
RanemanRaneman Join Date: 2010-01-07 Member: 69962Members
edited August 2011 in NS2 General Discussion
Standard procedure for taking down hives:-
1. gather marines in doorway of room
2. do not enter room
3. snipe hive with rifles from 50 feet away
4. repeat
For added fun, try #1 in a completely different room from the hive
#3 gets more effective the further you are from the hive

Standard procedure for winning the game-
1. Buy shotguns
2. Shoot things with the shotguns
3. (optional) try some dumb ass strategy ###### (if you're a nerd or some ######)
4. win game

Standard procedure for defense-
1. Spam turrets

Standard procedure for fighting skulks-
1. Play hop frog with the skulk

Standard procedure for balancing the game-
1. Experiment on aliens, leave marines alone


  • TekoppenTekoppen Join Date: 2008-02-05 Member: 63584Members, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Shadow, Subnautica Playtester
    I guess it's too early to tell anything since after every new update something changes.

    And when Onos comes into the picture there won't (probably) be any turret spam left.
  • peregrinusperegrinus Join Date: 2010-07-16 Member: 72445Members
    Raneman have you only played the most recent version of beta? The game is in development, everything you posted (the parts that make sense) will probably be irrelevant in later builds, like most of it didn't exist in earlier builds. If you take a short sighted view of course you'll get frustrated.
  • azimaithazimaith Join Date: 2011-07-03 Member: 107686Members
    edited August 2011
    I see this attempted and failed a lot. Right now individual skill of players is a fairly large determining factor for the game, even against difficult odds such as skulks vs shotguns. In my last game I was a marine and the game started with 2 aliens and just me on the Frontiersmen. Eventually I got an excellent player on my team (and I built a solid sentry net defense on the base) and he proceeded to push out of Marine start. He was joined by other skilled players and the game that had begun with me alone being base camped and enemies with fades before we even had weapon 1 (yeah I'm not that experienced with marine command) slowly expanded as the marines fought a brutal hard fought battle through flight control and into a sneakily hidden phase gate in crossroads, eventually sweeping into alien start from crevice and trapping the aliens in SA where they were destroyed by a concentrated marine push from reactor and pipe junction. The players on my team, not me, carried the TSA to victory by dint of their skill and organization despite being outnumbered and for the first half of the battle entirely outgunned.

    At the same time I also see the aliens tearing up games as well. A single good gorge player can easily turn the entire tide of battle by providing a fall back point for alien pushes. There isn't really a "flowchart to victory" right now.
  • kaffaljidhmakaffaljidhma Join Date: 2011-07-14 Member: 110392Members
    I have never seen these procedures win real games, because:

    1. fades

    2. hydras

    3. bile bombs
  • SkwareSkware Join Date: 2006-10-31 Member: 58125Members
    Thanks for outlining how to properly play a game (ie not suiciding into the enemies)
    hopefully now the marines will figure out that they are supposed to use their guns outside of melee range of aliens, use turrets to defend their otherwise exposed base, use effective weaponry and so on.

    Wait, what was this post about?
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