Quick Gorge Hint

NiteowlNiteowl Join Date: 2002-09-04 Member: 1274Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
<div class="IPBDescription">typing /kill in console too often?</div> many ppl when using gorge will get STUCK by the chambers they are making. to avoid this

MOVE BACK while dropping the chamber, and aim DOWN.

staying still and aiming up will most CERTAINLY result in gorgeLock.

this is ESPECIALLY true of D chambers.. not sure why.


  • BTS_SquirrelBTS_Squirrel Join Date: 2002-09-27 Member: 1351Members
    ive noticed the same thing

    also, when you drop several chambers, you should move, not just pivot. you can box yorself in and get cought that way as well
  • evoLvingeviLevoLvingeviL Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7802Members
    The only time I think I've EVER been dumb enough to gorgeLock is when I was tucking away a Movement chamber... and it was a Movement chamber! When I was finished, I just clicked it and was transported away! <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> I was lucky, I guess.

    But it gets me thinking... if you really don't wanna die after gorgeLocking, build a Movement chamber (if you can) and teleport outta there!
  • MrBatmanMrBatman Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 7176Members
    This also might work: I got stuck as an Onos last night on top of a bunch of chambers in a rather low hallway, and became a sitting duck for any marines that might happen around the corner. Rather than /kill myself, I evolved into a skulk. As soon as I cocooned, my cocoon dropped from where I was to the floor, and as soon as I emerged from my cocoon I was able to navigate the chambers and get out. This will probably work for stuck Gorges as well.
  • ZarbuckZarbuck Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2248Members
    Really you DO NOT want to look down at all and for that matter you do not want to look up most of the time. I all ways look straight forward when I am building on the ground but when you do that you need to stand a little farther back than you normally do because you are building it out straight. You can test this all by your self first look right at the ground and try to build than look straight up and try to build some thing than try every thing in between. You will find that the more up or down you look the closer the chamber will be to you and the straighter you look the farther away it will be. I never look down when I am building and the only time that I ever look up is to stack chambers. I find that if you look up at like a 60 degree angle them jump you can make perfect stacks and with different angle you can do steps or even land a chamber on the other side of the one that you are standing at.
  • SinistarSinistar Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2793Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--MrBatman+Nov 16 2002, 12:39 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (MrBatman @ Nov 16 2002, 12:39 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->This also might work: I got stuck as an Onos last night on top of a bunch of chambers in a rather low hallway, and became a sitting duck for any marines that might happen around the corner. Rather than /kill myself, I evolved into a skulk. As soon as I cocooned, my cocoon dropped from where I was to the floor, and as soon as I emerged from my cocoon I was able to navigate the chambers and get out. This will probably work for stuck Gorges as well.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    How were you able to evolve if you aren't on level ground? Every time I get that message if you aren't touching the ground and it won't let you evolve.
  • zodazoda Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 7175Members
    My problem is how little holes in between chambers can get you stuck as a gorge.. . and most of the time they arent on the ground.. as for ono's getting stuck, It's either your evolved too quick or the gorge had bad placement.. I try and block off all gives with stacked towers of offense,defense and sensory chambers and sometimes a few other spots, but it's nice not to block every part off or at least leave room for teamates to get by... once I build a huge garden of these in front of hives I tell my team not to morph in spawn and get past the chambers first... there is no worse feeling then wasting 80 resources on Onos and getting stuck between chambers.. ugh! kill in console.

    I think that the dude saying he was stuck was not trapped, he just couldnt get past the structure, so had to go back and evolve.. Which would make mroe sense than evolving over the chambers, but if thats the case I would love to know how (as long as it is legal and not cheating)
  • FossaFossa Join Date: 2002-11-04 Member: 6931Members
    Do NOT walk backwards. The majority of the catches I see are between chambers and walls because the gorge backs into a wall, then builds, and its WAY too close then...
  • ZarbuckZarbuck Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2248Members
    You can evolve just about any were with the onos... I am not sure why but i think that it has some thing to do with it is so big that it would be a pain to try and find a place were you are completely flat on the ground so they may have made it so that that dose not apply to the onos. I have evolved on top of chamberers before after getting stuck.
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