Impulse/hotkey List

PulsePulse To create, to create and escape. Join Date: 2002-08-29 Member: 1248Members, Constellation
Does anyone know where I can get a list of impulses and hotkeys? I'm pretty sure I saw a stickied post about this a while ago. No complicated/cheap/groundbreaking scripts here, all I want to do is make aliases for buttons I want to use as both a commander and a marine/alien for e.g. the alias "ammo" would ask for ammo as a marine and drop it as a commander.


  • Teufel_EldritchTeufel_Eldritch Join Date: 2002-01-28 Member: 124Members
    Rabid Llama made this list.


    Bindable console commands for the Natural Selection mod as figured out by Rabid Llama.
    These might not be totally correct, but I've gone through and tested most of them (which is how I found most of them in the first place)
    A question mark means it acts like it should do something, but doesn't (nothing happens, but there's a pause there where it seems like something could go)
    A "<nothing>" means that there's a little doesn't-work beep sound when you try it, which means it does nothing at all.
    For an example, compare impulse 18 (a ?) and 19 (a <nothing> )
    So here you go. No spamming these as binds, by the way <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->


    Impulse commands: (mostly radio communications/spoken word)
    (add an "impulse " to the beginning of all of these for them to work)
    (also, the Marines and Aliens have different functions attached to the same commands. It should be pretty self-explanatory)

    Number For Marines
    1 next weapon
    2 ?
    3 drop weapon
    5 readyroom
    6 ?
    7 "follow me"
    8 "covering"
    9 "taunt"
    10 "need health"
    11 "need ammo"
    12 "in position"
    13 "enemy here"
    14 "move out"
    15 "all clear"
    16 ?
    17 ?
    18 ?
    80 "need order"
    81 "acknowledged"
    90 <nothing>
    91 <nothing>
    92 <nothing>
    93 <nothing>
    94 <nothing>
    95 <nothing>
    201 spray logo

    Number For Aliens
    1 ?
    2 <nothing>
    3 <nothing>
    5 readyroom
    6 <nothing>
    7 "chuckle"
    8 "need healing"
    9 "need backup"
    10 "incoming"
    11 "attack"
    12 "I'm building here"
    13 ?
    14 ?
    15 ?
    16 ?
    17 ?
    18 ?
    80 <nothing>
    81 <nothing>
    90 build resource tower
    91 build offense chamber
    92 build defense chamber
    93 build sensory chamber
    94 build movement chamber
    95 build hive
    201 spray logo

    --Alien commands--

    Skulk 113
    Gorge 114
    Lurk 115
    Fade 116
    Onos 117

    Defense Upgrades:
    Carapace 101 (yes, impulse 101 <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->)
    Regeneration 102
    Redemption 103

    Movement Upgrades:
    Celerity 107
    Adrenaline 108
    Silence 109

    Sensory Upgrades:
    Cloak 110
    Scent of Fear 111
    Enhanced Sight 112

    --Marine Commander commands--
    (not impulse commands, oddly enough):

    Basic build menu -- hotkey86
    Advanced build menu -- hotkey87
    Equip menu -- hotkey88
    Scroll up (alternate) -- +scrollup
    Scroll down (alternate) -- +scrolldown
    Scroll left (alternate) -- +scrollleft
    Scroll right (alternate) -- +scrollright
    Health -- hotkey59
    Ammo -- hotkey60
    Mines -- hotkey61
    Welder -- hotkey62
    Shotgun -- hotkey64
    Heavy machine gun -- hotkey65
    Grenade launcher -- hotkey66
    Scan -- hotkey53
    Nuke -- hotkey39
    Recycle building -- hotkey69
    Turret -- hotkey56
    Heavy armor -- hotkey38
    Infantry portal -- hotkey40
    Resource tower -- hotkey41

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