Smell-o- vision

maD maXmaD maX Join Date: 2010-01-28 Member: 70347Members
edited November 2011 in Ideas and Suggestions
<div class="IPBDescription">You should wash your armor more</div>I see two basic implimentations of this.

1st alien vision color code things smell different people smell different so what if instead of everything being yellow bob is orange and Jane is red and that greasy Mac is grey...
Reason you jump into a pack of riines and can't tell bob from John even though John hasn't showered in a week and you already bit home twice...

2nd stink cloud... A constant trail of stink that dissipates great for tracking or if a rine is hidding behind something the longer he sits there the larger his stench cloud gets. Counter extra strength Gillette....

Reason cloud would hinder campers trail would be informative you see two trails together and you know there's 2 rines ahead you see a big trail and you know the rines are moving out in force... Also makes tweaking that sneaky ninja fun...

Obviously in a alien vs marine an advantage to one off balances the game so maybe limit this to gorges since those little pigs have those big noses, or change the dissipation rate depending on class fades don't have a very good sence of smell....

Could add some cool environmental interactions ... He hid next to that fan or went out side, damn that draft...

Works for aliens too kinda like hive sight see where your team ran off to.


  • maD maXmaD maX Join Date: 2010-01-28 Member: 70347Members
    New thought... The longer you live the stinkyer you get that freshly minted rine out of the ip leaves a light brown trail but that pro guy who is 50-0 leaves a nice dark trail that makes him stick out...

    Unlike combat of ns1 where the more skill you have the better weapons you get therefore more kills more weapons and a lopsided circle is formed ... Now the more skilled you are the bigger target you are
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