Overview of Alien Lifeforms

Bad MojoBad Mojo Join Date: 2009-05-01 Member: 67317Members
<div class="IPBDescription">What each lifeform's role is</div>Before I start, I have to say that the time I have to actually play NS2 (or any game) is pretty severely limited and has been for the past several months. In addition to that, I am a marine at heart, so when I DO play, I tend to go marines when I can, and when I go aliens, I spend the entire game as a skulk trying to get as much practice as I can with arguably the most important lifeform. Having said that, I can't provide very specific suggestions for the kharaa lifeforms as I have little "hands-on" experience learning how they work. What I think I can offer is the approach I think that should be taken and used as a road map when working and reworking the various lifeforms and their abilities.

[FADE] Let's start with the Fade. The reason for starting with it is that I think it is the closest, other than perhaps the Gorge, to adequately fulfilling it's role on the Kharaa team. What is the Fade's primary function? I would say it is <b><u>Damage</u></b>. Any marine in a 1v1 situation with a Fade is pretty much guaranteed to lose, and even groups of marines are often unsuccessful at taking one down as he moves in, takes down one of their members, and then makes his escape. The Fade's abilities should be ones that deliver the most effective damage output, supplemented with abilities that make dealing this damage easier. Blink and Shadow Step (an ability I have admittedly never used, but think that I understand to some degree) perform that supplemental function well. But, as far as I know, the Fade only has one actual attack, and it is the basic attack, Swipe. What I think the Fade needs is another ability designed to deal damage. Perhaps an ability that is ranged. We all remember Acid Rocket, but I don't see that being a part of the Fade's arsenal, as long as Bile Bomb is around. Both is a little too devastating. Maybe it is another melee ability that can hit multiple targets. You all might have better ideas for such an ability than I do, and I hope to see some of them in this thread. The one thing I do know, is Vortex is not an ability that should belong to the Fade. Vortex is more of a support/defensive ability. The Fade should be all about damage, and he has enough health for sure to take some hits, and combined with skillful use of Blink/SS, has plenty of defensive utility as it is.

[GORGE] The Gorge's role is obvious, and that is building <b>structures</b>, although since the function of placing them is easily accomplished with a build menu, that leaves several spots for other abilities in the Gorge's arsenal. Gorges should exist to assist the Alien Commander in territory control, and provide overall strategic support through the use and maintenance of its structures. Since it is designed as a builder, it should be relatively defenseless, which it is. Spit is a weak offensive ability that is just enough to pester marines and provide minimal self-defense. Later, however, it acquires Bile Bomb, which I feel is one of the more favored Kharaa abilities, but in my opinion again, doesn't fit with the role of the Gorge. This is one of the most destructive abilities in the game, and would be better suited in the hands of a Fade (possibly changed to Acid Rocket). The Gorge's abilities should allow it to do things like speed up infestation growth and interact with different structures on the map. Heal Spray is a tactical support ability, and the Gorge's place is behind the lines, building defenses, supporting an alien offensive with <b>STRUCTURES</b>. I personally would suggest replacing Heal Spray with a placable structure that heals nearby aliens, functioning pretty much the same way Defense Chambers did in NS1.

[ONOS] The Onos is primarily a <b>Tank</b> plain and simple, but is also THE most powerful lifeform available to the Kharaa. It should have a well-rounded array of abilities that allow it to be the dominant son of a ###### that it is. According to the Wiki, Gore and Smash are merged abilities, so I'm not sure if they are counted as two separate abilities or not. They are basically one in the same though and are dependent on what the target is. Those are fitting abilities, as is Charge, and Stomp. Stomp needs to have its cooldown increased to avoid stun-locking. Finally, I think everyone would like to see Devour come back as an Onos ability. With the added bonus of health regeneration during the digestion period, this helps the Onos' survivability as a <b>tank</b>!

[LERK] The Lerk is my favorite lifeform, and is the one I was thinking about focusing this post on before deciding to make it all-inclusive. Also the two elements of NS2 that people seem to feel are the most useless right now are sentries and Lerks. Lerks are the support unit of the aliens. They need to be given the opportunity to be fully realized in this role and the other lifeforms need to stop trying to steal the Lerk's thunder. Right now the Lerk has bite, spikes, and spores. Spores is great, and has always been the staple ability of the Lerk. But the way it is used in NS2 is uncharacteristic of the Lerk. Flying in close to be able to use it means the Lerk has to make itself vulnerable and basically harass marines by itself, which is usually what happens. Even though the Lerk visually looks like it's got some jaws on it, bite poses the same problem. Then there is spikes. Finally, a ranged ability! But then when you use it you realize it is terribly weak and you can only land a significant number of hits on any target if you basically stay still, which still leaves you vulnerable to long range fire. The one thing the Lerk has going for it is its speed. It can get to where it needs to go, and quick. But right now the speed can only be used for harassment and moving as fast as possible to make sure it doesn't get hit in the process. WHAT lerks should be doing is <b>supporting other lifeforms in combat</b>. Umbra is the one ability the lerk has that is useful in this aspect. My suggestion would be that the dispersal method of spores and umbra be switched. Support units and healers often deal damage over time, rather than direct damage. That is why spores seems even more like a fitting ability for the lerk, and that should be the only damage dealing ability that it needs. The other support abilities that have been stolen by other aliens, like heal spray and Vortex, are what the lerk should be using. The second function of the lerk is <b>disabling the enemy</b>. Spores is a way of deterring or redirecting marine movement, and also whittles down their health, making them easier prey for other lifeforms. Vortex also accomplishes this by countering their damage. And a final suggestion I would have with regards to disabling is to consider making Web from NS1 a Lerk ability. With this set of abilities, any alien player would LOVE having a Lerk around for the support, making them a viable and almost necessary option. Marines on the other hand will find them annoying for that reason, but also won't be choking to death in a matter of seconds on stacking clouds of overpowered gas.

[SKULK] Finally the skulk, the one lifeform I have some significant playtime with (in NS2 Beta). Right now, and especially after the recent nerf, skulks seems to have lost their way. Futilely trying to take marines head on for the most part, with little choice in the way of tactics, and bites that now seem to never hit. So what is the skulk's role if it's leaping at marines head on hoping the marine misses enough shots to give the skulk a chance to kill him? Well, what the skulk's role SHOULD be, but currently is largely unavailable to it, is <b>stealth</b>. The skulk's current abilities aren't really too bad, but it needs a way to get in close to marines without being so obvious. This is why I think skulks should possess some natural camoflauge. The way to implement it would be to improve Stalk to not just silence footsteps, but also make the skulk somewhat invisible when holding shift. Running normally and then stopping and holding shift should delay the effect for a couple of seconds. A skulk with camo on would be very difficult to see when not moving, and fairly difficult to see when moving but still holding shift. Damage to a cloaked skulk should probably remove the effect, and of course letting go of shift would end it as well. It just needs something to define it as a unique lifeform with its own definitive role, and something to give it a chance to get in melee range in both early and late game battles. Even if my idea isn't the best one, I think the skulk should be geared toward stealth related tactics and abilities.

It would make the thread easier to read if feedback was organized based on what lifeform you are talking about. So if you write a paragraph about Fades, put [FADE] in front of it! Just a thought. Thanks for your time if you read this post in its entirety.


  • RobustPenguinRobustPenguin Join Date: 2012-08-17 Member: 155719Members
    Just some things; The fade. 1v1 is not an assured kill, shotgun and/or jetpacks are both very devastating in the right hands vs a fade.

    The gorges role is far more bilebomb spamming the enemies base/healing up attackers than it is building structures

    Onos is not dominant in any way, its very weak for what it is and its role is main distraction from bilebombers or skulks eating away at powernodes

    Lerks main role is minor harass and annoyance. Late game it turns into umbra spam

    Skulk is the base class, its not especially good and is very sluggish in its motion.
  • Bad MojoBad Mojo Join Date: 2009-05-01 Member: 67317Members
    Everything I said is what I'm saying the classes SHOULD be, not what they currently are...
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