goes on. I also want to share that I have showed this game and let two other people play and they both have told me they will be buying the game, one as early as next week.

Now you try! Remember to to keep the atmosphere lighthearted and full of good-will.


  • KuBaNKuBaN Join Date: 2002-11-16 Member: 8979Members, Constellation
    Likes, off the top of my head:<ul><li> The general aesthetic</li><li> Dynamic Infestation and the upcoming changes</li><li> The atmosphere created by a room full of Hydras</li><li> The upcoming, customizable Alien Upgrade Model that includes upgrades such as Frenzy and Swarm</li><li> Alien Vision</li><li> Skulk Leap (and that it's available by default)</li><li> The potential for the Power Grid to become as fundamental for Marines as Infestation is for the Kharaa</li><li> The introduction of MACs and Drifters</li><li> The potential of Armor/Damage types as described by Charlie</li></ul>
  • AvalonAvalon Join Date: 2007-03-04 Member: 60224Members
    I like...

    -The new graphics engine (lighting is superb)
    -Alien vision
    -Dynamic Infestation (as it will be)
    -Power nodes and the idea of territory control
    -The new chambers, they are sweet
    -Belly slides!
  • PedoKumaPedoKuma Join Date: 2011-01-10 Member: 76968Members
    <!--sizeo:4--><span style="font-size:14pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><!--coloro:#00FF00--><span style="color:#00FF00"><!--/coloro--><b>+1</b><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--> for the belly slides :D

    All the things you've mentioned are cool.
    I'd add the flamethrower, which is not a good weapon now, but could be very funny when balanced with time (I really love flamethrowers in games).
  • ObraxisObraxis Subnautica Animator & Generalist, NS2 Person Join Date: 2004-07-24 Member: 30071Super Administrators, Forum Admins, NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Silver, WC 2013 - Supporter, Subnautica Developer, Pistachionauts
    Things I like:

    * Developers who are willing to listen and engage with their community (even when their community's most vocal people are the trolls)
    * The Spark Engine - while not the speediest at the moment, shows much promise and lighting looks great.
    * The Editor: even a nub like me, can actually make a working NS2 map with real-time easy to use feedback.
    * Gameplay is getting there, can have lots of fun games even with some parts missing
    * Bi-Weekly updates - you do get to see the changes and fixes pretty quickly
    * The sounds and music are great
    * Alien vision is awesome
    * Belly Slides are the most fun, but also useful feature for getting the hell out of a situation!
    * It's INDIE.
  • Chris0132Chris0132 Join Date: 2009-07-25 Member: 68262Members
    I like that it isn't NS1, I got bored of NS1, NS2 is different, so it isn't boring.
  • Saint RawSaint Raw Join Date: 2011-05-18 Member: 99414Members
    I like that it is f*cking NATURAL SELECTION 2!

    I like the mayor improvements on performance in the last 10 patches. Transparent progression, feedback support, the players who actually understand the game. (Yeah Combat NS1 eventually killed original NS gameplay.)

    I like people complaining about a game which isn't nearly done yet.
    I like people who can't talk but seem to be able to command and support.

    I like the people who have the initiative to start mixers and organized fights. (Thanks for including me in one!)

    But still.






    'nough said.
  • Josh86Josh86 Join Date: 2010-12-06 Member: 75513Members
    edited June 2011
    Thanks for...

    <ul><li>NS2 blink concept (any iteration) -- I love it.</li><li>Dynamic infestation and it's suggested effects.</li><li>Dynamic lighting.</li><li>Model work and design on structures/textures. All alien models look great and the new command chair is awesome!</li><li>Open-mindedness to make significant plan changes during development</li><li>Themes and map design possibilities.</li><li>Locking doors? Welding doors a possibility? I love me some Aliens.</li><li>Any influences taken from the movie Aliens :-D</li><li>Tweaking/making progress on the wall walking.</li><li>Atmospheric lighting effects? I think that's how I should refer to it -- looking forward to some pretty maps.</li><li>Egg spawning concept -- very neat! Better than spawning in as a skulk model!</li><li>Rifle butting -- very cool. I never would have considered that.</li><li>Participation and involvement with community members.</li><li>Excellent website design and layout. Very easy navigation.</li><li>New and different information constantly released and snippets from upcoming patches or new content. Thanks!</li><li>Whips. Great new addition!</li><li>Keeping the game price low.</li><li>Letting us try out the game so soon.</li></ul>
  • ub3rbr0k3ub3rbr0k3 Join Date: 2011-06-02 Member: 102279Members
    Been a long-time player since the first release back in 2002.

    What I like so far:

    - The atmosphere. When the FPS is stable enough to appreciate it, the game looks and feels absolutely wonderful.
    - The ability to purchase your own weapons as marines.
    - The new Fade blink system.
    - Upgrading resource caps. I think this adds an additional layer of strategy.
    - Mini-Leap for Skulks. Strafe-jumping seems to be gone now, so it's nice to have an alternative fast movement ability available from the start.
    - New chambers. Whip chamber unrooting and walking around? Awesome!
    - Gorge Sliide.
    - Flamethrower. It would be nice to see if the potential vent-clearing ability would be implemented in the future.

    Those are the things I have in mind as I play (all by myself, PC can't handle this game online atm). I'll add more as I continue testing and messing around.
  • OutlawDrOutlawDr Join Date: 2009-06-21 Member: 67887Members
    edited June 2011
    *Playing as gorge in general...yes belly slide
    *Tending to rooms full of hydras as a gorge ( I only wish people wouldn't hate on me for doing it ;( )
    *Lerk snipe...I swear I'm a good person...I always enjoyed snipers in FPS games (maybe make it a lerk upgrade/tradeoff instead of default...I wish marines had a sniper rifle...)
    *Playing as marines with a good commander and teammates working together..and we are all in the zone...few things come close
    *Dynamic infestation...the idea anyway, since its currently a bit rough on the edges...but it has potential
    *Lighting...one day I hope to play the game on full graphics setting

    Upcoming things I am looking forward to

    *new fade blink
    *pustules..curious to see how they'll work out
    *a flamethrower that is perfectly balanced and everyone likes
  • swalkswalk Say hello to my little friend. Join Date: 2011-01-20 Member: 78384Members, Squad Five Blue
    edited June 2011
    First of all, I love the open development style that UWE has chosen. That, together with them communicating with the community, really make me value my purchase of NS2.
    Now a list of things I love and look forward to in NS2:
    - As others say, the atmosphere! It's so beautiful, and fits the world of NS so great!
    - Dynamic infestation 3D Mesh. And DI in general.
    - Commander on both sides are becoming great.
    - Doors! Great gameplay addition, it will play an important role in combat as the features of the doors get in the game!
    - Power Grid/Dynamic lighting. Great gameplay element, that can be a game changer. Just like cutting off DI from important buildings.
    - The flamethrower will become great once its done. Cool support weapon.
    - The lerk is so much fun to play! Even if flight control can be a little frustrating at times :)
    - The new fade blink!
    - Armor/Dmg types
    - Replay system! Hope it becomes something like this: <a href="http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/forums/index.php?s=&showtopic=113628&view=findpost&p=1849756" target="_blank">http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/forums/in...t&p=1849756</a>
    I could keep rambling on, but I have to stop somewhere :)
  • NolSinklerNolSinkler On the Clorf Join Date: 2004-02-15 Member: 26560Members, Constellation
    Awesome. Let's keep showing the developers our support. Another thing I like is when I first started playing NS2 people were very open and understood that I had not played before, answered all of my questions, and were generally helpful in bringing me up to speed with what was going on.
  • ThaldarinThaldarin Alonzi&#33; Join Date: 2003-07-15 Member: 18173Members, Constellation
    I like the swift refund process.
  • jkflipflopjkflipflop Join Date: 2010-10-13 Member: 74423Members
    The pretty new graphics.
  • kingmobkingmob Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3650Members, Constellation
    What I like about NS2....

    + Atmosphere
    + Engine and Tools
    + The Team
    + DI
    + Blink (better than NS1 blink)
    + Skulk Stickiness
  • ErriiieeeeErriiieeee Join Date: 2011-05-12 Member: 98431Members
    What I like....

    + We are active and participating in the creation of game with so much potential!
    + Belly Slide makes the Gorge so much tougher!
    + How games with only 10 players on a server may turn into an hour or longer more stalemates (Feels like war!)
    + New alien vision
    + Marine sprint
    + Lerk before was a flying skulk, now they are just nasty!
    + Even with all the new changes the game still plays and feels like NS :}
  • niQboyniQboy Join Date: 2011-06-04 Member: 102638Members
    What I like the most is how the game is built around <i>real</i> teamwork.

    Too often nowadays you see these so-called team based shooters like Bad Company 2 where people are put into teams, but they're not really working together as much as they're just running blindly into one direction like sheeps being herded. Most of the time, you see people focusing more on their individual k/d ratings to boost their e-peen.

    In NS2, it's made clear very early on that if you do not work together and stick with your team, you're just going to die and there's no point playing.

    Not only does this game have a great atmosphere, gameplay and numerous innovations, but the thing I adore most is the dev team and their skill, love and dedication for this project. Your work is truly awe-inspiring guys and I can't wait to see what this game will become in the months to come. =)
  • saltybp53saltybp53 Join Date: 2010-07-22 Member: 72675Members
    I like the overall energy coming from the devs, players and the community in general. It shows this game is alive and kickin' before even the REAL party starts.

    Don't forget the gorge plushies, amirite?
  • peregrinusperegrinus Join Date: 2010-07-16 Member: 72445Members
    + Dev team who really care about the game and will continue to work on it after its out
    + Overall art direction is strong and unique
    + Really varied gameplay with lots of options
    + The new maps (custom + official) all look promising
    + Super excited to see the exo-suit, the onos, infestation becoming more 'dynamic', new fade blink, cloaking abilities...
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