Natural Selection 2 News Update - Natural Selection 2 Release Date
CameramanSan Francisco, CA Join Date: 2010-04-18 Member: 71444NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Onos, WC 2013 - Shadow, Subnautica Developer, Pistachionauts

You can have your caek and eat it as well though :P
best candy i will ever have on halloween :3
10 years of NS2 begins!!!<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->
edit :
seriously, I can't believe it's already been ten years this game has been around... It still is, for me, THE game other games should aspire to be like.
Buy the preorder and now look forward to the game, I have to confess: Natural Selection 2 boost to update my PC because I want to enjoy the game.
Hope you still have some optimization fixes up your sleeve, otherwise I can only play ns2c. :)
THE RELEASE TRAILER. Guys, I'm not kidding, it HAS to be awesome. You HAVE TO make an awesome one. It has to tell what the game is about and end up with LOADS of thrill. Is important. So few a games get it right. Aaaah!
EDIT: The release date video is pretty encouraging. Like the ominous stuff. YOU CAN DO IT CORY!
But kidding aside, well done UWE. Here is to a successful release and to content and patches to come!
I have to congratulate you, been playing ns for 8 years has been awesome ride, i hope ns2 will be just as good...just make the damn server browser better.
I was there for the first release; I'll be there for this one. It may have been a long wait, but it makes it all the more delicious.