Server Browser Only Refreshing Favorites.

hypnoxiconhypnoxicon Join Date: 2012-10-28 Member: 164262Members
edited November 2012 in Technical Support
Hello, I've got a bit of a strange problem, it seems that only my Favorites Refresh/Update. I have roughly 20 servers on my favorites list which does allow me to sometimes find games, but not all the time, so it's not a truly "critical" issue, I guess you could say.

I currently have no filters enabled other than Performance and Ping, with Performance set to the lowest possible setting and Ping set to the highest possible setting.

As far as trouble shooting goes I have tired to enable and disable all of the filters. I have uninstalled and reinstalled NS2 and have also verified the game cache many times.

I don't know if its related, but whenever I try to "Quick Join" I'm always put in an empty server. There's also some strange overlapping of text in my server browser.

<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

Any help would be appreciated and I know a lot of other folks are not getting any servers to show up at all, but this also makes it hard to find games sometimes and I find myself quite frustrated at times. Also, before anyone suggests the nanogrid website. That always seems to crash my browser when I try to use it.


  • hypnoxiconhypnoxicon Join Date: 2012-10-28 Member: 164262Members
    I found a workaround. I've started using <a href="" target="_blank">Fsfod's Menumod</a>, which seems to load all of the servers. Some features of the mod don't work, like keybinding but all I really care about is being able to find servers to play on. The only downside is that you can't "favorite" a server, but between the default NS2 server only refreshing/updating my favorites and Fsfod's Menumod I'm sure I'll be fine.
  • -FLH--FLH- Join Date: 2012-11-07 Member: 168077Members
    edited November 2012
    Your res is squashing the favourites radio button as per mine too but I can JUST see it and use it, tinker with your res till you can see it.... I believe it's on the "to fix list"

    Just above MAX PING...
    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    Till it looks like it should...
    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    I can't play it at the higher res without end game yuk but you see the issue :)
  • hypnoxiconhypnoxicon Join Date: 2012-10-28 Member: 164262Members
    Wow, thanks.. I was able to untick it. I had no idea there was another setting there. I just noticed that the text was garbled after a patch and it didn't help that I thought it was part of the Performance slider. Unfortunately 1280x1024 is the max my monitor can handle and while I think an upgrade is due in the near future, I'm stuck with this for right now.

    I really appreciate you pointing that out, truly.
  • -FLH--FLH- Join Date: 2012-11-07 Member: 168077Members
    Try a change to windowed mode, see if you can untick it then back, that makes mine look diff on same res and no probs' happy gaming :)
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