public marines, and correct behavior

JuomariJuomari Join Date: 2012-11-05 Member: 167141Members
edited December 2012 in NS2 General Discussion
I find my self often in very annoying situation as marine commander in public games, i know i shouldn't take it too serious but i can't help it, how is the best way to react in these situations:

1. marines starts to play defencive, literally 95% of marines only defends ther mighty 3 out of 10 resourcetowers we have ( including base ) and doesn't even try to move forward as a team even if you command them several times, without yelling ofcourse.

2. marines move as a team just fine and plays offencive, but get stuck on EVERY doorway there is in the map, too scared to go inside even when there is no aliens in the room, they get stuck in hallways just staring empty spaces doing nothing, waiting if skulk comes even tho they haven't even seen one.

3. whacking cysts with axe, and i can't stress enough that this is MOST annoying thing marines can do, there is resourcetower, upgrades, shifts whatever in the room, but they decide to attack millions of cysts with axes. Or another situation there is million cysts between point A and point B, marines destroy EVERYSINGLE cysts between these points, instead of rushing into the objective and clearing the room and cysts along the way would die eventually.

4. not using phasegate but instead walking 1000miles, i try to tell them to use phasegate, that glowing portal looking thing to get places FASTER but they don't listen, they insist on walking.

5. soloing and not listening orders.

6. can't shoot even a wall even if they hugs it, 1 skulk killing 4 marines alone, what can i do or say ?

7. spamming WHEN WE GET EXOS WHEN WE GET EXOS WHEN WE GET EXOS when we have armor1 upgrade and 3 resourcetowers and sometimes not even second techpoint.

now on the other subject, if you see the game is clearly lost, is it fine to sell ip's ? i mean, i have my personal rule on selling ips, i don't ask teams permission, because usually i don't get even one answer, is that when we lose second techpoint ( if we have one ) and can't have exo's or jp's anymore and enemyteam has 1-2 onos in the game and 80% of the map control. Is it fine to sell ip's in this point ?


  • _Necro__Necro_ Join Date: 2011-02-15 Member: 81895Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    1.) Talk to them. Explain, that they lose nothing. That respawn is free. If they got no other weapon as the LMG they shall be cannon fodder. Reason with them.
    2.) Talk to them. Encourage them by telling that there are no aliens in that room. Get sure with a scan if necessary. And most of all, tell them what your goal is. Why you need this room. (e.g. "Com'on guys, if we don't get this room, we will never get Exos! We neeeed this 2nd tech-point!")
    3.) Talk to them. Explain them, that they give away their positions when they kill the cysts. So aliens will have time to prepare ambushes. Tell them to never kill cysts except when it is tactically useful. (Like disconnecting an important room, getting creep away from res- and tech-points.)
    4.) Ok, in this case just let him walk. He is either an absolute newb to the game and has just begun to figure out the basics. Don't stress them, they will learn this soon enough. Everybody needs some time at the beginning to get warm with the game.
    5.) You can try to talk to them, but my impression is, that this rambos refuse to play in a team anyway. They will get bored of the game soon enough. Just bad luck that you got one in your team.
    6.) Also bad luck. Some team has to lose. Just accept it and try not to prolong this game with a sentry-turtle.
    7.) Talk to them. Explain what is needed to get Exos. Educate them, or they will never stop to ask.

    If I'm absolutely sure, that a game is lost, than I ask if anybody has a problem when I sell the IPs. If nobody answers in 10 seconds, I recycle them.

    But you need to be careful with saying things like this! A commander that kills the moral of his troops, before the game was really lost, is the worst commander and always the cause of the lose. Fighting-Moral has a huge impact on this game. A very good commander is not only measured by its APM in NS2. He is mostly measured by how good he can motivate its troops. (And this is also the solution to most of your points above.)
  • LofungLofung Join Date: 2004-08-21 Member: 30757Members
    EJECT THE NOOB. best solution ever.
  • NammNamm Join Date: 2011-12-08 Member: 137116Members
    Bad AI... :( No, but the defensiveness, couldn't that be a result of too much turtling and drawn out games? Marine players have gotten used to that style of play, so they play the same way throughout the entire game?
  • NeokenNeoken Bruges, Belgium Join Date: 2004-03-20 Member: 27447Members, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Silver, Subnautica Playtester
    edited December 2012
    Basically there isn't much more you can do as a commander when that kind of stuff happens. You can't force people to listen. You can't teach people how to aim. You are at the mercy of your team. All you can do is keep communicating, and hope for the best.

    I recycle only when it's obvious we've lost and the alien team has problems of finishing the game or is just farming kills. I sometimes even ask my team if it's ok to recycle, or at least warn them. :)
  • [AwE]Sentinel[AwE]Sentinel Join Date: 2012-06-05 Member: 152949Members
    Use breadcrumbs ;)

    If they are too scared to enter a room, drop 2 meds or ammo behind the entrance or scan the room or give them three times the order to move inside (/attack the Harvester in the room). Most of the time a group of rines will advance as soon as they notice that the mighty comm is hovering over them ready to give support if needed.
  • ZaggyZaggy NullPointerException The Netherlands Join Date: 2003-12-10 Member: 24214Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Onos, Subnautica Playtester
    Do you have a microphone? <a href="" target="_blank">Headset/headphones/mic topic</a>

    Communication is key, quick communication by text chat is quite impossible to maintain.

    Selling IPs is fine as long as your team consents.
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