NS2 Lore

Bad MojoBad Mojo Join Date: 2009-05-01 Member: 67317Members
<div class="IPBDescription">could make the game feel more epic</div>I know NS2 is all action multiplayer but I feel like there is so much room for creating at least some backstory to the Natural Selection world. Occasionally I find myself wondering what the context of the maps are. Obviously the mappers didn't build the maps with any sort of story in mind, as it's irrelevant to gameplay, but I think it wuol dbe interesting to know what the TSA is all about, the origins of the Kharaa (at least what is known), where in the galaxy/universe the offensive is taking place, and so on.

Again it's not something that is needed at all but it has endless possibilities since the lore has been left almost completely untouched (by the devs) and it could make the game feel more immersive/epic, especially to those who care about story, which I believe a lot of people do.


  • CrazyCocoCrazyCoco Join Date: 2012-11-05 Member: 167181Members
    If you have the Deluxe Addition (if you bought before release or chose deluxe) then in your steam/steammaps/common/natural selection 2 folder there is a folder called "Deluxe Addition." In it has a very cool art book and it tells you about the maps, future maps, shows you cool art, and goes over everything in the game (including a bit of a lore).
  • AlchemdaAlchemda Join Date: 2004-02-01 Member: 25942Members
    You can check out the NS1 information here <a href="http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns/world/background/" target="_blank">http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns/world/background/</a>
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