Join Date: 2011-07-05 Member: 108086Members, Squad Five Blue

I thought it would be a fun thing for the community to start brainstorming some NS2-themed achievements. I don't like the idea of getting spammed by achievements, so maybe everybody could name just a few of their best achievement ideas, and we could go from there? I had a few to get the ball rolling:
-5 Axe Kills in One Round: <b>Axe Murderer</b>
-Pistol Kill an Onos: <b>Bullseye</b>
-5 Axe Kills in One Round: <b>Axe Murderer</b>
-Pistol Kill an Onos: <b>Bullseye</b>
TSF Victory - Win a match as the TSF
Karhaa Victory - Win a match as the Karhaa
Engineer - Build five structures in one match
Fix Bayonets - Kill an enemy with the rifle-butt
Agent Orange - Kill five structures in one match
Airborne - Kill an enemy while using a Jet-pack or while playing as a Lerk
Oh Noes - Evolve to an Onos
Anything for the TSF - Play as Maine Commander for the majority of a match, and win
They'll be requiring more minerals - Destroy five resource towers in one match
Recruit - Participate in five full matches
Battle Hardened - Participate in ten full matches
Veteran - Participate in twenty full matches
Hero - Participate in one-hundred full matches
name - win 03 matches as frontiersmen(0/3) and kharaa(0/3) with a minimum score of X
name - win 10
name - win 25
name - win 50
... (Veteran icon for last ~150-200wins)
Since i would encourage playing both sides equally, to get better at the game as a whole. (edit: hmm maybe still have some individual ones for each race in addition, dunno)
name - win 03 matches as frontiersmen(0/3) and kharaa(0/3) by playing Commander for the majority of a match, and win with a minimum score of X
name - win 10 (+ special icon reward[like those pax icons] bronze)
name - win 25 (silver)
name - win 50 (gold)
... (100 diamond, ~150-250 platin?)
Encourage commanding by getting icons!
Even tho ppl could still make some super small maps to farm archievements, the minimum score requirement will make it so that they cant farm them by beeing afk.
The only one i would ever want ever. because i've already reached it. >.<
OR maybe a forever alone reference.
The only one i would ever want ever. because i've already reached it. >.<
OR maybe a forever alone reference.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Over 500 Hours: <b>Forever Alonos</b>
They're coming outta the goddamn walls! - Kill a wall walking Skulk.
Cyst Problem - Destroy a total of 1,000 cysts.
Upgrades Complete - Research level 3 weapons and armour for your team.
Rambo - Knife the alien hive within 45 seconds of a game starting.
Big Game Hunting - Kill a Skulk, Gorge, Lerk, Fade and Onos within 3 minutes.
The Boss - Obtain 100 victorys as the commander.
Weeeeeeee - Belly slide as a Gorge for 10 seconds in one slide.
Lights Out - Destroy 50 power nodes.
Stay Where You Are - As an Onos, prevent a beacon by stomping the observatory.
Slice n Diced - As a Fade, kill 5 marines in under 10 seconds.
Tracked - Parasite a Marine.
Sniped - Finish off a marine with a Parasite kill.
I also like how in the playstation network and with xbox they are tiered trophies (bronze, gold, silver, platinum, 25points, 50points ect)
Fast draw - Kill one Alien with primary and a second with the pistol without dying in between.
Scalper - Kill with the hatchet while out of ammo.
Survivor - Be last Marine alive in game after Marines loose
My House - Hatchet 5 hives total over course of career
I slipped - Kill an Onos after being stomped
Juicy - Destroy a total of 100 Cysts over course of career
It's Alive! - Kill 5 alien structures while they are moving
Doh! - Kill self with grenade after whip slaps it back at you
Party Crasher - Kill 3 aliens with one grenade
Green Peace - Recycle 50 Structures over course of career
I Got This Guys - Highest score in a round
Hoarder - Go a round without purchasing anything
###### this I'm going home - loose the advance armory to bile bomb while welding it. (:P)
Just some ideas, and some of those can go likewise for aliens.
Or if we cant call it that, the "you be trippin" award. lol
TSA General - killed 10000 hives
Better to go out with a bang! - kill an alien and suicide with the same grenade
The hitreg award - Killed 5 aliens with the same lmg clip :P
Uber Comming - Play a game as comm and get every upgrade
Scouting Pro - parasited 500 command chairs
Uber Khamming - Play a game as kham and get every upgrade
Its tough being the boss - Kill Flayra
O captain my captain! - Kill one of the devs
Sharpshooter - Kill x marines with parasite
Gorges just wanna have fun - Kill x marines with heal spray
If I had a million res nodes - Control every Res node on the map
Bunnyhopping - Reach x speed as a skulk
Downshifting - Win a game without any upgrades
Monster kill - Kill two oni within x seconds
The Master of Rage - Scream in pure rage through microphone with volume higher or equal to that of Makaveli
Furious Maneuver - Hop out of the commander station and get killed by skulks in marine base only to lose a winning game.
The Killer - Set you name as 'joshua'
Photogenic Smile - Play NS2 with a jug of milk in your hand and earphones plugged in
Tournament Winner - Play NS2 on ATI 9800 pro
B.U.Scammed! - As a commander, tell marines that you have a Big Unannounced Strategy coming up and never say a word about it afterwards.
Coming soon, really - Do not launch NS2 for 13 months
Time Travel - Launch NS2 for the first time while the date on your computer is set to Fall 2009
The feast is served - Kill one of each alien class with the flamethrower
Once in a Lifetime! - Have all of your bullets reg on an alien
Better Luck Next Time! - Bite/Swipe a marine who isn't being healed/shielded 6 times, and then get killed by him
Saved by the Reg - Survive a fight with 1hp
Better Double Tap - Shoot a skulk that's standing still at point blank with a level 3 shotty, then get killed by him
Onos Boner - Get hit from 20 feet away by an Onos
Rock of Faith - Give away your position and clip of ammo by shooting at invisible geometry, and then die reloading
Cystine Chapel - kill over one hundred cysts
find a map where is a hologram of a bald man in a gray cape.
listen what he has to say for a long 60seconds whatever happens around, you listen.
after 60seconds:
"I stayed awhile and listened" -achi gained.
This one is called "RT of shame".
Flash fade - Die as a fade within one minute after evolving.
sadface :( - Disable achievements in options
i can haz now?
Game over, man. - Deny a Distress Beacon from an Observatory before it finishes activating.
TSA General - killed 10000 hives
Better to go out with a bang! - kill an alien and suicide with the same grenade
The hitreg award - Killed 5 aliens with the same lmg clip :P
Uber Comming - Play a game as comm and get every upgrade
Scouting Pro - parasited 500 command chairs
Uber Khamming - Play a game as kham and get every upgrade
Its tough being the boss - Kill Flayra
O captain my captain! - Kill one of the devs<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
One too many zero's on that second one.
<b>There's something you don't see every day, thank god</b> - kill an onos with an Axe/Welder
<b>I like to keep this handy, for close encounters</b> - get 15 shotgun kills
<b>I sense my soul found the answers it was searching for</b> - hear Lani Minella's voice clips 200 times in total
<b>Kill the god damn door!</b> - get a door welded shut as a Fade, Onos, or 4 or more skulks approach it/are in the vicinity.
<b>Eat this!</b> - finish off a skulk stunned by an ally's rifle butt with your shotgun at close range
<b>COME ON, GOD DAMNIT</b> - get 10 melee kills with an exo
<b>Guess you don't like the corn bread either.</b> - Survive an attack from 1 or more skulks while avoiding the comm's health drops.
<b>They're comming outta the walls!</b> - Kill a marine after dropping from the ceiling or coming out of a vent
<b>Get them out of there!!! DO SOMETHING!!</b> - successfully beacon a squad of marines out of a hostile area when more than 1 onos and fade are present and the squad has low health.
<b>He's coming in. I feel safer already</b> - show up to attack the main alien hive as it has 10% health or less
Bacon and eggs - Destroy a Kharaa egg within 30 seconds of being recalled by a distress beacon.
Eggs over easy - Destroy 100 Kharaa eggs with a flamethrower.
Scrambled eggs - Kill 10 players as they were evolving.
Pig Roast - Kill 50 Gorge lifeforms with a flamethrower.
Chicken Potshot Pie - Kill a lerk with a single shotgun blast.
Hamstring - kill 100 marines with 'bite' as a skulk.
Poisonous - Gas 30 marines as a lerk.
Venomous - Kill 30 marine with your poison bite as a lerk.
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? - kill 10 marines with spikes while flying as a lerk.