KatzenfleischJoin Date: 2014-03-21Member: 194881Members, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Community Developer
Before going further on the mod (what I have in mind is gonna need a lots of dev) I would like to have some feedback.
For now the Faded mod is a short game between 3 and 8 minutes where the Faded has to kill the marines and the marines have to bring batteries back to the main base, or kill the Faded. Hunting the Faded has became a secondary quest. Unfortunatly it is imo outside of the main goal of the mod which is: Fade hunting (like "Ark" or "the Hidden").
So I am coming with the following ideas to give a new fresh start to the mod and make killing the Fade the main goal.
The round will be cut in 3 part, early game, mid game, endgame. To win the game, the marines have to kill the Faded, and the Faded has to stay alive until endgame (where marine respawn will be stopped) and kill the last marines. Each time a marine is killed, he is respawning at the main base. Each time the Faded kill a marine, he is gaining XP, unlocking abilities and getting stronger (ala ns2 combat). The point here is the longer the faded stay in the game, the stronger it is BUT AP/HP do not change, meaning it will still be easy to get killed since marines are going unlock building and ultimatly the prototype labs. A move from early game to mid game is controlled by the Faded only (same as "Ark"), so it's a race between the marines collecting batteries and the Fade increasing his kill count to get upgrades.
Also, the longer a marine stay alive, the stronger it become, too. A veteran would be someone who have seen the Faded at least once, survived a swipe and who is alive for more than 1 min. More ranks and improvement are planned.
Early game:
This part will be the same as what is actually implemented: A sneaky deadly cloaked fade, batteries scattered on the map, building in the main base, but:
* PG removed and battery made invicible.
* Marines will respawn again, and again and again (but with a gun, not a spoon)
* At this point all building are powered down
Mid game:
The Faded has unlock half of his abilities (more stamina, creation of hallucination on demand, abilities like the old blink (like the Fade teaser video)), but the stronger he gets, the more his cloak is reduced. Marines are seeing the Faded more easily but are also getting a hard time to track him and hit him, moving alone is no longer possible.
On the other side marines have the armory (can buy weapon with PRes (20 are given at spawn)), and surely the arms labs. Maybe one of the Faded is already down and burned. The prototype lab is near.
End game:
The Faded has reached his final form and has eaten/killed enought marines. Now when he has the same ability than the Reaver of ark in T3 on the blink (blink and get invisible while an hallucination is generated, this hallucination is dealing damages until the Faded is going out of the blink). Corpses are automatically spawning babblers, infestation corrode armor, he is faster and swiping always deal 75 damages. The faded has also completly lost his cloak. At this point marines can respawn only once each. After that they became a babbler players and join the rank of the Kharaa. If the protolabs is not unlock it is pretty much over unless they are doing a great job at cercling the Faded and setting up traps.
The abilities of the Faded can be organized in two different ways:
* Give him automatically the ability once a certain number of kill is done
* Create a tech tree (like diablo, oblivion, etc) where the Faded can spend XP points to improve what he wants to.
* Ability tree available:
* * Strength and celerity tree: Healing (regen and eating corpses), resistance to certain type of damages, more damages, and speed
* * Veil and fear tree: Improve camo (moving camo, when standing still camo), deal more sanity damages, improve and unlock hallucination related abilities
* * Corpses tree: Improve all abilities related to corpses and infiltration (fake marine), to finally allow the Faded to use and deal damages with the fake marines weapon (MvM ?)
Of course all of this is for now only a draft and will not be made for tomorrow, but it's where the mod can be going soon. I am looking for feedbacks and any constructive comment.
Things that are already ongoing for the next version:
* Reducing a lot FF damages on marines from the napalm grenade
* Anticamp babblers will only attack the camping marine
* A proximity bipper (like Alien isolation, sound already extracted)
* New weapons (Impact GL, medic grenade (HoT floor cloud), NS1 rifle with explosive bullets)
* [Top secret]Babbler players are going to be removed, and replace by, something, something strange, something that will eat marines in their dreams alongside a super Fade with all the features you have ever wanted. An exo wont save you[/Top secret]
KatzenfleischJoin Date: 2014-03-21Member: 194881Members, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Community Developer
edited January 2016
Wooza has accepted to host the mod on his server, we made some Faded event from time to time and for now we are able to fill the server quite often (Something like 4 evening out of 7 on the last week). http://ns2servers.devicenull.org/servers/1726487/ It's still not perfect but compared to what it was a month ago it's pretty good.
It's also getting easier to seed with time. NS2-Fr is also hosting the mod but unfortunatly the server has not been updated for quite a while now and is attached to the old outdated workshop publish_id. It was one of the reason a completly new mod on the workshop was opened on the Workshop (I can freely update this mod myself, makes things easier).
At the moment I am working on the next version of Faded (changelog of things done so far but not published yet, waiting for a bit more content):
Change log 0.22.8 Afterlife experiences (not published yet)
* Features
- New weapon: Healing grenade. Explode on impact and release a one time white cloud healing nearby marines
- Marines now have by default a proximity detector bipper (a la Alien)
* Balance
- Anticamp babblers now only attack the player who is camping
- Reduce the number of babblers spawned by the anticamp (8 -> 6)
- Reduce FF damages from the napalm cloud (damages / 2.5)
- Increase flashlights intensity
- Hunter 'hunt' ability: The closer to the Faded, the faster it is to use
* Fixes
- Babbler players stuck when respawning
- Fixed the hunter ability path not completly going to the Faded if above the floor
- Fixed heavyshotgun mini-freeze on a double shot
- Fixed heavyshotgun/Pistol firing during the reload
- Fixed faded able to pick and attach to wall hallucination ragdolls
* Others
- Adding sounds when a building is powered up
- Rework ambiant sounds
- Remove the "Team res = 100" in the HUD
- Babbler have been removed from the minimap
Modifcation pushed, doing last test on production and then I will change the version on the workshop.
Soul_RiderMod BeanJoin Date: 2004-06-19Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
From a personal perspective, I like the limited time of Hidden, so there was pressure not only on the marines, but also the fade to get the job done. I am not so keen on the extending to three phase idea, as it would make the game too long.
From what you have suggested so far, it would be pretty easy to exploit as well. Hide as the fade until the marines can no longer respawn, so you don't put yourself in danger fighting respawning enemies, then engage and kill them. So essentially, back to the original 3-8 minute game for the fade, while the marines run around..
KatzenfleischJoin Date: 2014-03-21Member: 194881Members, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Community Developer
edited January 2016
@Saffron_baker: For now I am testing the beep sound (since I did not found the time to create a real proximity scanner weapon (like Alien), it will be disable by default now.). However I will add an option on the chat menu (X -> !beeper) for players to enable/disable it if they want to. It's not the best option but it will do until I get this done.
@Soul_Rider: Thanks for the feedback about the three phase idea, but what about the tech-tree for the Faded/Marines ? (Points that have to be dispatched on abilities ?). Since marines are getting new toys, the faded will need to have something else too, for now we have at least 2 slot left.
Change log 0.22.8 Afterlife experiences (new elements added inbetween the beta and now in bold)
Added item: - New faded weapon: old NS2 teleport-blink style
- - Faded goes in the ether, marines can't see him at all during the blink (even in flame)
- - The Faded can still take damages if marines shoot at him, even in the ether
- - Proximity beepers and hunters can't track the faded if he is in the ether
- - Low cost on energy, but drains health instead
- A fade has a 20 energy bonus if he kills a marine
- The hunt ability now display a green box around the faded exact location
- The hunt ability requires less time to use the closer the Faded is
- Rework of the lights
- - 'Sun' lights disable
- - Ambiant colors changed from white to green
- - Light intensity depend on proximity
Complete changelog:
* Features
- New marine weapon: Healing grenade
- New faded weapon: old NS2 teleport-blink style
- - Faded goes in the ether, marines can't see him at all during the blink (even in flame)
- - The Faded can still take damages if marines shoot at him, even in the ether
- - Proximity beepers and hunters can't track the faded if he is in the ether
- - Low cost on energy, but drains health instead
- Marines now have by default a proximity detector bipper - Rework of the lights
- - 'Sun' lights disable
- - Ambiant colors changed from white to green
- - Light intensity depend on proximity
* Balance
- Increase flashlights intensity
- Anticamp babblers now only attack the player who is camping
- Reduce the number of babblers spawned by the anticamp (8 -> 6)
- Reduce FF damages from the napalm cloud (damages / 2.5)
- A fade has a 20 energy bonus if he kills a marine
- The hunt ability now display a green box around the faded exact location
- The hunt ability requires less time to use the closer the Faded is
* Fixes
- Babbler players stuck when respawning
- Fixed heavyshotgun mini-freeze on a double shot
- Fixed heavyshotgun/Pistol firing during the reload
- Fixed faded able to pick and attach to wall hallucination ragdolls
- Fixed the hunter ability path not completly going to the Faded if in the airs
- Fixed the metabolize icon on the faded HUD
* Others
- Adding sounds when a building is powered up
- Rework ambiant sounds
- Remove the "Team res = 100" in the HUD
- Babbler have been removed from the minimap
All of this will need a bit of polishing and balancing but it works. (I have tried to do the old-old blink, with the fade hologram displayed where you aim, and it teleports you there aiming to the nearest marines, but I got too much issues so got this instead).
Now I will allow myself to sleep , good night and enjoy it.
KatzenfleischJoin Date: 2014-03-21Member: 194881Members, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Community Developer
edited January 2016
Change log 0.22.9 Afterlife experiences
* Features
- Add a "Medic" layout as an ability
--> Primary weapon : GL with healing grenades
--> Secondary weapon: Pistol with explosive bullets and delayed detonation
--> Heal order if a wounded teammate ask for a medpack
--> Display "medic" on the scoreboard
- Display "Battery" on the socreboard if a marine is holding one
- Adding loading screens with a few hints
* Balance
- Removed gas grenades (useless)
- Reduce the HP cost of the Faded blink (from 8/s to 6/s)
* Fixes
- Healing grenades model are correctly destroyed (do not stay on screen forever)
KatzenfleischJoin Date: 2014-03-21Member: 194881Members, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Community Developer
edited February 2016
Change log 0.22.10 Afterlife experiences
* Features
- Add a small XP system to the babblers. For each level (up to 6):
--> +1 new little babbler that follows you
--> +1 damage
--> Xenocide is unlocked after 3 bites
- Fake marine can now hear marines voice communications
- Add access to the marine buy menu as a babbler
KatzenfleischJoin Date: 2014-03-21Member: 194881Members, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Community Developer
edited March 2016
New feature in progress, alien moving environnement (clog hentai tentacle):
They are randomly dropped on the map in groups of 4-6 (ceilings) and are not doing much more than moving/rotating themselves around for now, but they will get dangerous soon enough *;..;*
* Make them dangerous (like leaning toward marines and trigger an attack. Ideas welcome, as always)
--> Ideas:
-- -- - React to flashlights (need to polish code)
-- -- - Leaning toward marines and trigger a web effect on it
-- -- - Attach hydras on it
-- -- - Crush/Push marines and trigger a bonewall ?
* Optimize the code so they consume less CPU done
1. I'm not sure if the clog tentacles are a good idea. They're kinda cool and probably a technical achievement, but they also look clunky and frankly more hilarious than scary.
2. Is there a steam group for this mod? I'd love to play it more.
KatzenfleischJoin Date: 2014-03-21Member: 194881Members, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Community Developer
The clog tentacle is purely cosmetic for now and is a try, thinking on making them better for the mod. They may be removed in the future but will stay a bit for now to allow me to test/combine stuff with them.
At the moment there is no steam group for the mod, but from time to time an event is dropped on the Aspheriox group.
Btw: a small changelog about the faded on things I was working on:
-> The "ether" blink is now much more easier and smoother to use for the Faded, allowing him to handle large groups
-> Reducing babblers ammo drop chances (from 10% to 8% to keep marines starving)
-> Marines max HP is reduced by 20hp for each swipe (preventing medics to keep alive marines forever)
-> Hints list updated
-> bug fixing
KatzenfleischJoin Date: 2014-03-21Member: 194881Members, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Community Developer
edited April 2016
Change log 0.22.11 Afterlife experiences
* Features
- The blink is now a lot smoother and easier to use
* Balance
- Reduce blink HP cost from 6hp/s to 4hp/s
- Reduce babbler players ammo drop chances on death (from 10% to 8%)
- Reduce marines max HP by 20hp after each faded swipe (prevent medic spam)
- The faded can't open/close classic entities buttons, unless he is disguised.
* Others
- Update the hints list
- Removing the clog tentacles
* Fixes
- Build 286-295 compatibility
- Fixed a race condition allowing the Faded to eat/pick ragdolls infinitly
- Fixed compatibility with "classic entities"
--> Faded can now be played on all the ns2_dmd_* maps (tested with:)
"1D36AE79": "ns2_dmd_veil"
"20FE55AD": "ns2_dmd_biodome"
"27a47de1": "ns2_dmd_tram"
"25AC952F": "ns2_dmd_origin"
"1FEFE233": "ns2_dmd_docking"
"20D757F2": "ns2_dmd_refinery"
Note: Corpses can't be attached to moveable map objects at the moment
KatzenfleischJoin Date: 2014-03-21Member: 194881Members, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Community Developer
Change log 0.23 Rebirth
Faded is back online !
* Fixes
- Fixed faded dropping two ragdolls of himself
- Fixed medic not being displayed as dead once dead on the scoreboard
- Build 295-302 compatibility
- Faded, if played by a bot, is now also killing marines (was only moving around)
* Others
- Turned objective mod off by default (can be turned on again in the server faded .json)
For now the Faded mod is a short game between 3 and 8 minutes where the Faded has to kill the marines and the marines have to bring batteries back to the main base, or kill the Faded. Hunting the Faded has became a secondary quest. Unfortunatly it is imo outside of the main goal of the mod which is: Fade hunting (like "Ark" or "the Hidden").
So I am coming with the following ideas to give a new fresh start to the mod and make killing the Fade the main goal.
The round will be cut in 3 part, early game, mid game, endgame. To win the game, the marines have to kill the Faded, and the Faded has to stay alive until endgame (where marine respawn will be stopped) and kill the last marines. Each time a marine is killed, he is respawning at the main base. Each time the Faded kill a marine, he is gaining XP, unlocking abilities and getting stronger (ala ns2 combat). The point here is the longer the faded stay in the game, the stronger it is BUT AP/HP do not change, meaning it will still be easy to get killed since marines are going unlock building and ultimatly the prototype labs. A move from early game to mid game is controlled by the Faded only (same as "Ark"), so it's a race between the marines collecting batteries and the Fade increasing his kill count to get upgrades.
Also, the longer a marine stay alive, the stronger it become, too. A veteran would be someone who have seen the Faded at least once, survived a swipe and who is alive for more than 1 min. More ranks and improvement are planned.
Early game:
This part will be the same as what is actually implemented: A sneaky deadly cloaked fade, batteries scattered on the map, building in the main base, but:
* PG removed and battery made invicible.
* Marines will respawn again, and again and again (but with a gun, not a spoon)
* At this point all building are powered down
Mid game:
The Faded has unlock half of his abilities (more stamina, creation of hallucination on demand, abilities like the old blink (like the Fade teaser video)), but the stronger he gets, the more his cloak is reduced. Marines are seeing the Faded more easily but are also getting a hard time to track him and hit him, moving alone is no longer possible.
On the other side marines have the armory (can buy weapon with PRes (20 are given at spawn)), and surely the arms labs. Maybe one of the Faded is already down and burned. The prototype lab is near.
End game:
The Faded has reached his final form and has eaten/killed enought marines. Now when he has the same ability than the Reaver of ark in T3 on the blink (blink and get invisible while an hallucination is generated, this hallucination is dealing damages until the Faded is going out of the blink). Corpses are automatically spawning babblers, infestation corrode armor, he is faster and swiping always deal 75 damages. The faded has also completly lost his cloak. At this point marines can respawn only once each. After that they became a babbler players and join the rank of the Kharaa. If the protolabs is not unlock it is pretty much over unless they are doing a great job at cercling the Faded and setting up traps.
The abilities of the Faded can be organized in two different ways:
* Give him automatically the ability once a certain number of kill is done
* Create a tech tree (like diablo, oblivion, etc) where the Faded can spend XP points to improve what he wants to.
* Ability tree available:
* * Strength and celerity tree: Healing (regen and eating corpses), resistance to certain type of damages, more damages, and speed
* * Veil and fear tree: Improve camo (moving camo, when standing still camo), deal more sanity damages, improve and unlock hallucination related abilities
* * Corpses tree: Improve all abilities related to corpses and infiltration (fake marine), to finally allow the Faded to use and deal damages with the fake marines weapon (MvM ?)
Of course all of this is for now only a draft and will not be made for tomorrow, but it's where the mod can be going soon. I am looking for feedbacks and any constructive comment.
Things that are already ongoing for the next version:
* Reducing a lot FF damages on marines from the napalm grenade
* Anticamp babblers will only attack the camping marine
* A proximity bipper (like Alien isolation, sound already extracted)
* New weapons (Impact GL, medic grenade (HoT floor cloud), NS1 rifle with explosive bullets)
* [Top secret]Babbler players are going to be removed, and replace by, something, something strange, something that will eat marines in their dreams alongside a super Fade with all the features you have ever wanted. An exo wont save you[/Top secret]
It's also getting easier to seed with time. NS2-Fr is also hosting the mod but unfortunatly the server has not been updated for quite a while now and is attached to the old outdated workshop publish_id. It was one of the reason a completly new mod on the workshop was opened on the Workshop (I can freely update this mod myself, makes things easier).
At the moment I am working on the next version of Faded (changelog of things done so far but not published yet, waiting for a bit more content):
Change log 0.22.8 Afterlife experiences (not published yet)
* Features
- New weapon: Healing grenade. Explode on impact and release a one time white cloud healing nearby marines
- Marines now have by default a proximity detector bipper (a la Alien)
* Balance
- Anticamp babblers now only attack the player who is camping
- Reduce the number of babblers spawned by the anticamp (8 -> 6)
- Reduce FF damages from the napalm cloud (damages / 2.5)
- Increase flashlights intensity
- Hunter 'hunt' ability: The closer to the Faded, the faster it is to use
* Fixes
- Babbler players stuck when respawning
- Fixed the hunter ability path not completly going to the Faded if above the floor
- Fixed heavyshotgun mini-freeze on a double shot
- Fixed heavyshotgun/Pistol firing during the reload
- Fixed faded able to pick and attach to wall hallucination ragdolls
* Others
- Adding sounds when a building is powered up
- Rework ambiant sounds
- Remove the "Team res = 100" in the HUD
- Babbler have been removed from the minimap
Modifcation pushed, doing last test on production and then I will change the version on the workshop.
From what you have suggested so far, it would be pretty easy to exploit as well. Hide as the fade until the marines can no longer respawn, so you don't put yourself in danger fighting respawning enemies, then engage and kill them. So essentially, back to the original 3-8 minute game for the fade, while the marines run around..
@Soul_Rider: Thanks for the feedback about the three phase idea, but what about the tech-tree for the Faded/Marines ? (Points that have to be dispatched on abilities ?). Since marines are getting new toys, the faded will need to have something else too, for now we have at least 2 slot left.
Change log 0.22.8 Afterlife experiences (new elements added inbetween the beta and now in bold)
Added item:
- New faded weapon: old NS2 teleport-blink style
- - Faded goes in the ether, marines can't see him at all during the blink (even in flame)
- - The Faded can still take damages if marines shoot at him, even in the ether
- - Proximity beepers and hunters can't track the faded if he is in the ether
- - Low cost on energy, but drains health instead
- A fade has a 20 energy bonus if he kills a marine
- The hunt ability now display a green box around the faded exact location
- The hunt ability requires less time to use the closer the Faded is
- Rework of the lights
- - 'Sun' lights disable
- - Ambiant colors changed from white to green
- - Light intensity depend on proximity
Complete changelog:
- New marine weapon: Healing grenade
- New faded weapon: old NS2 teleport-blink style
- - Faded goes in the ether, marines can't see him at all during the blink (even in flame)
- - The Faded can still take damages if marines shoot at him, even in the ether
- - Proximity beepers and hunters can't track the faded if he is in the ether
- - Low cost on energy, but drains health instead
- Marines now have by default a proximity detector bipper
- Rework of the lights
- - 'Sun' lights disable
- - Ambiant colors changed from white to green
- - Light intensity depend on proximity
* Balance
- Increase flashlights intensity
- Anticamp babblers now only attack the player who is camping
- Reduce the number of babblers spawned by the anticamp (8 -> 6)
- Reduce FF damages from the napalm cloud (damages / 2.5)
- A fade has a 20 energy bonus if he kills a marine
- The hunt ability now display a green box around the faded exact location
- The hunt ability requires less time to use the closer the Faded is
* Fixes
- Babbler players stuck when respawning
- Fixed heavyshotgun mini-freeze on a double shot
- Fixed heavyshotgun/Pistol firing during the reload
- Fixed faded able to pick and attach to wall hallucination ragdolls
- Fixed the hunter ability path not completly going to the Faded if in the airs
- Fixed the metabolize icon on the faded HUD
* Others
- Adding sounds when a building is powered up
- Rework ambiant sounds
- Remove the "Team res = 100" in the HUD
- Babbler have been removed from the minimap
All of this will need a bit of polishing and balancing but it works. (I have tried to do the old-old blink, with the fade hologram displayed where you aim, and it teleports you there aiming to the nearest marines, but I got too much issues so got this instead).
Now I will allow myself to sleep
* Features
- Add a "Medic" layout as an ability
--> Primary weapon : GL with healing grenades
--> Secondary weapon: Pistol with explosive bullets and delayed detonation
--> Heal order if a wounded teammate ask for a medpack
--> Display "medic" on the scoreboard
- Display "Battery" on the socreboard if a marine is holding one
- Adding loading screens with a few hints
* Balance
- Removed gas grenades (useless)
- Reduce the HP cost of the Faded blink (from 8/s to 6/s)
* Fixes
- Healing grenades model are correctly destroyed (do not stay on screen forever)
Also, a faded (snow and outdoor) map is ongoing
* Features
- Add a small XP system to the babblers. For each level (up to 6):
--> +1 new little babbler that follows you
--> +1 damage
--> Xenocide is unlocked after 3 bites
- Fake marine can now hear marines voice communications
- Add access to the marine buy menu as a babbler
* Balance
- Reduce babbler players base damages (4 -> 3)
* Fixes
- Build 285 compatibility
They are randomly dropped on the map in groups of 4-6 (ceilings) and are not doing much more than moving/rotating themselves around for now, but they will get dangerous soon enough *;..;*
* Make them dangerous (like leaning toward marines and trigger an attack. Ideas welcome, as always)
--> Ideas:
-- -- - React to flashlights (need to polish code)
-- -- - Leaning toward marines and trigger a web effect on it
-- -- - Attach hydras on it
-- -- - Crush/Push marines and trigger a bonewall ?
* Optimize the code so they consume less CPU done
2. Is there a steam group for this mod? I'd love to play it more.
The clog tentacle is purely cosmetic for now and is a try, thinking on making them better for the mod. They may be removed in the future but will stay a bit for now to allow me to test/combine stuff with them.
At the moment there is no steam group for the mod, but from time to time an event is dropped on the Aspheriox group.
Btw: a small changelog about the faded on things I was working on:
-> The "ether" blink is now much more easier and smoother to use for the Faded, allowing him to handle large groups
-> Reducing babblers ammo drop chances (from 10% to 8% to keep marines starving)
-> Marines max HP is reduced by 20hp for each swipe (preventing medics to keep alive marines forever)
-> Hints list updated
-> bug fixing
* Features
- The blink is now a lot smoother and easier to use
* Balance
- Reduce blink HP cost from 6hp/s to 4hp/s
- Reduce babbler players ammo drop chances on death (from 10% to 8%)
- Reduce marines max HP by 20hp after each faded swipe (prevent medic spam)
- The faded can't open/close classic entities buttons, unless he is disguised.
* Others
- Update the hints list
- Removing the clog tentacles
* Fixes
- Build 286-295 compatibility
- Fixed a race condition allowing the Faded to eat/pick ragdolls infinitly
- Fixed compatibility with "classic entities"
--> Faded can now be played on all the ns2_dmd_* maps (tested with:)
"1D36AE79": "ns2_dmd_veil"
"20FE55AD": "ns2_dmd_biodome"
"27a47de1": "ns2_dmd_tram"
"25AC952F": "ns2_dmd_origin"
"1FEFE233": "ns2_dmd_docking"
"20D757F2": "ns2_dmd_refinery"
Note: Corpses can't be attached to moveable map objects at the moment
Faded is back online !
* Fixes
- Fixed faded dropping two ragdolls of himself
- Fixed medic not being displayed as dead once dead on the scoreboard
- Build 295-302 compatibility
- Faded, if played by a bot, is now also killing marines (was only moving around)
* Others
- Turned objective mod off by default (can be turned on again in the server faded .json)