Bullet in chamber

Abuk007Abuk007 Join Date: 2012-08-05 Member: 154802Members
It would be nice if you can reload without firing whole clip so you still have that one extra bullet in the chamber (so you can reload with full clip just to have that extra 1 shot). Now when you reload you get static amount of bullets.

Rifle - max 50 bullets per clip
if depleted, new clip = 50 in rifle,
if reloaded before finishing the clip = 51 (1 in chamber)

Same for other weapons, would be pretty cool.
Minor change but sometimes that single shot makes difference, and its always cool to see something polished to that detail.


  • uspowersquadronuspowersquadron Join Date: 2012-08-11 Member: 155450Members
    As a gun nut, I strongly condone this. but watch the next post be about how this game doesn't sacrifice balance for realism.
  • spellman23spellman23 NS1 Theorycraft Expert Join Date: 2007-05-17 Member: 60920Members
    edited August 2012




    That should get all the silly out ahead of time. Continue.
  • EgoGamerEgoGamer Join Date: 2012-06-21 Member: 153536Members, Reinforced - Onos, WC 2013 - Supporter
    Cool as a lick of polish as you said, but I expect (and hope) that it would be very low priority if the team wanted to implement it.
  • schkorpioschkorpio I can mspaint Join Date: 2003-05-23 Member: 16635Members
    edited August 2012

    You know what would happen though if you make this change right? Everytime someone spawns, they will fire their weapon, reload and go to the armory to get that extra 1 bullet. Like you said, 1 bullet can make all the difference. But then again your team would lose a few extra seconds each spawn.
    Althought it would look pretty hilarious with weapons seemingly randomly being shot in marine spawn :)

    Also I think you'd have end up having a lot of posts on here about why you get an extra bullet, or why you don't get 51 bullets to start with etc etc etc Believe it or not, most of the other first world nations don't allow you to order chainguns from the internet and body armor from a supermarket, so I see it causing a lot more questions than the benefit of the detail:P TBH I used the watch that FPSRUSSIA guy for teh lulz, and I still had no idea that a gun could do this till I read your post.

    Plus 50 bullets just looks neater, but then again I do have OCD just slightly.

    Edit : And another questions - will you lose the remainder of your bullets in the clip if you reload early?
  • Abuk007Abuk007 Join Date: 2012-08-05 Member: 154802Members
    Well, if you can't kill someone with 50 bullets, you can't with a single one. But it always adds to the feeling of realism. Situations where that single bullet would make a change would be really rare.

    You start with 50 ammo, you can reload without shooting your gun to fill to 51 bullets.
    (it always looks cool when people reload at the start of the game "LET THE PARTY BEGIN!")
    Do you keep the bullets in the clip? Well this is more of a balancing question, loosing the clip would add more logic, but might be annyoing for pure joy when you want to pull the trigger and forget. While this game is more about arcade, competitive play and fun, having ammo instead of loosing it matters. If it was a fighting sim or survival sim - well, its obvious then you want the realism hitting your face harder than real life.

    Still, such details matter, especially when you discover them on your own.
    "OH SH#T! I've got extra bullet in the clip! WOW THIS IS SO FREAKING AWESOME!"
  • uspowersquadronuspowersquadron Join Date: 2012-08-11 Member: 155450Members
    <!--quoteo(post=1963711:date=Aug 15 2012, 06:23 PM:name=schkorpio)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (schkorpio @ Aug 15 2012, 06:23 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1963711"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->You know what would happen though if you make this change right? Everytime someone spawns, they will fire their weapon, reload and go to the armory to get that extra 1 bullet. Like you said, 1 bullet can make all the difference. But then again your team would lose a few extra seconds each spawn.
    Althought it would look pretty hilarious with weapons seemingly randomly being shot in marine spawn :)<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    ...or you just spawn with 51?
  • Chris0132Chris0132 Join Date: 2009-07-25 Member: 68262Members
    I do actually like little silly things like this. Empty the clip, get 50 bullets, reload before emptying, get 51.

    Honestly it might actually encourage fire control a little by OCD.
  • TimMcTimMc Join Date: 2012-02-06 Member: 143945Members
    I cannot begin to express how much I don't care.

    I mean its kind of cool for shooters in a modern setting, but this is sci fi. I don't really care about mechanics like this.
  • KoruyoKoruyo AUT Join Date: 2009-06-06 Member: 67724Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited August 2012
    The whole point of a bullet in the chamber mechanic in games is not the 1 extra bullet, but quicker reload speed.
    (since you dont have to pull the thingy back to get your weapon ready to fire "not a weapons freak so no idea how its called, especially not in english")

    Quicker reloading sounds very powerful, not worth the effort balancing around it.
    Sure you could make it without the quicker reloading if there is a bullet in the chamber but i dont really see the point of it then.
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