Power Node Limits?

Bad MojoBad Mojo Join Date: 2009-05-01 Member: 67317Members
Don't think this has been exactly suggested before, although power nodes have been under discussion quite a bit for various reasons.

What if power nodes had a limit on how much they could power? It's a simple RTS mechanic that is used frequently. (Command & Conquer for example, with power plants)Structures consume various amounts of power, and the power node's health affects its power supply.

For example, say the power node in Operations on Mineshaft has a power supply of 50. The Command Station is independent of the power node, and the IPs are dependent on the CS, so they do not consume power either. Sentries are reliant on the sentry battery of course. Everything else, however, from Armories to Prototype Labs, will consume power.

Power Node: 50 supply

Extractor: 5
Armory: 10, Advanced Armory: 15
Observatory: 5
Prototype Lab: 15
Robotics Facility: 5
Arms Lab: 10
Phase Gate: 10

Given those numbers, all of the structures could not be built in a single room, which will encourage marine expansion, and building structures in currently unused locations.

The other result is that it will eliminate turtling with armory walls pretty much completely, which usually is a tedious part of the game that extends past the point of alien victory.
It will also put more emphasis on maintaining a second base (preferably a Tech Point), because one power node will not be able to support an AA and a Proto in a typical base.

Also, if the power node is damaged to 40% (that's when it starts sounding an alert? correct me if I'm wrong), its power supply might be reduced by 60%, powering down structures in reverse order of when they were built, or possibly in a priority order that can be determined by the commander. This also makes repairing the node extra important in the base. Or a more complicated system where it gradually loses its max power supply as it accumulates damage. Being destroyed would have the same effect that it does currently - knocking out the lights.

The IPs could remain powered despite the node being destroyed, since they would be powered by the command station. Not sure if this would have significant ramifications on gameplay. Could prevent a cheesy single skulk power node rush when no marines are around...


  • DumbMarineDumbMarine Join Date: 2003-02-16 Member: 13645Members
    I'm not at all a fan of things getting powered down before the power node gets killed. That sounds very unbalanced-- losing a power node is already a death blow for the marines. Losing it faster would be worse: having the arms lab, phase gate, or obs go out generally seals the marine's fate.

    The numbers you've given for 'power' don't really affect the game beyond stopping building spamming (which I don't see as a problem, or something that even happens) and forcing the marines to build the proto in their second base. Not really worth the added complexity IMO.
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