Some tricks to help out

DwavenhobbleDwavenhobble Join Date: 2012-12-14 Member: 175044Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Just some little tricks to give new players a bit more to work with</div>Having been a new player (Heck I still am) myself I've come up with a few tricks to help you begin and play far more effectively.

watch the tutorials

Always have one person covering you, or be covering them. Ok it will mean building / demolitions is slower but the extra second or two in time can save you and the other player from losing 12 seconds to the respawn timer as you present an easy and obvious target for the enemy if you're both busy.


Skulk - use the damn ceiling most of the time as many offer nice hiding holes, initially try to play support for your team, hiding out infront of your allies and darting Marines than come through (from cover obviously) this way your team can see them coming and take them out, this means you will be gaining points without being killed in combat the whole time.

Do not just spam bite while attacking try to only use it when you're about to touch a marine. It does more damage than spamming it with a near miss being 25 damage, an ok hit being 50 and a perfect hit being 75 damage, so work on learning the timing.


You are invisible to the enemy unless in direct sight or walking on infestation. Use this to your advantage and when you're approaching where you believe the enemy is, crouch walk in. They will if defending be listening for the heavy clomp of Marine footsteps by being stealthy you can catch them off guard and even hide deep in the enemy territory.

Carry a Welder - Marines except for certain attacks normally take damage to their armour before their health, a Welder quickly lets you patch up armour especially if you're using someone into baiting the aliens to attack while you wait back to pick them off.

Do not destroy every cyst in an area. If you destroy all the cysts in one area quickly it's a red flag for the enemy commander and will let them easily patch it up. If you destroy 1 cyst then pass 2 then destroy 1 going down a chain its far more effective as there will still be infestation patches and with the cysts powered down its not as obvious where the cuts have been made. This forces the enemy commander to have to follow the whole cyst chain to check and find the cuts. Taking time they could have been using on support or further expansion. If you cut a whole section their commander can see it far easier.

Your Flashlight is for pitch black rooms but also for misdirection. if the enemies are switching vision modes chances are your light will give away your position and where you're looking. Having you light on then cutting it might make un suspecting aliens believe you're going a different way and as such could lead to them thinking they can get a nice ambush on your from behind. Only for the moment they break cover for them to be looking down 3 Marines pointing guns right at them.

So anyone have more to add ?
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