ScM | Recruiting

GirTurkeyGirTurkey Join Date: 2005-03-03 Member: 43040Members
<div class="IPBDescription">experience required</div>ScM is an ENSL team playing in NA Division 1

We are seeking 2 more active NS2 players to round out our team.


1) 18+ age
2) Played either NS1 comp, or has extensive NS2 playing time with proof of pug/comp play in NS2
3) Mic obviously
4) We prefer central/west, though exceptions can be made for east coasters who are available late.
5) Ability to play at least 3 nights a week 8pm PST to beyond.

What you need to do:

Search for Gir on steam or visit here
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Add me as friend, and we'll get you in for a scrim.


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