<div class="IPBDescription">why?</div>I don't have any complaints about the name change. Just curious why. Does it have anything to do with the real-life TSA that touch our genitals at airports? =(
Well the easiest change (graphics wise) would be to change T to I, so TSA becomes ISA. So the full name would go from "Trans-System Authority" to "Inter-System Authority".
Don't know if that's the plan though.
Yes, there are a <a href="http://www.acronymfinder.com/ISA.html" target="_blank">ton</a> of ISA organizations too, but you have to pick something.
So the full name would go from "Trans-System Authority" to "Inter-System Authority".
Don't know if that's the plan though.
Yes, there are a <a href="http://www.acronymfinder.com/ISA.html" target="_blank">ton</a> of ISA organizations too, but you have to pick something.
You better take me out to dinner first