Psychological Warfare: Out Think The Enemy

V_MANV_MAN V-MAN Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6217Members, Constellation
Out thinking the enemy and making them think what you want them to think is an amazing tactic when used properly.

For example when being attacked by a skul a common tactic they will use is to attack then run away getting the marine to give chase while another skul drops down and get him from behind. Instead of giving chase yell out "i need a mepack stat" over the voice comms even if you have full health, if the skul is stupid enough he might try and come back to finish you off believing you are almost dead. This sort of senario can be applied in many different ways and has worked for me quite a few times in one form or another.

Another example is when I was a heavy with a HMG and I was attacking a few offense chambers blocking the door way to a room when I heard a fade coming up behind them so, I stopped shooting with my HMG re-loaded it then got out my pistol out and started shooting the offense chamber all the while shouting "commander I need ammo" over the voice comms this made the fade believe I was out of ammo on my HMG and down to my pistol so he came jumping over the offense chambers with his claws out ready to whack me but instead got wasted by my full loaded HMG.

Even calling yourself NSplayer is a usefull trick to most people NSplayer = n00b but if a few people on a marines team call themselves this then the aliens might underestimate you enough to give you the edge.


  • qtigerqtiger Join Date: 2002-11-20 Member: 9421Members
    Name = NSPlayer = Comm doesn't give you anything
  • zodazoda Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 7175Members
    good points... another way to annoy them like mad is to place turrets in unexpected hallways near bases.. If skulks plan to hit and run they will need somewhere to retreat.. having turrets in the way makes it harder.

    I love your ideas of asking for health and going as NSplayer (LOL)

    To play best as either species you must know the enemy well. so play as both.

    Weld the vent's... you can easily block off an alien attack by welding them shut. not to psychological, but it sure is annoying to try and get someplace and then find out that route is gone.

    Also hiding in vents where you can get in.. the skulks will never expect a marine to be waiting in the vents for an unexpecting skulk to rush by.

    Always look around. it may be easy to spot a fade or onos, but lerks and skulks can hide almost everywhere and lots of the time's they wont move untill you pass them, if you look above a door right as you go under it you may spot a skulk sitting there waiting, he wont expect you to do it.. and you can easily shoot them. Skulks pride themselves in hiding and being sneaky, tricking them will drive them mad.
  • MindmeldmeMindmeldme The Evil One Join Date: 2002-10-27 Member: 1637Members
    not all commanders will write you off if you have NSPlayer as your name...depends what you do...most players will assume your very new though. Good call on the ammo and health requests...the Kahraa can hear them to so pysching them out with them is an excellent plan. If only I had a few more intellengent marines like you at times. Though I stress teamwork...individual skill is always a nice plus in game.
  • VoidMainVoidMain Join Date: 2002-11-19 Member: 9310Members
    Errrr... the "need ammo" and "need health" tactic is kindoff rambo tactic, isn`t it?

    Have you tried to go comm? Do you know how annoying is to have some marine on the team constantly requesting ammo and health?
    I go nuts every time I play with "need" flooders. Stressing. Really stressing.

    Remember NS is teamplay... usually you should go at least in pairs... no need of 1 vs 1 l33t pr0 skirmishes <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • V_MANV_MAN V-MAN Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6217Members, Constellation
    It would of course be sensible to inform the comm before trying to fool a kahraa with that tactic. I should have mentioned that in my original post lol
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