Resources Memory (Server-Side Feature)

Dr. RocksoDr. Rockso Join Date: 2010-11-20 Member: 75114Members
<div class="IPBDescription">please, for the love of glob</div>Hello. I did a quick search trying to look for this feature and I came up empty handed (hopefully this hasn't been posted before, but I assume it hasn't, as this is a no-brainer feature that would be implemented right away had someone already done so).

Anyway, the feature is this: <u>have the server remember how much X resources you had during some Y game, due to the inconvenient amount of Z game crashes</u>.

<b>It would be nice if I could reconnect to a server after having the game pause/crash on you - it would even be nicer if you could spawn off with the gear you had before the crash, on top of remembering how much res you had before the crash.</b>

(I finally had to post this after I just almost helped save the day with my Onos and a bunch of backup res - and the game just hanged... yet again.)

<b>This was an excellent feature I remember having in the Original NS</b>. I'm not sure this was a server mod, but I do remember that it was obiquitous enough to not ever have to worry about losing all your res and time (if there ever were a crash)... and, oh yes, the crying.

At least this feature would be nice to have, beside removing death creep (lag issues) so currently characteristic of the game (I don't enjoy death after seconds of running behind a wall for cover... it feels like somone throws a noose over you and drags you back for those last magical bullets of death). I can deal with the lag, as I'm masochistic like that, but not the missing res with game crashes.

Not that it matters, but I have 4 copies of the game (bought extras for my siblings), so this really would help relieve the pain that we've all been suffering from.



  • ChaosXBeingChaosXBeing Join Date: 2012-10-12 Member: 162114Members
    Being able o rejoin with all your res really would be a lifesaver. I don't think anything could be done about purchased lifeform/weapons, and I'd be able to brush those off. But being able to come back with all of my res would make that hit easier to take.

    By the way, the top part seems like you're requesting a way to rejoin a server after you crash or lose connection, but that already exists. Just open console and type 'retry'.
  • Dr. RocksoDr. Rockso Join Date: 2010-11-20 Member: 75114Members
    100% of the time its a game crash, which makes it impossible to reconnect via the retry command (I could be wrong here, but the console does not retain entries from a previous/separate game launch - so if the game crashes, you are out of luck).

    This is more of a <u>'if the game crashes, please allow me to rejoin within 3-5 minutes or so, so I can continue my game with the res that I saved up</u>.' Either starting up a new instance of the game (after it crashes) or 'retry'ing the connection (after connection problems) would allow you to continue an interrupted game.

    I've used the retry once or twice, when I had connection problems but, just my luck, both times it was the server that was having problems (eventually restarting and booting everyone).
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