Spark Editor Tutorial Series?

Bad MojoBad Mojo Join Date: 2009-05-01 Member: 67317Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Something more in depth</div>As someone who is brand new to mapping but looking to learn specifically for NS2, it would be helpful to see some tutorials that go in depth on what all of the most used functions do in the editor, and how they can be used to make performing certain tasks easier. Also to see a step by step process of creating a fully designed room or even a couple of rooms connected by a hallway with vents or something, demonstrating the editor in the hands of someone with the know how.

Looking up Hammer tutorials on youtube there is a video for practically any technique that is commonly used, as well as several series with author commentary that start with the very basics and slowly work their way to more complicated mapping.

I realize I am a beggar and can't be a chooser and that it's still early in NS2's life but I hope that in the (near) future there will be a way for us enthusiasts who lack mapping talent to get a jump start!


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