[186] Egg Balance

TechnoMuffinTechnoMuffin Join Date: 2004-05-16 Member: 28713Members, Constellation
Hey all, got done playing a couple games...first off, I want to say that I love the new egg spawn concept, it's great. That said, some flaws are becoming apparent...

It seems to be 1 egg per 15 seconds, rather than 1 egg per hive per 15 seconds? I think it should probably to looked at to be for each hive independently. We ended up getting Crossroads killed, and none of us could even spawn at alien start despite a lack of marine presence there. Basically the marines could lock down our entire spawn (by killing eggs as they came up) just by attacking one hive.

This is paired with the fact that aliens just feel squishy at the moment, both from lack of late game defensive options, as well as the fact that marines can actually shoot straight now that some of the video lag has been alleviated :P. Two square on shotgun blasts to down a fade is...painful. So after the marines pick up grenades/flamethrowers for the area effect goodness, we can see a lot of alien death on coordinated marine pushes, which we can't sustain a defense against due to the egg mechanics. Just need some tweaks =).


  • endarendar Join Date: 2010-07-27 Member: 73256Members, Squad Five Blue
    I also worry about this change (i have not yet played it), but on a full 18 player server, 9v9, it was already hard enough for aliens to keep up their spawn rate if they are being mowed down [185]. What are the plans to scale this type of spawn system to larger (32 player) servers?
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