Noob questions about maping :D

oldassgamersoldassgamers Join Date: 2011-02-02 Member: 80033Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow
edited November 2012 in Mapping
Hello guys, im testing out the map editor on the spark engine. What I notice is when you build a room and link all the layers together and make other layers inside the room it happends all type of crazy bugs :D Like i remove some layers and out of nowhere it removes the entire room. LoL .

Is there any suggestions how to make it easier to make rooms? I'm thinking on NOT linking each layer together from room to room and making seperate layer and drag them together very tight. So it looks like their linked :D

What is the best way of doing it?

Also I want to add some of the pro's on my steam list who knows the map editor good, anyone want to be my new BFF? lol <3


  • BrawBraw Join Date: 2008-03-21 Member: 63920Members, Constellation
    edited November 2012
    Not quite sure if you are talking about actual layers or just faces (sounds like you might just be talking about plain old faces. Layers are just for organizing in Spark, there is a own window for it Window > Layers). Anyways, if you are gonna delete a layer hit "ctrl+a" first then uncheck the mark beside the layer-name (if any). Nothing should be removed when you delete the layer then.

    The most typical method of doing layering is to make 3 layers for each room, like [room-name] geo, [room-name] lights & [room-name] props.

    If you were not in fact talking about layers, but instead faces. Then I would just cut (ctrl+x) if you were going to delete a linked face. Should unbind it from the rest of the blob :)
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