No health bar but warning messages
Join Date: 2010-11-06 Member: 74789Members
<div class="IPBDescription">for marines</div>For aliens, it looks perfect to have THAT hp bar(?).
But it's still for me a bit oldfashioned to see marines having 0 to 100 health bar.
I know it's placeholder, but how about not showing hp with numbers?
It's no sense because it's oldfashioned as i mentioned, and most importantly, marines die when gets just about 3 hits.
So how about not having any hp bar but showing as sci-fi like WARNING sign with SOME WORDS that change how damaged marine is when hit?
DAMAGED - DANGEROUS - HAZARDOUS(gas maybe) - CRITICAL - PERILOUS for example.. with beeping red/blue sign(when about to die when gets just one more hit).
But it's still for me a bit oldfashioned to see marines having 0 to 100 health bar.
I know it's placeholder, but how about not showing hp with numbers?
It's no sense because it's oldfashioned as i mentioned, and most importantly, marines die when gets just about 3 hits.
So how about not having any hp bar but showing as sci-fi like WARNING sign with SOME WORDS that change how damaged marine is when hit?
DAMAGED - DANGEROUS - HAZARDOUS(gas maybe) - CRITICAL - PERILOUS for example.. with beeping red/blue sign(when about to die when gets just one more hit).
Pirates, Vikings and Knights for Source had a cool system for showing the enemy's left health.
It was cut in 5 damage levels which the last below 20/100 hp would be "About to be pushing up the daisies" and the first "Not a Scratch"
I would favor a system like this, it's more immersive that way.
Doom face on the bottom of the screen. That gets bloodier in relation to how damaged you are.
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Yeah. NS1 is pretty heavy on the HP math. At least I tend to have a very strong idea how much punishment I can take even when there's a dozen harmful things flying around you. NS2 is probably going to be quite a lot complex with spikes, hydras, alien weapon upgrades and all that in even greater numbers. It's definitely beneficial to see the very exact HP and armor values.
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if you are injured it gets faster:
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Somewhere you could still write a number to show you health, and an armor bar
I don't know if the dev's would want to, but they would have to simplify it so either attacks damaged only armor first then health or only health and not armor. None of this weird distribution formula where some damage is absorb by armor while other goes through to health. I personally don't like it because its much more complex then it needs to be.
An example of what I mean: Right now if a marine gets bit by a skulk, his armor absorbs some damage then the rest goes towards his health. In a revised system, the bite would only damage the armor, then once it got through the armor it would damage the health. While at the same time, Lerk spores would only damage health and not armor at all. It's either armor or health, but never does a attack take away from both.
One, I think this would make things far easier for players to understand. Either an attack ignores armor or it is absorbed by armor completely. none of this crazy distribution formula that requires some complex algebra to figure out.
Two, you could then get rid of the hp and armor meter and replace them with a very simple vitals and armor status. As armor get's lower, the message gets more severe in some way. As your health gets lower, your vitals get worse; your heartbeat increases and gets more irrigular, you maybe begin to cough every few minutes, your vision starts to tunnel a tiny bit from loose of blood, and so on. I personally enjoy this because it is more immersive and simplistic. Player's don't need to know their exact health. They only need to know if there next hit is going to kill them or not. It doesn't matter if their health is 20, 15, or 10 if the next skulk bite is going to be their death.
While it may be a bit complex, it also give the game more flavor and you have more defined weapons/lifeforms for different situations in the game.
Take GL for example. Fantastic structure damage, granted it was buffed a while back, but still. Now imagine if that structure damage was transfered to health damage and all structures had health instead. This would leave them with the same sort of health system as lifeforms, and eventually the GL has to be nerfed since it's just too powerful(structures with much higher hp than lifeforms, and a few grenades to kill a structure would mean around 500-1000 damage per grenade. Now imagine a 300hp fade, from 200hp+100(?)armor earlier, being hit with that grenade. Instakill). Then the problem comes where the GL is useless against structures because of the nerf to damage - the one area it is supposed to shine - And you have practically no players going for the GL as the weapon of choice.
This example is probably the most extreme since GLs right now has high structure damage, but other weapons are affected in a similar way.
Each weapon has it's own structure damage% and some are better vs structures while other are better vs lifeforms. In the end a nice mix of all weapons is what is needed to take down a well defended hive.
I do see the point you try to make, but simplifying the weapons would only further imbalance the game. These imbalances could be solved OFC, but that will take time. Time we don't have right now.
Or you could add an armor type of structures only that is not applied to players. This way you could still make difference between players and structures, but players will never really notice it. All they'll know is, grenade launcher takes down structures.
I'm just saying the simplest solution is usually the best. I don't personally think having a super complex health/armor formula is the best way to get defined roles and diversity.
Dying in fast paced death match games such as BC2 and CoD is not such a big deal. Whereas in NS2, dying as a Fade or Onos due to a health miss-estimation carries heavy consequences.
Doom face on the bottom of the screen. That gets bloodier in relation to how damaged you are.
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