How many NS1 players are satisfied with NS2?



  • TweadleTweadle Join Date: 2005-02-03 Member: 39686Members, NS2 Map Tester
    NS2 has improved upon NS1 in all the gimicky departments: atmosphere, sound, graphics, 'wow' factor and being able to buy your own weapons. Unfortunately, most of these improvements have come at the expense of really fun elements from NS1. I also feel that many of the mistakes made in NS1 have not so much been fixed as replaced with new problems (some of them vastly more problematic).
  • [AwE]Sentinel[AwE]Sentinel Join Date: 2012-06-05 Member: 152949Members
    As I first started playing NS2 I was really disappointed. I expected a game that makes fun to play, but most of the time it is just frustrating. I know that NS1 could be frustrating too, but NS1 had a lot more moments that were just legendary and fun.

    Then after accepting that NS2 is not NS1, I started to like it and hope grew that 1.0 will bring us a good game. But the development of the game is going into directions that I don't like. And build after build is making it worse. For 5 good changes a build contains 10 bad as well. But who knows how 1.0 will be like. Maybe all the changes we are going through are just an extrem test to see what is working and what not. But with time running out, I am prepared for the worst ;)

    <u>So what did I like more in NS1?</u>

    - It was based on Half-Life, best game ever!

    - The control of your ingame avatar was perfect. If you run&jump over 5 moving crates that were placed over a pit of hellfire, you wouldn't miss a single one. In fact you
    could even be blindfolded, jumping backwards, shooting at 3 skulks and planing your next holiday -> you would still make it to the other side of the pit! In NS2 you
    would spawn stuck, get stuck on a 1cm edge on the ground, wouldn't jump high enough and standing in front of a crate, be forced to step back and try it 5 times with a
    run-up and fall into the fire because the moment you want to jump the fps drops from 60 to 0.6 and your perfect calculated jump is not in your hands anymore. And
    this is just the tip of the iceberg of what I think about the NS2 handling. Btw, I never read that they want to improve the handling or add falling damage?!

    - The game used to have more tactical options and turn around moments.
    * I miss to get picked up by a lerk, fly through 3 enemy bases just to drop a hive into a fortified room and hive teleport rush it.
    * I miss that the gorge can build more stuff. I miss that 3 gorges with a MC can heal a hive that is been sieged.
    * I miss the fight over a turret factory near a hive, it added tension, horror, action etc to the game. ARC trains doesn't involve the field player the same way, therefore
    they are not as much fun. Well, if you never played NS1, maybe they are, dunno.
    * Why can't we teleport to a hive under attack anymore? You wait 20 secs till you respawn, you run to the hive under attack most likely alone just to read "hive death
    imminent". You can't defend a hive properly. That is frustrating. And for the rines, you remember the moment you build a pg near a hive to rush it and a noob just
    attacks the hive and the whole swarm ran you over? You say that was frustrating? Well for me it was wonderful. The feeling anytime soon hell can brake out is adding
    to the atmosphere. And NS2 lacks a lot of atmosphere.
    * When rines were holding the 3rd hive position you still had a chance to win. You "always" had a plan B and the team with the higher moral could still win even with a
    bad start/midgame or whatever. In NS2, the first 5 mins decide if you win or not... And to be frank, the fighting spirit/moral of NS2 players seems to be no match to
    NS1 players. How many alien teams give up before even the first higher lifeform appears? How many rines are whining for selling the base after you loose 2 RTs?
    And how many comms do exactly that without even asking the team?! Its a waste of time to fight till the end? Its no fun? Well, in NS1 I had a lot of fun fighting till the
    end and having awesome 4hour matches. A victory is only a good and satisfying victory if it is earned. That is what I think. But I know that many players will think the
    * You are bound to tech_points. That means less variability. No surprises, no last stand relocations.
    * Cysts hinder sneak attacks/PGs! I thought they would be cool, reshaping the corridors like in an Alien movie, eyecandy only. Not being lerking spies and slow down
    mechanics or lifeline for whips.
    * The chamber abilities felt way more useful and different.
    * The maps were more about fighting over a hive position to survive against the enemy team. Now we have more hive locations than necessary. That means you can
    hold 3 locations and the alien team has still enough space to get every upgrade. Many things that had importance in NS1 just feel like they are unrewarded in NS2.
    You had 3 locations? Who cares, 5 Onos will just overrun it. Its all about RTs and not about which hive you defend. You got pushed back to the MS? But you still
    managed to siege 3 hives? Doesn't matter, aliens have still 2 more hives, tons of res and get my point? NS2 is frustrating and less rewarding than NS1.

    I could write more and more about what I think but that would be too long to read. That said, I hate and like NS2 right now. But I love NS1 more. I just hope that NS2 will
    become more attractive to me in the next builds. But I think NS1 mechanics worked great and every change they make to the old functional system will lead to new problems. May this all work out! I bet we will see a good after release support of the game and many new features and balances/mods over the time. So even with all this said, I am looking forward to play NS2.

    Last thing: I also hope that the editor gets some love after 1.0. Fluids, breakable stuff, more trigger options (self designed doors etc.) and so on, then I am happy =)

    Let's all try to relax and cheer for UWE! eieiooou!
  • swalkswalk Say hello to my little friend. Join Date: 2011-01-20 Member: 78384Members, Squad Five Blue
    <!--quoteo(post=1957126:date=Aug 4 2012, 06:39 PM:name=Hoodedsniper)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Hoodedsniper @ Aug 4 2012, 06:39 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1957126"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I really hate how gorges cannot drop res towers or the defensive structures like crag/shade.

    I think the alien commander should focus more on upgrades/hive dropping/creep spread and issuing commands, while gorges can drop res towers and the 3 defense structures but not the upgrade structures.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Then you might as well remove the alien commander completely.
  • Mr.GreedyMr.Greedy Join Date: 2012-07-21 Member: 154270Members
    I love the new alien-khammander. Biggest and best change for me in this game.

    What I dislike is that NS2 is 4/5 NS1 with another graphicengine (which is currently bad) . There is no much realy new. Most things are just balancechanges.
  • 1dominator11dominator1 Join Date: 2010-11-19 Member: 75011Members
    I find your concerns trivial.
  • IeptBarakatIeptBarakat The most difficult name to speak ingame. Join Date: 2009-07-10 Member: 68107Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Diamond, Reinforced - Shadow
    <b>Current criticism</b>

    *Crouch jumping is still broken, please fix by 1.0
    *Lack of fall damage is crazy.
    *Game needs a 'last weapon' quick weapon switch button. Q is too useful a spot to give it taunt.
    *Alien vision is too useful, to the point where playing effectively almost requires it to be always on. Which diminishes the art.

    *Door gameplay needs to be fixed, not removed. My suggestion is that they're always locked. Marine's can press e to open the door, the alien commander can spread infestation which will pry open the door, and the Onos can smash the door open. This would be a big shift in the current gameplay, but it would provide additional asymmetric gameplay as aliens would need to use vents to break into rooms in the early game as the aliens spread infestation out and gain map dominance. Providing a cinematic experience when the door outside the marine base is being slammed open by an Onos or opened via infestation spreading.

    *Turret factories would be great in reducing the amount of turret spam. It'd be costly to have the amount of turrets, and their size would reduce the effective radius of the turrets. Other options would be giving them low health and let players place them in the field.

    *Gorge needs mini chambers to help his teammates on the field. I loved having hidden gorge bases with sensory chambers in ns1.
    *Not satisfied with beacon not respawning all the marines, and the marines currently have too many ways to lose in comparison to the aliens. (CC, IP, Unpowered IP - Hive)

    *And the arms lab is such an important structure, but destroying it as an alien really doesn't have as much meaning as it did in ns1. Destroying it could turn a match around in ns1, or stop marines from rushing your hive. But now there are too many priorities.

    *The game is unfinished so the ui is obviously not complete, so it's not big of a deal yet, but having an icon next to your cursor when you're going to place an unpowered/'not on infestation' structure, would be lovely. It would give additional readability.

    *On the ui still, mouse sensitivity needs numbers, and lines. And better sound options. Video options needs options on par with other pc games.

    *Welders need to go in a support section, and not replace the axe. It's too much of a priority to not bring with you and if too many players bring them, you can't kill alien structures effectively.

    *First person eggs(I know it's planned.)
    *Effects like bullet holes.(When it's supported)

    *Please add an option for camera collision, and make it default to on. I don't enjoy peeking through the map while waiting to spawn. Reduces the visual quality.

    <b>Current Compliments</b>

    I like being able to purchase my own gear.
    I'm happy the tree like menu is gone. It's unique but a pain.
    Each weapon having an ability is cool, they just need to be implemented.
    Exosuit sounds cool, please show us soon.
    I like the new fades, although acid rocket would be even better.
    The mapping tool is great and easy to learn.
    Gorge belly slide <3
    Lerk roost!
    I like the alien commander, despite it not being fully implemented.
    I like the new banner system in the game.
    I love the visuals and the sound design.
    The new phasegate is nice, not everything needs to be ns1.
    The weapon weight system is always nice.
    I love the emphasis on modding, and player created content.
    I love the devs are so open about their game, and their community interaction.
    I like that the devs take the concerns of the community into review.

    Sorry about the long post. I love ns1, and ns2. Even if everything isn't perfect by 1.0, doesn't mean it can't get even better afterwards.
  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    I think... I think I just agreed with every single thing you just wrote..
    (devs know about most of these things at least.)
  • AtoneAtone Join Date: 2009-09-21 Member: 68839Members
    NS2 will never be NS1. My biggest gripes are the alien commander, the shift in map design away from sprawling corridor mazes, and the change in the turret factory / siege system. But with that said, NS2 is a ton of fun, I'm totally stoked for release, and I'll be pushing it to everyone I can.
  • NolSinklerNolSinkler On the Clorf Join Date: 2004-02-15 Member: 26560Members, Constellation
    NS2 is great. So I am an NS1 player that is satisfied with NS2.
    The official estimate is 83% of NS1 players who have played NS2 are satisfied with NS2 (+/-3%)
  • TweadleTweadle Join Date: 2005-02-03 Member: 39686Members, NS2 Map Tester
  • TaneTane Join Date: 2004-10-25 Member: 32441Members, Constellation
    More like 5%. When you play a decade NS1, you ought to know some people and I don't know anyone who prefers NS2 over NS1
  • kababkabab Join Date: 2003-12-15 Member: 24384Members, Constellation
    <!--quoteo(post=1957318:date=Aug 5 2012, 09:34 AM:name=Tane)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Tane @ Aug 5 2012, 09:34 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1957318"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->More like 5%. When you play a decade NS1, you ought to know some people and I don't know anyone who prefers NS2 over NS1<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Yeah I get the same feeling seems like a lot of people in this thread feel the same way.

    It's a shame they dropped the ball.
  • mf-mf- Join Date: 2008-06-17 Member: 64463Members
    I played NS1 from 1.04 all the way through to the very last NS1 patch (3.1 or 3.2 can't remember). Top level competition from 2.1 forward...

    My biggest and only gripe is..

    Movement skill potential.

    Seriously what the ######, I don't know anyone who wanted the removal of BHOP and I seriously know so many competitive players that don't want to play purely cause of this reason. If you want to make it easy for all the scrubbers who cbf spending 2 minutes youtubing how to do it, make it easy (hold forward + jump).

    I know this won't get changed but honestly every NS1 competitive player I've spoken to complains about this.

    Marine Sprint
    Retarded. Increase base movement speed, remove sprint. Solves so many problems. As Tane previously posted, it's not possible to out maneuver skulks in combat anymore unless they are retarded bad.
  • .ADHd.ADHd Join Date: 2012-02-18 Member: 146565Members
    I personally like NS2 better in nearly every way, except for the obvious performance and balance issues. Once those are fixed NS2 is going to be a far superior game.

    NS1 was a mod, and the start of an era. It will always be in the top 5 games of all time for me.

    NS2 is much more smoothed out in terms of gameplay and has a much more clear sense of game progression and direction. It looks a hell of a lot better and has expanded since NS1 rather than only focusing on refining old stuff.

    NS1 was way too open and thus making it exploitable and griefable... not only that, but it was extremely unintuitive. NS1 feels like a sandbox whereas NS2 feels like a streamlined, real game. NS1 was great for it's time, but it lacked in many ways. NS1 favors to spoiled brat elitists who don't like to share or be nice. NS2 is a lot more forgiving and patient... the community is 1000 times better as well.
  • mf-mf- Join Date: 2008-06-17 Member: 64463Members
    edited August 2012
    edited out to make myself not appear like such an elitist.
  • xDragonxDragon Join Date: 2012-04-04 Member: 149948Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Gold, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow
    Not sure how NS1 was 'exploitable and griefable' moreso than NS2... You can grief even more in NS2 currently... NS1 required skill on a level that makes NS2 look like playing with legos...

    Not even sure what to make about spoiled brat elitists who dont share or be nice... Dont get in the cc and expect people to be completely forgiving.. the game is 10 years old and by being slow or unfamiliar with what to do basically screws your team, because generally the people on the alien team are not going to be similarly handicapped.

    To me it sounds like you got ###### on in NS1 and got upset.
  • GORGEousGORGEous Join Date: 2012-02-19 Member: 146762Members, NS2 Map Tester
    edited August 2012
    When talking about skill, it is rather misleading to compare a game that has been played competitively for years to a game with a game still in beta. The problem of performance furthers the futility of comparing these two games.

    For example, SC2 in beta was just a bunch of ###### 1 base strategies even among the top echelon of e-sport pros. If you judged SC2 based on the beta play, you'd rightfully conclude that it was a ######, shallow game. And those are world class E-sports athletes, not armchair pros like you have in NS1, NS2, or any other smaller game.
  • .ADHd.ADHd Join Date: 2012-02-18 Member: 146565Members
    edited August 2012
    <!--quoteo(post=1957336:date=Aug 4 2012, 07:11 PM:name=xDragon)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (xDragon @ Aug 4 2012, 07:11 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1957336"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Not sure how NS1 was 'exploitable and griefable' moreso than NS2... You can grief even more in NS2 currently... NS1 required skill on a level that makes NS2 look like playing with legos...

    Not even sure what to make about spoiled brat elitists who dont share or be nice... Dont get in the cc and expect people to be completely forgiving.. the game is 10 years old and by being slow or unfamiliar with what to do basically screws your team, because generally the people on the alien team are not going to be similarly handicapped.

    To me it sounds like you got ###### on in NS1 and got upset.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    No wonder you got kicked out of internal. Keep making false assumptions and being pretentious. I rarely comm in NS1, and when I do I win 90% of the time. I was referring to other new players who just started playing. The evolvens people have some nice and good players, but when you run a server and a site that bans people for not getting a kill (Not including me stupid ######)... well then I guess you fall into the category of people that get enjoyment out of putting others down who are learning a new game.
  • playerplayer Join Date: 2010-09-12 Member: 73982Members
    edited August 2012
    <!--quoteo(post=1957340:date=Aug 5 2012, 12:16 AM:name=GORGEous)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (GORGEous @ Aug 5 2012, 12:16 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1957340"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->When talking about skill, it is rather misleading to compare a game that has been played competitively for years to a game with a game still in beta. The problem of performance furthers the futility of comparing these two games.

    For example, SC2 in beta was just a bunch of ###### 1 base strategies even among the top echelon of e-sport pros. If you judged SC2 based on the beta play, you'd rightfully conclude that it was a ######, shallow game. And those are world class E-sports athletes, not armchair pros like you have in NS1, NS2, or any other smaller game.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    NS2 is indeed an alpha, but lets be frank here, have the past few months (I'd say years but it appears you haven't been around that long yet) given you any indication that NS2 will ever approximate NS1's quality gameplay? Because it sure hasn't to me. Also, NS1 became pretty good pretty quick, it didn't take its entire lifespan of 10 years to do so, so no you can't state that NS2 gets to have ANOTHER few years to become smooth. It's PAY-to-play and has been tested for 2 years now, with 1 month from release, I think it's about time we got to brass-tacks here.

    As for ADHds 'contribution', well I didn't know what I was reading suffice it to say.
    And Jesus-almighty don't use EvolveNS as a reference-frame for the NS1-community, it's downright insulting to all the quality communities that have come and gone throughout the years. You're clueless about NS1's history. Shut up.
  • .ADHd.ADHd Join Date: 2012-02-18 Member: 146565Members
    edited August 2012
    <!--quoteo(post=1957345:date=Aug 4 2012, 07:26 PM:name=player)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (player @ Aug 4 2012, 07:26 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1957345"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->You're clueless about NS1's history. Shut up.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Because you're an expert on me and what I know about games and their history.

    btw I played ns1 back before steam ever existed... so don't talk to me like I am a complete moron.
  • CobraCommanderCobraCommander Join Date: 2012-07-30 Member: 154472Members
    <!--quoteo(post=1957254:date=Aug 4 2012, 01:19 PM:name=IeptBarakat)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (IeptBarakat @ Aug 4 2012, 01:19 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1957254"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec--><b>Current criticism</b>

    *Crouch jumping is still broken, please fix by 1.0
    *Lack of fall damage is crazy.
    *Game needs a 'last weapon' quick weapon switch button. Q is too useful a spot to give it taunt.
    *Alien vision is too useful, to the point where playing effectively almost requires it to be always on. Which diminishes the art.

    *Door gameplay needs to be fixed, not removed. My suggestion is that they're always locked. Marine's can press e to open the door, the alien commander can spread infestation which will pry open the door, and the Onos can smash the door open. This would be a big shift in the current gameplay, but it would provide additional asymmetric gameplay as aliens would need to use vents to break into rooms in the early game as the aliens spread infestation out and gain map dominance. Providing a cinematic experience when the door outside the marine base is being slammed open by an Onos or opened via infestation spreading.

    *Turret factories would be great in reducing the amount of turret spam. It'd be costly to have the amount of turrets, and their size would reduce the effective radius of the turrets. Other options would be giving them low health and let players place them in the field.

    *Gorge needs mini chambers to help his teammates on the field. I loved having hidden gorge bases with sensory chambers in ns1.
    *Not satisfied with beacon not respawning all the marines, and the marines currently have too many ways to lose in comparison to the aliens. (CC, IP, Unpowered IP - Hive)

    *And the arms lab is such an important structure, but destroying it as an alien really doesn't have as much meaning as it did in ns1. Destroying it could turn a match around in ns1, or stop marines from rushing your hive. But now there are too many priorities.

    *The game is unfinished so the ui is obviously not complete, so it's not big of a deal yet, but having an icon next to your cursor when you're going to place an unpowered/'not on infestation' structure, would be lovely. It would give additional readability.

    *On the ui still, mouse sensitivity needs numbers, and lines. And better sound options. Video options needs options on par with other pc games.

    *Welders need to go in a support section, and not replace the axe. It's too much of a priority to not bring with you and if too many players bring them, you can't kill alien structures effectively.

    *First person eggs(I know it's planned.)
    *Effects like bullet holes.(When it's supported)

    *Please add an option for camera collision, and make it default to on. I don't enjoy peeking through the map while waiting to spawn. Reduces the visual quality.

    <b>Current Compliments</b>

    I like being able to purchase my own gear.
    I'm happy the tree like menu is gone. It's unique but a pain.
    Each weapon having an ability is cool, they just need to be implemented.
    Exosuit sounds cool, please show us soon.
    I like the new fades, although acid rocket would be even better.
    The mapping tool is great and easy to learn.
    Gorge belly slide <3
    Lerk roost!
    I like the alien commander, despite it not being fully implemented.
    I like the new banner system in the game.
    I love the visuals and the sound design.
    The new phasegate is nice, not everything needs to be ns1.
    The weapon weight system is always nice.
    I love the emphasis on modding, and player created content.
    I love the devs are so open about their game, and their community interaction.
    I like that the devs take the concerns of the community into review.

    Sorry about the long post. I love ns1, and ns2. Even if everything isn't perfect by 1.0, doesn't mean it can't get even better afterwards.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    I freaking love all these ideas! I hope they do get implemented in the near future!
  • xDragonxDragon Join Date: 2012-04-04 Member: 149948Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Gold, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow
    I wouldnt really compare NS1 to SC and NS2 to SC2, aiming at a high level in once game transfers pretty well to the other, where RTS strategy not so much.

    And as for ADHD's response I'm pretty sure that sums up exactly how I act and treat people, you didn't make any false assumptions yourself there good job.

    The reason for me getting kicked out has nothing to do with anything said here, and only because I made a poor choice of words with someone I though was a friend.
  • UnderwhelmedUnderwhelmed DemoDetective #?&#33; Join Date: 2006-09-19 Member: 58026Members, Constellation
    edited August 2012
    You might want to consider the amount of selection bias here - the people who don't like the direction NS2 has taken are less likely to browse these forums (The only reason I'm here is because somebody linked me). I've got probably close to 90 ex-NS1 players on my Steam friends list and I can't think of a single one who plays this game regularly. A few played for a while but have since stopped (I can only assume they found better things to do). I've already bought the game so at some point in time I'll install and give it a try again, but I have serious doubts whether it will ever become a mainstay of my games.
  • llllaaff09llllaaff09 Join Date: 2012-08-04 Member: 154782Members
    I can speak for the American NS competitive community by saying that NS2 looks great but it suffers from shallow gameplay and an engine that requires serious improvement in performance before it deserves any serious consideration by competitive players. We'll be patiently lurking until then - after all, NS 1.0 was much different from 3.2, so it will be interesting to see what UWE has in mind for a game they are not giving away for free this time around.

    Gimmicks like the lights going out will only go so far to keeping your player-base. Try to remember that by NS 3.2 it was the gameplay that kept people hooked!
  • BensonBenson Join Date: 2012-03-07 Member: 148303Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    I enjoy NS2 just as much as i enjoyed NS1. Watching that ns1 game that was recorded brought back a lot of memories about how the game used to be.

    The only thing i really miss is putting a cc anywhere.

    Also, everything IeptBarakat said (check out the menu mod and you can set up weapon fast switch until its added in regular menu, Q is currently last weapon used for me)
  • .ADHd.ADHd Join Date: 2012-02-18 Member: 146565Members
    <!--quoteo(post=1957351:date=Aug 4 2012, 07:33 PM:name=xDragon)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (xDragon @ Aug 4 2012, 07:33 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1957351"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I wouldnt really compare NS1 to SC and NS2 to SC2, aiming at a high level in once game transfers pretty well to the other, where RTS strategy not so much.

    And as for ADHD's response I'm pretty sure that sums up exactly how I act and treat people, you didn't make any false assumptions yourself there good job.

    The reason for me getting kicked out has nothing to do with anything said here, and only because I made a poor choice of words with someone I though was a friend.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    You should read and comprehend the things that you write. Remember when I was a new NS2 player coming into the competitive scene trying to start a team and contribute to the community? Remember when you criticized me and trying to call me a scrub and make me feel ashamed for trying to start my own team? Cause I sure remember... and I remember I never spoke to you once or knew anything about you... yet you seemed very interested in me and putting me down.

    Oh, and wait... you are a hardcore NS1 fanboy and you treat people like that? Ahh well maybe my assumptions about the "competitive" NS1 community isn't so far off after-all.
  • spellman23spellman23 NS1 Theorycraft Expert Join Date: 2007-05-17 Member: 60920Members
    Shortest opinion ever:
    Until the hitreg problems are fixed, I can't make a real judgement.

    Because hitreg issues exist, NS1 rules.
  • ScardyBobScardyBob ScardyBob Join Date: 2009-11-25 Member: 69528Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    I played NS1, though not extensively or competitively, and I do enjoy and am satisfied with NS2. That doesn't mean I like or agree with everything in NS2, but it was the same with NS1. Still, I think that if you a) accept NS2 as a sequel too, rather than a copy of NS1 with better graphics and b) understand that its still a work in progress and will continue to be so after the v1.0, it can be pretty fun and satisfying to play.

    Also, I think its good to remember that NS was in public development for over 4.5 years (NSv1.0 on Oct. 31st, 2002 to NSv3.2 on Mar. 2nd, 2007) compared to the roughly 2.25 years for NS2 so far (from the engine test release on Apr. 9th, 2010).
  • Soylent_greenSoylent_green Join Date: 2002-12-20 Member: 11220Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    <!--quoteo(post=1957202:date=Aug 4 2012, 02:22 PM:name=swalk)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (swalk @ Aug 4 2012, 02:22 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1957202"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Then you might as well remove the alien commander completely.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Good riddens
  • kababkabab Join Date: 2003-12-15 Member: 24384Members, Constellation
    edited August 2012
    <!--quoteo(post=1957360:date=Aug 5 2012, 10:51 AM:name=ScardyBob)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (ScardyBob @ Aug 5 2012, 10:51 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1957360"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I played NS1, though not extensively or competitively, and I do enjoy and am satisfied with NS2. That doesn't mean I like or agree with everything in NS2, but it was the same with NS1. Still, I think that if you a) accept NS2 as a sequel too, rather than a copy of NS1 with better graphics and b) understand that its still a work in progress and will continue to be so after the v1.0, it can be pretty fun and satisfying to play.

    Also, I think its good to remember that NS was in public development for over 4.5 years (NSv1.0 on Oct. 31st, 2002 to NSv3.2 on Mar. 2nd, 2007) compared to the roughly 2.25 years for NS2 so far (from the engine test release on Apr. 9th, 2010).<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    This is the issue whilst NS2 might be fun it's no where near addictively fun and awesome as NS1 was you need to consider NS2 is competing for people's time money against other games and for me personally it's not fun enough to pull me away from LOL or GW2...

    The 2nd point is my biggest gripe with the entire development of NS2 they took 7 years of gameplay balancing and development threw it all out the window implemented some hairbrained ideas which failed badly and have been back tracking ever since..

    Imagine how much better NS2 would be right now if they had simply done a straight port of NS1 to spark then itterated the new ideas on that solid base game..

    NS2 as it stands for me is an okay game not a great game.
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