Removing or lowering starting pRes

SolitarioSolitario Join Date: 2006-10-29 Member: 58097Members
Reducing or removing the starting 25 pRes was discussed in many different threads.
I think it could extend the early game: Marines with LMGs vs Skulks,
And prevent Marines rushing to SG or Aliens to higher lifeforms.

A possible role of the starting Res is a faster Game, which results in more efficient playtesting and bug finding (Not necesseraly in balancing)

What do you think?


  • RoverRover blargh Join Date: 2003-09-23 Member: 21139Members
    It makes early shotguns more of an investment and promotes picking them up, makes lerk more of an investment early on and delays (fade and) onos. I really like the idea, but think the gorge would need something else to do early on if this gets changed. Maybe it would go well with the 8-second build time cysts Flayra (I think) mentioned recently? They could also have RT's take a decent amount of time to build and have the Gorge speed up their build time or something. Promotes teamplay, but makes it not completely necessary to have someone go gorge later in the match to rebuild a single RT.
  • internetexplorerinternetexplorer Join Date: 2011-10-13 Member: 127255Members
    I'd love to see it tried, with tweaks to the resource model to accomodate it. LMGs vs skulks has to be one of the most consistent, well tested parts of the game...this is one way to get it there fast.
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