What is up with the servers?

m3liorm3lior Join Date: 2011-06-07 Member: 103181Members
It seems that each server that I play on has a different bug that is messing with game play...

For some servers, there are players taking up team spots in the scoreboard, but they aren't in game.

On other servers, the world completely disappears depending on where you look (look up, and you can see everything, look ahead and you can't - depending on which part of the map you're standing at).

On another server, I had problems getting stuck to the floor for short periods of time.

Just now, I couldn't join any server due to "Authentication failure", and then shortly afterwards when I refreshed the list, it went to 0 servers. After a bit, it displayed them all again, but I couldn't connect due to authentication failure.

All of these bugs were experienced at the same time by a friend over Ventrilo who I was attempting to play with. What's going on??


  • m3liorm3lior Join Date: 2011-06-07 Member: 103181Members
  • Stele007Stele007 Join Date: 2004-07-23 Member: 30063Members
    I'm pretty sure all servers get the "ghost" characters (with 0 ping) if people play there long enough. People leave or get disconnected in some fashion but aren't removed from the game. It's been a bug for a while now.

    I haven't seen the second issue in several patches, but that happened on a lot of servers too... It was just very intermittent sometimes.

    Haven't seen the stuck floor issue yet. A lot of servers get really bogged down after a long game, though.
  • TravCarpTravCarp Join Date: 2010-06-04 Member: 71962Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    I know what you mean about stuck floors, sucks being Alien and trying to go through vents. :s!
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