Support for lower-end machines?

urteemurteem Join Date: 2012-11-12 Member: 169706Members
edited November 2012 in Ideas and Suggestions
Hey guys.

Firstly let me say, awesome job. Really, NS2 kicks ass. I haven't played a shooter this immersive since... I don't even know when. NS1 was fun but the gfx were too crappy to really get into it.

Which brings me to my only issue with NS2... recently I had to switch machines and now I basically can't play at all. I can run other titles fine (on low settings ofc) but NS2 is just ridiculously choppy. I COULD, conceivably play marines and just spray and pray but that isn't even fun (for neither me nor my team) and playing aliens is simply off the table.
Even on the lowest settings, the game still looks really, really polished. Which I suppose could be a good thing, unless you don't really have the money lying around to go out and buy nice gfx cards with. I know NS2 was built from the ground up by PC gamers, for PC gamers but it seems really odd to me for an indie title to have such bad low-end support.

I just really wish I could play NS2 smoothly :(


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