Connection problems? Here's some solutions



  • An Average JoeAn Average Joe Join Date: 2012-12-26 Member: 176350Members
    Date: 11/16/12
    Time: 15:28:11
    Build 229
    Steam initialized
    Render Device: AMD Radeon HD 6300 series Graphics (
    Sound Device: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) stereo
    Record Device: FrontMic (Realtek High Definition Audio)
    { TIC00 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC01 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.198524s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    } TOC05 3.909287s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.000002s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC04 4.112066s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC03 4.112570s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC02 4.112829s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    Main Menu Initialized at Version: 229
    Steam Id: 86442036
    } TOC01 29.526258s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    } TOC00 29.526675s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    Error: Unrecognized key name ''
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.000028s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.002730s M4::World::UnloadMap
    Connecting to server
    { TIC00 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC01 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.184787s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.330364s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.000002s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC04 0.516985s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC03 0.517224s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC02 0.517428s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    } TOC01 1.538052s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    } TOC00 1.538455s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.000011s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.002243s M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC00 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC01 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.161562s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.185209s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC04 0.351298s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC03 0.352362s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC02 0.352564s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    } TOC01 1.099835s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    } TOC00 1.100209s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC00 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.004996s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Loading
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.000004s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Mod stuff
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC03 0.243048s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    } TOC03 58.565322s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC03 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC02 58.809330s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC01 58.809526s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Startup
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.002901s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections InitializingGame
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.032741s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections LoadingAssets
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC02 M4::World::LoadMap
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC05 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC05 0.000012s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC04 0.000221s M4::World::UnloadMap
    } TOC03 0.000695s M4::World::LoadMap sections After Unload map
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::World::OnPreLoad
    { TIC05 M4::World::OnPreLoad sections
    } TOC05 0.000126s M4::World::OnPreLoad sections
    } TOC04 0.000986s M4::World::OnPreLoad
    Loading 'maps/ns2_mineshaft.level'
    } TOC03 0.001512s M4::World::LoadMap sections After OnPreLoad
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::GameLevel::Load
    { TIC05 M4::GameLevel::Load sections
    } TOC05 4.186112s M4::GameLevel::Load sections
    } TOC04 4.186768s M4::GameLevel::Load
    } TOC03 4.187293s M4::World::LoadMap sections after level load
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::World::CreateMapEntities
    { TIC05 M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
    Error: Couldn't open file 'cinematics/environment/light_flicker_01.cinematic'
    } TOC05 46.884761s M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
    } TOC04 46.885130s M4::World::CreateMapEntities
    } TOC03 46.885435s M4::World::LoadMap sections after CreateMapEntities
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC03 6.664567s M4::World::LoadMap sections after CreatePhysics
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC03 0.067550s M4::World::LoadMap sections after CreatePathingGeometry
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC03 0.000026s M4::World::LoadMap sections after Script_RegisterHeapObject
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC05 9.617764s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections After CreateRenderObjectsFromLevel
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC05 0.096397s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections After LoadSoundGeometry
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    { TIC06 M4::World::OnPostLoad
    { TIC07 M4::World::OnPostLoad sections
    Building pathing mesh for level maps/ns2_mineshaft.level
    { TIC08 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.396585s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After build normals
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.019978s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After rcCalcBounds
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.011073s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After InitMeshConfig
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000225s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After nav mesh init
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000041s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After set area costs
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    { TIC10 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh:md5Timer
    } TOC10 0.044997s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh:md5Timer
    OK! Loaded tile cache grid from maps/ns2_mineshaft.level-client.tile_cache_grid
    { TIC10 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles
    { TIC11 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC11 0.000500s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections After adding tiles
    { TIC11 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC11 0.922807s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections After build navmesh tiles
    { TIC11 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC11 0.000001s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC10 0.924491s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles
    } TOC09 1.508325s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After preprocess tiles
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000317s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections End
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000020s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC08 1.943960s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..2.000000s InitPathing
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..0.000000s CreateDSPs
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..0.000000s Scoreboard_Clear
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..0.000000s CheckRules
    } TOC07 2.204918s M4::World::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC06 2.205179s M4::World::OnPostLoad
    } TOC05 2.205615s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections After World::OnPostLoad
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC05 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC04 11.925706s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad
    Finished loading 'maps/ns2_mineshaft.level'
    } TOC03 11.925993s M4::World::LoadMap sections after OnPostLoad
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC03 0.000000s M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC02 1.000000m9.735686s M4::World::LoadMap
    } TOC01 1.000000m9.735913s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections LoadingMap
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Before PredictWorld init
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC02 M4::World::CreateMapEntities
    { TIC03 M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
    } TOC03 2.170354s M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
    } TOC02 2.170830s M4::World::CreateMapEntities
    } TOC01 28.791098s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections PredictWorld init
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.000005s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC00 2.000000m37.385285s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.000012s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.000307s M4::World::UnloadMap
    Warning: Min Falloff (156.05760192871) is greater than Max Falloff (151.1808013916) for ambient sound event named: sound/NS2.fev/ambient/cave/mineshaft_basetone
    Warning: Min Falloff (156.05760192871) is greater than Max Falloff (151.42999267578) for ambient sound event named: sound/NS2.fev/ambient/spooky_music_mineshaft
    Main Menu Initialized at Version: 229
    Steam Id: 86442036
    Chat All - nxzl.Epicosity: thats ok i've accumulated enough to ono u guys
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Chat All - nxzl.Epicosity: gl and hf
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.186642s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.187032s M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.000032s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.000491s M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC00 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC01 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.211581s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    } TOC05 2.273530s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC04 2.486242s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC03 2.486465s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC02 2.486742s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    Main Menu Initialized at Version: 229
    Steam Id: 86442036
    } TOC01 12.085386s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    } TOC00 12.085776s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.000024s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.000264s M4::World::UnloadMap
    Connecting to server
    { TIC00 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC01 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.169713s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.170391s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC04 0.341057s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC03 0.341283s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC02 0.341522s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    } TOC01 2.551306s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    } TOC00 2.553014s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.000020s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.003159s M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC00 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC01 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.130943s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.125017s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC04 0.257134s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC03 0.257426s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC02 0.257629s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    } TOC01 2.604110s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    } TOC00 2.604482s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC00 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.001790s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Loading
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.000004s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Mod stuff
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC03 0.225514s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    } TOC03 30.987763s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC03 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC02 31.214215s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC01 31.214408s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Startup
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.002518s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections InitializingGame
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.067159s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections LoadingAssets
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC02 M4::World::LoadMap
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC05 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC05 0.000011s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC04 0.000215s M4::World::UnloadMap
    } TOC03 0.000418s M4::World::LoadMap sections After Unload map
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::World::OnPreLoad
    { TIC05 M4::World::OnPreLoad sections
    } TOC05 0.000155s M4::World::OnPreLoad sections
    } TOC04 0.000370s M4::World::OnPreLoad
    Loading 'maps/ns2_tram.level'
    } TOC03 0.000664s M4::World::LoadMap sections After OnPreLoad
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::GameLevel::Load
    { TIC05 M4::GameLevel::Load sections
    } TOC05 4.734834s M4::GameLevel::Load sections
    } TOC04 4.736246s M4::GameLevel::Load
    } TOC03 4.736581s M4::World::LoadMap sections after level load
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::World::CreateMapEntities
    { TIC05 M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
    } TOC05 14.761648s M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
    } TOC04 14.762014s M4::World::CreateMapEntities
    } TOC03 14.762366s M4::World::LoadMap sections after CreateMapEntities
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC03 2.890616s M4::World::LoadMap sections after CreatePhysics
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC03 0.039748s M4::World::LoadMap sections after CreatePathingGeometry
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC03 0.000033s M4::World::LoadMap sections after Script_RegisterHeapObject
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC05 10.562849s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections After CreateRenderObjectsFromLevel
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC05 0.186873s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections After LoadSoundGeometry
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    { TIC06 M4::World::OnPostLoad
    { TIC07 M4::World::OnPostLoad sections
    Building pathing mesh for level maps/ns2_tram.level
    { TIC08 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.144915s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After build normals
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.121673s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After rcCalcBounds
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000131s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After InitMeshConfig
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000101s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After nav mesh init
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000020s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After set area costs
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    { TIC10 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh:md5Timer
    } TOC10 0.026313s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh:md5Timer
    OK! Loaded tile cache grid from maps/ns2_tram.level-client.tile_cache_grid
    { TIC10 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles
    { TIC11 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC11 0.000432s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections After adding tiles
    { TIC11 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC11 6.841904s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections After build navmesh tiles
    { TIC11 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC11 0.000001s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC10 6.844375s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles
    } TOC09 6.946662s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After preprocess tiles
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000065s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections End
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000021s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC08 7.224447s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..7.000000s InitPathing
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..0.000000s CreateDSPs
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..0.000000s Scoreboard_Clear
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..0.000000s CheckRules
    } TOC07 7.460940s M4::World::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC06 7.461157s M4::World::OnPostLoad
    } TOC05 7.461369s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections After World::OnPostLoad
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC05 0.000000s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC04 18.213381s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad
    Finished loading 'maps/ns2_tram.level'
    } TOC03 18.213669s M4::World::LoadMap sections after OnPostLoad
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC03 0.000001s M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC02 40.646334s M4::World::LoadMap
    } TOC01 40.646543s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections LoadingMap
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Before PredictWorld init
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC02 M4::World::CreateMapEntities
    { TIC03 M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
    } TOC03 0.506499s M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
    } TOC02 0.506872s M4::World::CreateMapEntities
    } TOC01 15.141953s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections PredictWorld init
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.000006s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC00 1.000000m27.077209s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.000013s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.000229s M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.037052s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.037452s M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.000037s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.000241s M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC00 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC01 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.144838s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    } TOC05 1.276019s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC04 1.421967s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC03 1.422207s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC02 1.422417s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    Main Menu Initialized at Version: 229
    Steam Id: 86442036
    } TOC01 10.433487s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    } TOC00 10.433991s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.000022s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.000254s M4::World::UnloadMap
    Connecting to server
    { TIC00 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC01 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.116871s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.210107s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.000002s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC04 0.328197s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC03 0.328424s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC02 0.328641s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    } TOC01 2.869445s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    } TOC00 2.869825s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.000011s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.000224s M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC00 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC01 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.132999s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.159108s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC04 0.294676s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC03 0.294898s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC02 0.295106s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    } TOC01 2.655690s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    } TOC00 2.656077s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC00 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.003911s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Loading
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.000006s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Mod stuff
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC03 0.177836s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    } TOC03 16.408838s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC03 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC02 16.587921s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC01 16.588177s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Startup
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.002882s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections InitializingGame
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.054545s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections LoadingAssets
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC02 M4::World::LoadMap
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC05 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC05 0.000011s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC04 0.000221s M4::World::UnloadMap
    } TOC03 0.000600s M4::World::LoadMap sections After Unload map
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::World::OnPreLoad
    { TIC05 M4::World::OnPreLoad sections
    } TOC05 0.000224s M4::World::OnPreLoad sections
    } TOC04 0.000610s M4::World::OnPreLoad
    Loading 'maps/ns2_docking.level'
    } TOC03 0.000921s M4::World::LoadMap sections After OnPreLoad
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::GameLevel::Load
    { TIC05 M4::GameLevel::Load sections
    } TOC05 5.493495s M4::GameLevel::Load sections
    } TOC04 5.493924s M4::GameLevel::Load
    } TOC03 5.494132s M4::World::LoadMap sections after level load
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::World::CreateMapEntities
    { TIC05 M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/props/docking/docking_baggagescreens_01.model'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/props/docking/docking_plants_test.model'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/props/docking/docking_tram_01.model'
    } TOC05 19.189753s M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
    } TOC04 19.190127s M4::World::CreateMapEntities
    } TOC03 19.190390s M4::World::LoadMap sections after CreateMapEntities
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    Error: Couldn't open file 'materials/descent/descent_floor_01_a.material'
    } TOC03 2.743113s M4::World::LoadMap sections after CreatePhysics
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC03 0.022722s M4::World::LoadMap sections after CreatePathingGeometry
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC03 0.000026s M4::World::LoadMap sections after Script_RegisterHeapObject
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    Error: No shader specified for material 'materials/descent/descent_floor_01_a.material'
    } TOC05 13.895915s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections After CreateRenderObjectsFromLevel
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC05 0.079270s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections After LoadSoundGeometry
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    { TIC06 M4::World::OnPostLoad
    { TIC07 M4::World::OnPostLoad sections
    Building pathing mesh for level maps/ns2_docking.level
    { TIC08 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.096576s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After build normals
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.010929s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After rcCalcBounds
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000052s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After InitMeshConfig
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000046s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After nav mesh init
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000019s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After set area costs
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    { TIC10 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh:md5Timer
    } TOC10 0.015085s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh:md5Timer
    OK! Loaded tile cache grid from maps/ns2_docking.level-client.tile_cache_grid
    { TIC10 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles
    { TIC11 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC11 0.000187s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections After adding tiles
    { TIC11 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC11 3.203558s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections After build navmesh tiles
    { TIC11 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC11 0.000002s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC10 3.206102s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles
    } TOC09 3.272762s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After preprocess tiles
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000115s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections End
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000020s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC08 3.382791s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..3.000000s InitPathing
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..0.000000s CreateDSPs
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..0.000000s Scoreboard_Clear
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..0.000000s CheckRules
    } TOC07 3.595923s M4::World::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC06 3.596140s M4::World::OnPostLoad
    } TOC05 3.596348s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections After World::OnPostLoad
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC05 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC04 17.573272s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad
    Finished loading 'maps/ns2_docking.level'
    } TOC03 17.573569s M4::World::LoadMap sections after OnPostLoad
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC03 0.000001s M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC02 45.028414s M4::World::LoadMap
    } TOC01 45.028632s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections LoadingMap
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Before PredictWorld init
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC02 M4::World::CreateMapEntities
    { TIC03 M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
    } TOC03 0.559373s M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
    } TOC02 0.559786s M4::World::CreateMapEntities
    } TOC01 14.439607s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections PredictWorld init
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.000002s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC00 1.000000m16.121328s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/.material'
    Error: No shader specified for material 'models/.material'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/props/descent/docking_tram_03.material'
    Error: No shader specified for material 'models/props/descent/docking_tram_03.material'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/props/descent/docking_tram_02.material'
    Error: No shader specified for material 'models/props/descent/docking_tram_02.material'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/props/docking/docking_shower_towelrack3.model'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/props/docking/shower_test.model'
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.000011s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.000224s M4::World::UnloadMap
    Main Menu Initialized at Version: 229
    Steam Id: 86442036
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.293821s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.294636s M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.000040s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.000861s M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC00 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC01 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.146031s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    } TOC05 1.893357s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC04 2.040439s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC03 2.040685s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC02 2.040893s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    Main Menu Initialized at Version: 229
    Steam Id: 86442036
    } TOC01 11.075074s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    } TOC00 11.075538s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.000012s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.000224s M4::World::UnloadMap
    Connecting to server
    { TIC00 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC01 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.142209s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.228382s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC04 0.371644s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC03 0.371865s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC02 0.372067s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    } TOC01 2.684168s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    } TOC00 2.684611s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.000011s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.000228s M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC00 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC01 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.136287s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.126755s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC04 0.264040s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC03 0.264270s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC02 0.264512s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    } TOC01 2.124321s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    } TOC00 2.125195s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC00 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.002622s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Loading
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.000004s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Mod stuff
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC03 0.219511s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    } TOC03 24.994401s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC03 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC02 25.214875s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC01 25.215072s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Startup
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.003445s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections InitializingGame
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.028361s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections LoadingAssets
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC02 M4::World::LoadMap
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC05 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC05 0.000012s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC04 0.000225s M4::World::UnloadMap
    } TOC03 0.000458s M4::World::LoadMap sections After Unload map
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::World::OnPreLoad
    { TIC05 M4::World::OnPreLoad sections
    } TOC05 0.000166s M4::World::OnPreLoad sections
    } TOC04 0.000379s M4::World::OnPreLoad
    Loading 'maps/ns2_summit.level'
    } TOC03 0.000665s M4::World::LoadMap sections After OnPreLoad
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::GameLevel::Load
    { TIC05 M4::GameLevel::Load sections
    } TOC05 3.821753s M4::GameLevel::Load sections
    } TOC04 3.822131s M4::GameLevel::Load
    } TOC03 3.822346s M4::World::LoadMap sections after level load
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::World::CreateMapEntities
    { TIC05 M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
    } TOC05 10.686429s M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
    } TOC04 10.686972s M4::World::CreateMapEntities
    } TOC03 10.687400s M4::World::LoadMap sections after CreateMapEntities
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC03 1.726994s M4::World::LoadMap sections after CreatePhysics
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC03 0.029285s M4::World::LoadMap sections after CreatePathingGeometry
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC03 0.000030s M4::World::LoadMap sections after Script_RegisterHeapObject
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC05 8.102911s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections After CreateRenderObjectsFromLevel
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC05 0.070067s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections After LoadSoundGeometry
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    { TIC06 M4::World::OnPostLoad
    { TIC07 M4::World::OnPostLoad sections
    Building pathing mesh for level maps/ns2_summit.level
    { TIC08 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.054164s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After build normals
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.011227s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After rcCalcBounds
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000218s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After InitMeshConfig
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000386s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After nav mesh init
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000028s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After set area costs
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    { TIC10 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh:md5Timer
    } TOC10 0.017432s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh:md5Timer
    } TOC09 0.019416s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After allocating for chunky mesh
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 2.446621s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After rcCreateChunkyTriMesh
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    { TIC10 M4::PathingMesh::RasterizeTileCacheGrid
    { TIC11 M4::PathingMesh::RasterizeTileCacheGrid sections
    } TOC11 9.375828s M4::PathingMesh::RasterizeTileCacheGrid sections
    } TOC10 9.376313s M4::PathingMesh::RasterizeTileCacheGrid
    OK! Saved tile cache grid to maps/ns2_summit.level-client.tile_cache_grid
    { TIC10 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles
    { TIC11 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC11 0.000412s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections After adding tiles
    { TIC11 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC11 0.548084s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections After build navmesh tiles
    { TIC11 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC11 0.000001s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC10 0.549559s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles
    } TOC09 9.963170s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After preprocess tiles
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000243s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections End
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000023s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC08 12.499279s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..13.000000s InitPathing
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..0.000000s CreateDSPs
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..0.000000s Scoreboard_Clear
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..0.000000s CheckRules
    } TOC07 12.615553s M4::World::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC06 12.615771s M4::World::OnPostLoad
    } TOC05 12.615981s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections After World::OnPostLoad
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC05 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC04 20.790254s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad
    Finished loading 'maps/ns2_summit.level'
    } TOC03 20.790544s M4::World::LoadMap sections after OnPostLoad
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC03 0.000000s M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC02 37.061017s M4::World::LoadMap
    } TOC01 37.061222s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections LoadingMap
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Before PredictWorld init
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC02 M4::World::CreateMapEntities
    { TIC03 M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
    } TOC03 0.436591s M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
    } TOC02 0.436992s M4::World::CreateMapEntities
    } TOC01 9.231337s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections PredictWorld init
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.000006s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC00 1.000000m11.545016s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.000012s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.000230s M4::World::UnloadMap
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Chat Team 2 - Brokebonez: lol commander bails
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Chat Team 2 - Brokebonez: weee
    Chat All - Brokebonez: weee
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Chat All - US Sniper: gg
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.036937s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.037401s M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC00 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC01 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC01 0.000083s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC00 0.000342s M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC00 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC01 M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.110896s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.117901s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC05 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC04 0.230190s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC03 0.230496s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC02 0.230751s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    } TOC01 2.472371s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld sections
    } TOC00 2.473130s M4::ClientGame::StartWorld
    { TIC00 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.001824s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Loading
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.000003s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Mod stuff
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC02 M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC03 0.096165s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections Before LoadScript
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    } TOC03 12.560032s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections LoadScript
    { TIC03 M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC03 0.000002s M4::ClientWorld::Startup sections
    } TOC02 12.657624s M4::ClientWorld::Startup
    } TOC01 12.657828s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections Startup
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.003288s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections InitializingGame
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    } TOC01 0.012719s M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections LoadingAssets
    { TIC01 M4::ClientWorld::Initialize sections
    { TIC02 M4::World::LoadMap
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::World::UnloadMap
    { TIC05 M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC05 0.000012s M4::World::UnloadMap sections
    } TOC04 0.000213s M4::World::UnloadMap
    } TOC03 0.000410s M4::World::LoadMap sections After Unload map
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::World::OnPreLoad
    { TIC05 M4::World::OnPreLoad sections
    } TOC05 0.000120s M4::World::OnPreLoad sections
    } TOC04 0.000374s M4::World::OnPreLoad
    Loading 'maps/ns2_mineshaft.level'
    } TOC03 0.000658s M4::World::LoadMap sections After OnPreLoad
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::GameLevel::Load
    { TIC05 M4::GameLevel::Load sections
    } TOC05 2.587926s M4::GameLevel::Load sections
    } TOC04 2.588346s M4::GameLevel::Load
    } TOC03 2.588552s M4::World::LoadMap sections after level load
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::World::CreateMapEntities
    { TIC05 M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
    Error: Couldn't open file 'cinematics/environment/light_flicker_01.cinematic'
    } TOC05 4.076166s M4::World::CreateMapEntities sections
    } TOC04 4.076688s M4::World::CreateMapEntities
    } TOC03 4.076992s M4::World::LoadMap sections after CreateMapEntities
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC03 0.954520s M4::World::LoadMap sections after CreatePhysics
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC03 0.015421s M4::World::LoadMap sections after CreatePathingGeometry
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    } TOC03 0.000027s M4::World::LoadMap sections after Script_RegisterHeapObject
    { TIC03 M4::World::LoadMap sections
    { TIC04 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC05 5.522705s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections After CreateRenderObjectsFromLevel
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC05 0.026910s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections After LoadSoundGeometry
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    { TIC06 M4::World::OnPostLoad
    { TIC07 M4::World::OnPostLoad sections
    Building pathing mesh for level maps/ns2_mineshaft.level
    { TIC08 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.078275s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After build normals
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.030265s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After rcCalcBounds
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000297s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After InitMeshConfig
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000249s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After nav mesh init
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000024s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After set area costs
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    { TIC10 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh:md5Timer
    } TOC10 0.016856s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh:md5Timer
    OK! Loaded tile cache grid from maps/ns2_mineshaft.level-client.tile_cache_grid
    { TIC10 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles
    { TIC11 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC11 0.000512s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections After adding tiles
    { TIC11 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC11 0.614811s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections After build navmesh tiles
    { TIC11 M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC11 0.000001s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles sections
    } TOC10 0.616390s M4::PathingMesh::PreProcessTiles
    } TOC09 0.728314s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections After preprocess tiles
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000133s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections End
    { TIC09 M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC09 0.000022s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh sections
    } TOC08 0.840090s M4::PathingMesh::BuildMesh
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..1.000000s InitPathing
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..0.000000s CreateDSPs
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..0.000000s Scoreboard_Clear
    Client : 0.000000 : TIME ..0.000000s CheckRules
    } TOC07 0.978060s M4::World::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC06 0.978275s M4::World::OnPostLoad
    } TOC05 0.978487s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections After World::OnPostLoad
    { TIC05 M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC05 0.000001s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad sections
    } TOC04 6.529576s M4::ClientWorld::OnPostLoad
    Finished loading 'maps/ns2_mineshaft.level
  • jrgnjrgn Join Date: 2006-11-03 Member: 58289Members
    edited December 2012
    Captured from connection til timeout (red icon):

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>


    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    The router (THOMSON TG585 v7) seem to make a ids-thing. udp_flood is always activated when ns2 times out. Can't telnet my router so i can turn it off. I'm pretty sure this is where the problem is. Also tried with and without firewall. No difference.

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    NS2 was running without problems 2 days ago. No changes made to setup.
  • freehotdawgsfreehotdawgs Join Date: 2012-12-28 Member: 176591Members
    edited December 2012
    Log: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Dxdiag: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    I can't connect to any servers... I play online games all the time, what's the deal with this one?
    I use a linksys router.

    Update: I managed to connect to a server using quick start. I wonder why most servers don't work?
  • McGarnagleMcGarnagle Join Date: 2012-11-02 Member: 166192Members
    So I havent tried NS2 in a while cause I've completely lost faith you can even fix your own problems. But I tried it today and I am having the same issue... Well ###### you enjoy my money you ######.
  • HeadyHeady Join Date: 2012-12-26 Member: 176337Members
    edited December 2012
    <a href="" target="_blank">log</a>
    <a href="" target="_blank">dxdiag</a>
    i already deactived UPnP because i have a thompson router
    edit: sometime when joining a server i get a black screen and after some time the message timed out
    when i manage to join a server i get to pick my team but then after a few seconds i get the red disconnect icon and after some time i time out
  • HeadyHeady Join Date: 2012-12-26 Member: 176337Members
    <!--quoteo(post=2052818:date=Dec 29 2012, 02:06 PM:name=Heady)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Heady @ Dec 29 2012, 02:06 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2052818"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec--><a href="" target="_blank">log</a>
    <a href="" target="_blank">dxdiag</a>
    i already deactived UPnP because i have a thompson router
    edit: sometime when joining a server i get a black screen and after some time the message timed out
    when i manage to join a server i get to pick my team but then after a few seconds i get the red disconnect icon and after some time i time out<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    thx for not responding
    i do not want to play my new game anyway
  • ToliathToliath Join Date: 2012-12-30 Member: 176721Members
    I receive the same error, "Couldn't establish a connection to the server", every time I attempt to join a game.

    I can create my own server. Nobody else can join it.

    My copy was purchased on Steam yesterday. I have the max ping setting set at 500. Cloud synchronization is off. Steam Community In-Game is off. Firewalls are off. Anti-virus is off. Router is set to low security and it is accepting all incoming and outgoing. I've enabled port forwarding, made sure exceptions were set for programs involved, and re-installed twice. I am on an American fiber optic internet connection (no Thompson router here) running Vista. American servers are the only ones tried. I've tried to connect to servers my friends are in and I get the same error. Oh, and my overlays are off. TF2 works just fine.

    The only thing I haven't done yet is re-install Windows.

    Log and DXDiag are below:
    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    If you could help, I would appreciate it. I've spent about 6 hours trying to fix this. I loved this game 10 years ago and would like to join the people I convinced to buy it.
  • SupertSupert Join Date: 2013-01-01 Member: 176982Members
    Authentication timeout error.
    net log is <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
    I'm using Zyxel Keenectic lite router. I tried almost every fix from this thread.
  • AATossingAATossing Join Date: 2013-01-05 Member: 177558Members
    edited January 2013
    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    I cannot authenticate with any servers. Ever.
  • KoruyoKoruyo AUT Join Date: 2009-06-06 Member: 67724Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited January 2013
    net_log: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
    dxdiag: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
    Router: Netgear WNR834B
    Connection is wired.
    Ports are forwarded.

    The ingame server browser is not useable<u> at all </u>for me.
    99% of the time it will give me a timeout while trying to connect to a server.

    The timeout throws you back in the main menu, which means i have to go back and reload the complete server list.
    Sadly after such a timeout the serverlist takes up to 2min until it <u>starts</u> to load up again. (whatever the cause of this is, doesnt show up in the log)

    The only relyable way to join ns2 servers for me is with nanogrid and trough steamfriends. (the standalone serverbrowser from the modding forum works for connecting too, but also has some problems refreshing the list properly)

    I guess it has something to do with the refreshing of the serverlist and my internet connection.
  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    Sorry everyone, I haven't had proper internet for a month and therefore haven't been able to volunteer my time as typical for the tech support forums.
    Please continue posting your information and bug reports etc, along with using the techsupport.exe provided in your game folder.

    I'll inform a developer of the recent issues posted in here.
  • SislySisly Join Date: 2013-01-14 Member: 179584Members
    edited January 2013
    I think you should start to ######ing fix things -.-

    I can't connect with many servers, also many people I met said that they had the same issues...
    It's starting to get enjoying if you can't join a server a friends on.

    And to find one where both can join and have a free slot... well this ###### takes some time -.-

    30k for uploading the log file?! mine was 124 kB, so put it up at least to 200 or 150 or what ever so people don't have to ALTER the ######ing log.

    All I see from the log is that you can't establish a stable connection with the server, can't send the package or the server doesn't get it.
    And I see that you mount the mods again after a disconnect, as soon as you get in the menu. (maybe it's just the output but still)


    a ######ing annoyed consumer


    Intel i5 750
    ATI Radeon HD 5850
    4 GB RAM
    log.txt 23.2K
  • SumtingwongSumtingwong Join Date: 2012-09-14 Member: 159320Members
    Hello, I have been playing NS for quite a few years now. Recently I started getting the red wire and I thought it was time to buy a new modem so I did. I am using a Motorola modem with my ISP cox communications. Which I have contacted them and had them check my lines which turned out fine.

    The red cable with randomly come while in combat, observing players, spawning, or running anywhere. The most annoying is in combat when I try to bite someone and the icon comes up usually resulting in a death due to my non moving character trying to catch up.

    Unfortunately I did not need the new modem and should have tested another game which I did "BF3" and it worked out fine along with CS:GO and a few others. I have turned off the steam cloud and limited the game server browser to 500. Both modems perform well with all my other games that I recently tested. In addition I used a direct connection and also tired using my router. Both ways were unsuccessful in remedying the problem.

    This seems to happen with more =< 16 people. If there are less the game will randomly give me the red cable icon.

    It is quite upsetting because this really is a good game however I am really no longer able to play it due to constant Red Cable deaths.

    Here are my logs net_log 3 link <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    If you need additional information I would be more then willing to elaborate. And please get back to me about what is being done to fix this.

    Thank you for your time.
  • FeeedFeeed Join Date: 2013-01-16 Member: 179966Members
    net_log 3: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
    dxdiag: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Constantly getting red cable, my screen freezes for 5 seconds about every 30 seconds and after the freeze i check my ping and its always above 300 and most of the time 999. I cant play at all anymore because of this. I have no problem with my connection with any other game so its just from this game.
  • GojikunGojikun Join Date: 2013-01-21 Member: 181078Members
    edited January 2013

    I'm experiencing connexion loss while in game since a few days before the build 236 release.
    I had no problem before and was able to enjoy the game as intended.
    It usually happen after a few minutes in game, between 5 to 15.
    It is usually impossible to get back to the same server, unless I quit and relaunch the game.
    I use a wireless connexion through a N600 DB Belkin Wireless Adaptator.
    Our provider is the french company Orange, and we have their LiveBox (manufacturer : Samsung) as a router.
    We experience a very tiny bandwidth (64ko/s DL) because of DSLAM distance, but a decent ping (around 56 at best, never play on a server over 80).

    So here are the logs :
    net_log 3 : [to come]
    DxDiag : <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  • SupertSupert Join Date: 2013-01-01 Member: 176982Members
    UW guys, are you fixing this bug? I still can't play >_>
  • B0KB0K Join Date: 2012-12-14 Member: 175116Members
    edited January 2013
    any progress at all?

    this bug is affecting so many people :-/

    this is from the closest official server: <a href="" target="_blank">log</a>

    steps: started NS2, opened console, typed 'retry', 'net_stats', 'net_log 3', then waited in ready room

    client tick rate: > 80
    server tick rate: >29.98
    server: UWE official NA east
    ping: < 40 ms for at least several seconds
    number of people connected to server: 1
    number of servers this happens on: all of them
    number of other games / software / web sites / internet connected devices this happens on: 0
  • B0KB0K Join Date: 2012-12-14 Member: 175116Members
    95% of the time the game works fine at my end. the other 5%, this happens. I'm not the only one. it's not something wrong with my PC / router etc

    as requested, in the hopes this may help

    log: <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>
    (dxlog still the same, no changes to comp)

    server: empty UWE official
    ping: steady 30ms
    client tick >= 87
    server tick >= 29.97
    choke: 100%
  • B0KB0K Join Date: 2012-12-14 Member: 175116Members
    server: Hive 3

    played many fun games there lately. not today though!

    this time, started net_log 3 in console as soon as NS2 started, then typed 'retry'. there was one person on the server, I joined the marines team. at least I made it the marines start point ;-)

    <a href="" target="_blank">log</a>
  • BugattiBugatti Join Date: 2013-01-23 Member: 181458Members
    Hello I am experiencing sudden raise in my ping which never happened in build 235.

    net_log 3 log:
    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    dxdiag report:
    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    I am using a wireless connection and I have not tried to change the channel.

    Problem description:

    My ping jumps from 30-40 to 999 or just raises to 130 something. I already changed the steam Settings to enable no more than 500 ping. I already re-installed the game. I am using no mods. My fps is at ~20 to 30.

    I would like to have a patch that does not make the game unplayable next time and if you require the customer to invest more time for fixing problems than acutally playing the game I suggest you lower the price.
  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    edited January 2013
    "Sending unreliable "
    Simply means the packet didn't make it, there's no handshake between you and the server etc.

    I know that its frustrating that the game isn't working for a lot of you as intended, but i must ask for your patience as there are sooo many different types of network setups /hardware that have their own rules etc that its near impossible to account for each one's oddities.

    From the man who made the engine: There shouldn't be anything special you need to set to simply play this game, no ports open no special settings etc.
    But obviously some routers /networks do some funky things. (HELLO THOMSON ROUTERS!)

    So IF possible, always attempt to troubleshoot your problem by attempting to isolate the issue, i.e. :

    First going wired ethernet only.
    Then try to DMZ your router
    Then try to remove your router from the equation, straight to the modem
    Then if that doesn't do it, download WireShark and upload some results here of whats going on.

    NS2 previously did not restrict a lot of network traffic.. giving the user their server list as fast as possible etc. Unfortunately some network hardware can't handle this. While past patches have addressed this in some ways, it may still be occuring for some. (including me!) so something to try is "Max NAT/Firewall Session Per User : Change from default 1024 to the max 4096" in your router's settings.

    For what it's worth as i said above on this page i dont have proper internet so i've been tethered to my 4G phone.. encountering huge connection issues and have been working on troubleshooting them with the devs.

    Try to isolate the issue, as i said above, and keep sending us that info.. i am ensuring that a developer sees what you guys are posting here on a weekly basis.
    Thanks for your patience and effort! :)
  • amoralamoral Join Date: 2013-01-03 Member: 177250Members
    don't know what caused it, or if it'll ever happen again, but 5 minutes into a game, noticed that gorge build options were all greyed out, after i think i evolved cara... gorge died, then i was able to re-evolve just fine, and build clogs and hydras again... after a couple more minutes, found i could no longer evolve into gorges or fades... only skulk lerk and onos. then i was informed that I was 999, over voice chat, which persisted until i changed servers.
  • SupertSupert Join Date: 2013-01-01 Member: 176982Members
    edited February 2013
    I still have this bug after updating to 238 build. I can't try to connect internet directly because I have to remove half of skirtings in my house to do that. And what exactly I should do with WireShark?
  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    Use an extension cord with two outlets at the end, and then move your computer there temporarily to test it with that router out of the equation. But does that mean you've already tried the other steps I posted above?

    Wire shark can capture network usage and save it to a file for examination. Its self explanatory once installed, but if not there's probably a guide out there. You should use this step after you've gone through the others first, else it may report something inaccurate.
  • sadecesarpsadecesarp Join Date: 2013-02-18 Member: 183170Members
    Hello ironhorse,

    My problem is when i enter NS2 i am able to see all servers for a 2-3 second.If i click them i am able to enter,but after 2-3 second i see 999 ping and ? for the servers.When i click it is saying Couldnt Establish A Connnection With The Server.And when i try to open custome game for me,it is saying Authentication Failed. I read forums most of the help is for Thompson Routers or europa.I am playing from Turkey and my internet company is TTNET.

    Here is my log i hope it will clear some things,and you can help me :(

    Date: 02/19/13
    Time: 16:31:09
    Build 239
    Steam initialized
    Removing old version of mod '7957667'
    Render Device: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series (
    Sound Device: Realtek HD Audio output stereo
    Record Device: Realtek HD Audio Input
    Error: gamestrings/esES.txt:267: Expected '='
    Error: gamestrings/itIT.txt:59: Expected '='
    Mounting mod from C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Application Data/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m7957667_1361163086/
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    Main Menu Initialized at Version: 239
    Steam Id: 23171954
    Network logging set to level 3
    Error: Attempted to load remote options from a file that does not exist.
  • ParagonParagon Join Date: 2012-11-06 Member: 167573Members
    edited February 2013
    Red plug. Judging by the log it looks like a rendering problem.

    Relevant log messages:

    Error: IDirect3DDevice9::Reset to 1920x1080 failed (Device lost)
    Error: No shader specified for material 'materials/descent/descent_floor_01_a.material'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/.material'
    Error: No shader specified for material 'models/.material'


    Time of this report: 2/18/2013, 17:17:05 Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.130104-1431)
    Language: Polish (Regional Setting: Polish)
    System Manufacturer: MSI
    System Model: MS-7681
    BIOS: BIOS Date: 03/02/11 10:58:35 Ver: 04.06.04
    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.3GHz
    Memory: 4096MB RAM
    Available OS Memory: 4076MB RAM
    Page File: 1969MB used, 6181MB available
    Windows Dir: C:\Windows
    DirectX Version: DirectX 11
    DX Setup Parameters: Not found
    User DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
    System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
    DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
    DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 32bit Unicode

    Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460
    Manufacturer: NVIDIA
    Chip type: GeForce GTX 460
    DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC
    Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0E22&SUBSYS_34FC1458&REV_A1
    Display Memory: 2760 MB
    Dedicated Memory: 978 MB
    Shared Memory: 1782 MB
    Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz)
    Monitor Name: Generic PnP Monitor
    Monitor Model: E2360
    Monitor Id: GSM57E3
    Native Mode: 1920 x 1080(p) (60.000Hz)
    Output Type: DVI
    Driver Name: nvd3dumx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um
    Driver File Version: 9.18.0013.0697 (English)
    Driver Version:
    DDI Version: 11
    Driver Model: WDDM 1.1
    Driver Attributes: Final Retail
    Driver Date/Size: 10/2/2012 23:21:00, 18252136 bytes
  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    edited February 2013
    sadecesarp wrote: »
    Hello ironhorse,

    My problem is when i enter NS2 i am able to see all servers for a 2-3 second.If i click them i am able to enter,but after 2-3 second i see 999 ping and ? for the servers.When i click it is saying Couldnt Establish A Connnection With The Server.And when i try to open custome game for me,it is saying Authentication Failed. I read forums most of the help is for Thompson Routers or europa.I am playing from Turkey and my internet company is TTNET.

    Here is my log i hope it will clear some things,and you can help me :(

    Date: 02/19/13
    Time: 16:31:09
    Build 239
    Steam initialized
    Removing old version of mod '7957667'
    Render Device: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series (
    Sound Device: Realtek HD Audio output stereo
    Record Device: Realtek HD Audio Input
    Error: gamestrings/esES.txt:267: Expected '='
    Error: gamestrings/itIT.txt:59: Expected '='
    Mounting mod from C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Application Data/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m7957667_1361163086/
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    Main Menu Initialized at Version: 239
    Steam Id: 23171954
    Network logging set to level 3
    Error: Attempted to load remote options from a file that does not exist.

    Your description is confusing me slightly.
    You say if you click them you are able to enter the game right? The log doesn't show any attempted connections after you entered net logging though?
    Or did you mean you are stuck at the server browser and they eventually show 999 ping?
    If so try these things:
    see first page for how to change the router settings to prevent flooding, as this is what it sounds like to me.
    Try connecting manually by typing connect and then the ip addresses. (You can find 3rd party server browsers in the known issues stickied thread)
    Also try joining off a friend.
    If you fail to connect try typing "retry" in the console.

    Let me know how it goes!

    @paragon: you should open your own thread, as it looks like you have multiple issues. (Display driver shutting down etc)
  • sadecesarpsadecesarp Join Date: 2013-02-18 Member: 183170Members
    Yes,i see all servers good,and i am able to join them and paly with my normal ping.When i refresh server's at server list they are becoming ?-999 ping,and steam cant connect anymore to any server.So i relog to steam,and everything is good.My main problem is i cant refresh list.But i will try to change router settings to prevent flooding.I will write you back what is going on. Thank you for replay
  • NeuroPixelNeuroPixel Join Date: 2012-07-15 Member: 154141Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited February 2013
    Yep it double posted, sorry :/
  • NeuroPixelNeuroPixel Join Date: 2012-07-15 Member: 154141Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Hi, I've been having this problem also and I've been going through the list of fixes over the last couple days.

    I have disabled UPnP, I remember doing this to fix a router problem back in the days of the beta.
    Tried both Wireless and Wired connections. All testing was done using a wired connection.
    I can't do the telnet fix as I get a connection error, my router doesn't support telnet access.

    I don't get a ping of 999, the red connection icon displays after about 5-10 seconds. Just about gives me enough time to pick a side and leave the ready room. On the times I have managed to play (About 4) I can only last 1 round before I lose connection. As soon as the round ends and everyone is put back to the ready room I get the red connection icon and then disconnected. Sometimes it's randomly during the course of a round. All other PCs and applications remain connected to the internet and the router itself doesn't reset.

    I'm not an expert at these things but it almost seems like the router blocks incoming NS2 data when I use the server browser or it's getting overloaded with the amount of servers it is pinging. NS2 has the fastest server browser I've seen in a game, 500+ servers pinged in just over 3 seconds.

    log.txt as an example of when I connect using the in game server browser.
    log2.txt shows me directly connecting using 'connect XX.XX.XX.XX:XXXXX' in the console at the NS2 main menu. It appears I can play by connecting this way. I'll do some more tests.

    I just realised I should have done both tests using the same server IP, I'll re-test if you need me to.

    Windows Vista 64bit
    Q9550 2.83Ghz
    8190MB RAM
    AMD 6950 2GB vRAM

    BT Home Hub 2
    Version 8.1.H.U (Type A) (24/08/11)
    Connected at 5Mb down / 0.5 up


    Edit: Sorry if this double posts, my first post got marked for approval??
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