Marine Commander tips?

DrPastahDrPastah Join Date: 2012-12-29 Member: 176624Members
I've commanded a couple times now and my team finds it hard to hold down rez nodes. I notice that our team gets really behind on rez nodes. So I'm unsure how to deal with opening games up and playing mid game. Should I really bother on holding as much rez nodes? Or should we invade their rez nodes as much as possible? My team gets constantly harassed and it takes them ages to defend a base or rez node.

Another question is: should I really focus on fast expanding to 2/3 bases or on rez nodes? If I focus on bases then that means they can't tech right? So what should my goals be? More rez nodes or more bases?

Also if my team is struggling with getting rez nodes out there since it's already expanded, should I focus on pushing their hives or rez nodes?

And for teching, what should I focus on? Should I upgrade to level 1 everthing then get all weapons? I can't seem to find builds as a marine commander regarding upgrades.


  • StardogStardog Join Date: 2004-10-25 Member: 32448Members
    edited December 2012
    Res is the most important thing in the game. You generally need at least 4 to have a decent chance. So get the two adjacent ones to the start location and another from a TP/hive location at least. Protect them.

    The chances of doing this on a rookie server are next to zero because they won't even know how to use the phase gate.

    If you only have 3 res nodes with no 2nd base then you will lose.
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