Lets revisit recycling structures

RiCexEaTeRRiCexEaTeR Join Date: 2010-05-10 Member: 71700Members, Reinforced - Shadow
<div class="IPBDescription">mainly because of strange placement issues</div>I think the current refund system should be revised

Right now
Alien touch structure -> full refund
recycle ghost structure 75% refund
recycle structure % of health

i think it should be

<b>Alien touch - 75% refund</b>
why - as kharra i would like to get rewarded for waiting for a comm to drop structure before pouncing on a group of marines 25% loss of rez is good

<b>recycle ghost structure - 100% refund</b>
why - right now its still possible to put structures in very strange places (example I biult in hive and it was out of map for some reason. Of course you would add recycling time for this

<b>recycle structure - as is</b>


  • XariusXarius Join Date: 2003-12-21 Member: 24630Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    edited October 2012
    I was pretty sure you got a full refund if you recycled ghost structures? Unless that was changed recently.
  • SehzadeSehzade Join Date: 2010-12-29 Member: 76024Members
    you get back like 80% from ghost sturctures.
    If aliens deny a ghost structure you get a full refund.

    btw. you can not recycle alien structure.
    once placed they stay until killed.

    that is an advantage of being marien commander
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