Ns2 kharaa ranged idea's
Join Date: 2005-03-08 Member: 44299Members

<div class="IPBDescription">Move the rine turtle along</div>Suggested ns2 kharaa range attacks/effects to counter rine turtle.
Lerk gas, make it combustible. If it comes in contact with a explosion. From grenade, GL, nade, mine and or jp. Or flame thrower it bursts into a green fire. It still does its normal dot, in a normal situation plus hindered vision. How ever when it bursts into green fire. Much like that of say wild fire from game of thrones. The green fire doesn't hurt kharaa or their structures or infestation. When it goes boom does massive damage to marines.
Fade vortex gun it's a AWP that shoots through walls, has a x ray vison mode. Like the gun from perfect dark.
Basically one shot one kill. Uses all energy slow fire rate. Only hurts rines. Not structures. Fade basically fires a single spike into the tunnel vortex dimension and rematerializes it inside the marines throat.
Lerk Umbra also combustible. How ever upon combustion the atomic property's of the umbra substance turn to a liquid form. Falling to the ground coating every thing. For marines this burns armor away. For the ground it makes it slippery. For the aliens it's a near instant. Free heal. A set amount. Not another dot or regen. Perhaps it only heals kharaa armor. As It solitifys.
Lerk Spikes ranged shot bring back zoom maybe, and shot gun mode.
Gorge Spit damage, direct shot impairs vison. And or knocks out jps for brief period as it clogs jp air intake.
Bile bomb kills structures, marine armor. Gone if they get any on them.
Parasite initial small damage. Small dot. Less energy consumption. Rapid fire if trigger held.
Onos shrill shatter. Onos stand still and shakes like a dog flicking water off it's back and tail. Except spikes and armor plate. Fly off it every were in all directions. onos armor decreases to zero armor. And large chunk of energy gone, damage dependent on onos armor and energy available. Viable counter to jet packs. Spikes may not kill jet pack rines but it can impale them for a second and or knock back. If rine dies from spike once impaled rag doll.
Gorge glue. Vomiting on the floor the Maluable liquid sticky liquid substrait bonds instantly with rubber and plastic polymers. Able to be launched from the gorge like projective vomit. A good few feet to coat ledges he can't reach. As soon as a marine lands on or steps on he's held for a moment and or speed reduced to near zero for 1.2 seconds. He keeps his gun but all other movement on said glue is at half rate and for x seconds off the glue. Hard to see on infestation. Combustible. Burns both kharaa and marines like napalm. Burns for 20 seconds. Enough time for gorge to book it. Good counter for jps that land on it. Also fun to spray on rine structures
Ok so some of these at first glance seam very over powered. But are they really. They are just a few ways of making rines stop and think do I want to hold my ground here. Or turtle my base. Or fly around untouched with my jp. If I turtle with a blanket of land mines and a GL. A lerk could do some serious damage. If I fly around with a jp and shot gun. And I land in that gorge glue I am done for. I'll have to be careful.
If I sit here behind a wall of sentrys waiting for arcs to be made, a fade could snipe me. Or a lerk.
So I'll give each suggested here it's own suggestion thread. And link them back here. To organize it all.
The reason I suggested these is we don't quiet want to use ns1 s a crutch, that was in NS classic it needs to be in ns2. More so why was it in NS classic what purpose did it serve. Do we have something in NS 2 that fills that roll just as effectively. What is the rock to the scissors and is there enough paper to go around to make it a viable option. The other reason is These suggestions are still newish gaming tech. We seen liquids alter materials in portal two. And dimension shifting in quantum canumdrum. We have seen psychics being used in games to solve puzzles. And to be honest it's not all that new prey has been making portals messing with gravity and psychics for years. But it really was a terrible game on a out dated engine... These newer games are changing the way gamers think and interact. It's not just a matter of weapon combos any more to kill some one on UT with twitch skills. it's about plotting your enemy's darkest demise. Not having to wait for him to come to you cos your melee handy capped.
Having gases react. Or a substance injected into another substance which then changes the property's to form a new substance. I dynamic. It's intuative. It might need to be explained. The first time. But after that all party's involved are aware. And are now trying to not just out skill each each other but out think each other.
Gas to liquid. Liquid to a gas. Fire heat the catalyst. A lerk can't get past the front line to gas the enemy with flamers, as they set the gorges glue on fire. Skulks wanting to get set on fire so they can bring a match to a room of IPs coated in gorge glue. A lerk flying back on fire so he can spray umbra healing on the gorges forward nest that just got exo mini gunned. Marines switching to a grenade to set a gorge on fire as he stands on his own glue. Jp's being careful with there actions or doing something that requires skill. As they avoid a obstical course to take out a hive. Marines walking through glue to get to the other side to place a mine in the hopes a fade will hit it and fly around burning. Gorges super sliding and drifting around corners on umbra liquid. As a marine phased in with flame thrower to counter the umbra damage sponge. Action, Arcady, fun, competitive.
Lerk gas, make it combustible. If it comes in contact with a explosion. From grenade, GL, nade, mine and or jp. Or flame thrower it bursts into a green fire. It still does its normal dot, in a normal situation plus hindered vision. How ever when it bursts into green fire. Much like that of say wild fire from game of thrones. The green fire doesn't hurt kharaa or their structures or infestation. When it goes boom does massive damage to marines.
Fade vortex gun it's a AWP that shoots through walls, has a x ray vison mode. Like the gun from perfect dark.
Basically one shot one kill. Uses all energy slow fire rate. Only hurts rines. Not structures. Fade basically fires a single spike into the tunnel vortex dimension and rematerializes it inside the marines throat.
Lerk Umbra also combustible. How ever upon combustion the atomic property's of the umbra substance turn to a liquid form. Falling to the ground coating every thing. For marines this burns armor away. For the ground it makes it slippery. For the aliens it's a near instant. Free heal. A set amount. Not another dot or regen. Perhaps it only heals kharaa armor. As It solitifys.
Lerk Spikes ranged shot bring back zoom maybe, and shot gun mode.
Gorge Spit damage, direct shot impairs vison. And or knocks out jps for brief period as it clogs jp air intake.
Bile bomb kills structures, marine armor. Gone if they get any on them.
Parasite initial small damage. Small dot. Less energy consumption. Rapid fire if trigger held.
Onos shrill shatter. Onos stand still and shakes like a dog flicking water off it's back and tail. Except spikes and armor plate. Fly off it every were in all directions. onos armor decreases to zero armor. And large chunk of energy gone, damage dependent on onos armor and energy available. Viable counter to jet packs. Spikes may not kill jet pack rines but it can impale them for a second and or knock back. If rine dies from spike once impaled rag doll.
Gorge glue. Vomiting on the floor the Maluable liquid sticky liquid substrait bonds instantly with rubber and plastic polymers. Able to be launched from the gorge like projective vomit. A good few feet to coat ledges he can't reach. As soon as a marine lands on or steps on he's held for a moment and or speed reduced to near zero for 1.2 seconds. He keeps his gun but all other movement on said glue is at half rate and for x seconds off the glue. Hard to see on infestation. Combustible. Burns both kharaa and marines like napalm. Burns for 20 seconds. Enough time for gorge to book it. Good counter for jps that land on it. Also fun to spray on rine structures
Ok so some of these at first glance seam very over powered. But are they really. They are just a few ways of making rines stop and think do I want to hold my ground here. Or turtle my base. Or fly around untouched with my jp. If I turtle with a blanket of land mines and a GL. A lerk could do some serious damage. If I fly around with a jp and shot gun. And I land in that gorge glue I am done for. I'll have to be careful.
If I sit here behind a wall of sentrys waiting for arcs to be made, a fade could snipe me. Or a lerk.
So I'll give each suggested here it's own suggestion thread. And link them back here. To organize it all.
The reason I suggested these is we don't quiet want to use ns1 s a crutch, that was in NS classic it needs to be in ns2. More so why was it in NS classic what purpose did it serve. Do we have something in NS 2 that fills that roll just as effectively. What is the rock to the scissors and is there enough paper to go around to make it a viable option. The other reason is These suggestions are still newish gaming tech. We seen liquids alter materials in portal two. And dimension shifting in quantum canumdrum. We have seen psychics being used in games to solve puzzles. And to be honest it's not all that new prey has been making portals messing with gravity and psychics for years. But it really was a terrible game on a out dated engine... These newer games are changing the way gamers think and interact. It's not just a matter of weapon combos any more to kill some one on UT with twitch skills. it's about plotting your enemy's darkest demise. Not having to wait for him to come to you cos your melee handy capped.
Having gases react. Or a substance injected into another substance which then changes the property's to form a new substance. I dynamic. It's intuative. It might need to be explained. The first time. But after that all party's involved are aware. And are now trying to not just out skill each each other but out think each other.
Gas to liquid. Liquid to a gas. Fire heat the catalyst. A lerk can't get past the front line to gas the enemy with flamers, as they set the gorges glue on fire. Skulks wanting to get set on fire so they can bring a match to a room of IPs coated in gorge glue. A lerk flying back on fire so he can spray umbra healing on the gorges forward nest that just got exo mini gunned. Marines switching to a grenade to set a gorge on fire as he stands on his own glue. Jp's being careful with there actions or doing something that requires skill. As they avoid a obstical course to take out a hive. Marines walking through glue to get to the other side to place a mine in the hopes a fade will hit it and fly around burning. Gorges super sliding and drifting around corners on umbra liquid. As a marine phased in with flame thrower to counter the umbra damage sponge. Action, Arcady, fun, competitive.