I found 208 skulk movement to be incredibly fun, now it's boring and makes playing skulk boring
United Kingdom Join Date: 2012-03-05 Member: 148193Members

I think the wall jumping could use some work, though I don't think it is that bad in b209. I think celerity just trivializes all movement ability so everything looks bad in comparison.
I know the devs worked long and hard to refine the skulk movement. Then they nerfed the hell out of it to force everyone to use celerity... which is overall a terrible upgrade with how it is currently implemented. But I am starting to sound like a broken record now.
It wasn't "OP" the games performance needs to go up is all. That's the only reason we couldn't hit the skulks.. that and the fact that they added no penalty for bad movement on the player like people above me said.
They reduced the skulk jump velocity by a factor of about 4 if my calculations are correct. This makes evading marines with skulkjump a thing of the past.
I'm friends with a few internal testers and all 3 of them said they argued against the skulk movement changes and thought they weren't good for the gameplay. UWE just wanted to do it their way though... it's going to come at the cost of making players lose interest and enjoyment for this rediculous "experiment". We have playtesters for a reason. If their opinions aren't valid and they play the game more than most people... then whose is?
People actually made account on this forum just to post about how bad this movement is... like some of the people above me.
Open your eyes and mind UWE. This isn't good at all. I also want to say that even though this is a "beta" people paid for this beta and to them the game is already out. It doesn't matter that you slapped beta on the front of the game. It's public and playable for your hard earned cash. Balancing and playtesting needs to be taken much more seriously.
We are all promoting this game for UWE and showing our friends these builds trying to get them to buy the game. Every build should be solid and not a complete grab bag experiment. It's harming the image of the game. It is already popular enough now that this type of stuff is unacceptable.
Within 45 seconds of me loading up the new build I knew it was horribly out of balance. This amazed me. I know the devs are excited about getting these builds out and are on a time crunch but would it have killed them to wait a few days to properly playtest and tweak the values of things?
I feel that people get the two confused.
B208's walljump + air control made up for the unwieldness of the skulk. A miss timed jump slowed you down, but not to normal walking speed. Hitting the wall at the wrong angle sapped some of your momentum, but you could still steer in the direction you wanted via the air control.
No offense, Adhd, but I'm just so confused how that mistake is anyone but the individual's fault for forgetting what they are playing?
Promise i mean no disrespect, but that just doesn't seem like a problem that the developers can fix, as i think they make it as clear as humanly possible what type of development this is? I think we all agree that having a giant "BETA" at the top right of your screen like some major companies do is definitely not a preferable option.. So what do you think would help? Because i tend to agree with you, especially after reading your thread that you made regarding wanting more polish before reaching the public, i think we definitely need to make it more clear what to expect and what roles are intended for all parties as the beta title doesn't seem to be doing it.
Brainstorm time.
So maybe top speed (wall jump bonus) should have been increased instead of decreased when the air control was reduced.
Try this: strafe walk forward (i.e. W+A or W+D) and then start jumping. You will no longer move in a straight line if you jump.
Try this: strafe walk forward (i.e. W+A or W+D) and then start jumping. You will no longer move in a straight line if you jump.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Yeah, that is weird. I still think removing air control is a good way to go. It adds much more skill into CQC skulk movement. I think b209 is much better for the marine vs skulk dynamic because you don't have skulks spamming jump and doing 360s at 7+ speed in melee range. If you mindlessly hit jump now, you're going to overshoot marines and they're going to have half a second of good firing time.
Promise i mean no disrespect, but that just doesn't seem like a problem that the developers can fix, as i think they make it as clear as humanly possible what type of development this is? I think we all agree that having a giant "BETA" at the top right of your screen like some major companies do is definitely not a preferable option.. So what do you think would help? Because i tend to agree with you, especially after reading your thread that you made regarding wanting more polish before reaching the public, i think we definitely need to make it more clear what to expect and what roles are intended for all parties as the beta title doesn't seem to be doing it.
Brainstorm time.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I think people are just frustrated that the game was not really fun at all in the last few builds because of the massive imbalances and other issues.
When I started the beta in the 190's, the problem was that fade was ending the game after second hive easily. Then it was the lerk, then the onos.
Once we start having an average of about 30 minute games where teams are not just turtling, you'll see a lot less complaining on the forums.
I've had some very fun games so far in build 209 playing both marines and aliens, but I think the only reason the Onos/power node rush around 12 minutes is not happening is because people want to try out the Lerk, which is pretty good (still want projectile or semi-projectile momentum spores re-tried).
I don't care if the skulk is "less fun" to play because the fade was way more fun to play in 190's builds but it was breaking the game. THe onos with Superman Stomp was fun to play but it also broke the game. People need to look at the larger picture of how entire games play out before going crazy.
No, that's ridiculous. Even the b209 walljump gives a greater boost than the ns1 bunnyhop, and people still cried about that being OP.
yeah, but the ns2 skulk is bigger and slower than the ns1 skulk. so it needs it.