So when are Hypermutation and Feign Death gonna come back?

CJoker3221CJoker3221 Join Date: 2012-11-01 Member: 165521Members
edited November 2012 in NS2 General Discussion
When are Hypermutation and Feign Death gonna come back?
Any ETA?

edit: added question to topic title for clarification.


  • MaximumSquidMaximumSquid Join Date: 2010-07-20 Member: 72593Members
    edited November 2012

    I'd actually like to see other abilities test out first or reworks to the current abilities than just fixes

    My thoughts on hypermutation was that it should offer a boost to existing upgrades in addition lowering the cost to evolve into advanced lifeforms
    The trade off could be a much longer gestation time when you equip it making it not a viable option for players that run in, fight, die, repeat
    It could also remove the current upgrade limits allowing players to take Carapace + Regeneration again
    Lerks with Hypermutation + Camoflauge would be able to glide and stay cloaked. . .etc. . .

    My thoughts on Feign Death were that it wasn't viable at all spawning in a clone, cloaking the user, and then letting them bolt immediately if they saved energy for leap/blink/charge/etc. . .

    I'd like to see Feign Death changed to a defensive upgrade that keeps the player alive longer by making them harder to hit
    A hallucination that creates mirror copies that stay close to the user or a blur effect like the fade has while they are blinking could go a long way
    If blur is the option the upgrade could make the <u>alien immune to the marines scanner</u> since it's creating such a distortion
    The hallucination to be balanced would probably have trigger once an alien takes damage for the first time and be on a long cooldown before it triggers again
    Hallucinations would remain after the primary alien dies though making it ideal for group fights with many aliens using it

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