Common mistakes made by Marine Commanders
Join Date: 2012-09-05 Member: 157916Members, Reinforced - Shadow

<b>Edited to be more clear that these are MISTAKES, not recommendations. Herp derp.</b>
Common Marine Commander Mistakes
These are some common mistakes that new or somewhat new marine comms make. Read this list and take them to heart.
<u>MISTAKE: Early sentries (or sentries at all)</u>
In the early game, this is 20 res (5 for the battery and each sentry) which could be better spent on, say, shotguns...or mines....or armor 1/weapons 1, not to mention the initial cost of a robotics factory. The idea is to get upgrades to benefit the entire team, rather than 3 lonely sentries hoping for a chance to prove their worth by defending base.
<u>MISTAKE: Early second IP</u>
Unless you're doing a fast comm station + IP expand, you don't need to drop a second IP at the very moment you jump in the comm station. A second IP is necessary as marines start dying faster than your initial IP can keep up with, but until then it is better to spend the res on extractors and phase tech.
<u>MISTAKE: Early arms lab</u>
Your priority as commander in the early game is to grab resource nodes and hold forward bases. What use is a 20 res arms lab that sits unused because you don't have the res flow to make the 15 res to spend on W1 or A1? Anyway, marines with W1 still need 9 bullets (same as W0) to kill a base skulk, and A1 marines still die in 3 direct bites from a skulk (A1 shotgun marines are absolutely necessary as you approach mid game, since fades need an additional swipe to kill them). That's not to say you don't need arms labs - just drop one after you've secured your bases and res nodes.
<u>MISTAKE: No phase tech</u>
Unless you're rushing for a second comm station with forward IPs (a viable strategy on larger servers), researching phase tech is your second highest priority after securing res nodes.
<u>MISTAKE: Not fortifying a base</u>
A forward Tech Point should have a PG, armory and an extractor, with an observatory to come as res permits (meaning, ASAP). A second base should have a comm station, at least one IP, a PG, armory, extractor, an observatory (two overlapping observatories required later, to have advance warning of base rushes). It is also a good idea to drop your second arms lab here, so that losing your arms lab in your starting base doesn't drop your newly-spawning marines down to W0/A0.
Remember... don't waste res on sentries. That 20 res is better spent on...pretty much anything else.
<u>MISTAKE: Expanding too far before phase tech</u>
This is the second biggest mistake that I see on marines, not knowing when to stop expanding and when to hold a base until phase gates are available. Too often marines push further than the secondary or tertiary base and get slaughtered, with nobody to build a PG in those bases so that reinforcements can continue to pour in.
<u>HUGE MISTAKE: Not being aggressive enough</u>
Biggest mistake right here.
Being aggressive is different than expanding too far. ONE part of being aggressive is to attack the alien res nodes in the early game - all alien structures require time to grow, and most alien harvesters are dropped by the alien comm and left alone. This is a great time to chop them down - depending on the map and the skill level of the respective teams.
For example, in ns2_docking the aliens can start in Locker Rooms, or Generator or Departures. However, there is an open area directly in the middle of the map through which marines can sprint to access Maintenance / Courtyard / Stability Monitoring. Smart marines will run into Locker Rooms from Courtyard by hopping the pipes immediately to their left upon entering Courtyard (there are some items arranged in such a way that it's a 'secret' shortcut to the catwalk in Courtyard).
Regardless of the map, the idea remains the same:
1) Actively harass the res towers. Your lives and KDR as Marines are irrelevant - perform suicide runs to kill a res tower. Do it repeatedly and the aliens will be too res starved to drop an avalanche of onoses on you. It's okay if you end up with 3 kills 15 deaths because you kept nailing their harvesters over and over - trust me, the alien commander is pulling his hair out watching you kill his res flow. Been there, done that on both teams. As a side benefit, harassing their res towers helps to occupy the aliens that would be hitting your own extractors - it's a win-win.
2) Ninja the hive upgrades if you're sneaky enough. Sneak your way to their main hive and look for spurs, shells or veils. Kill them, even if you have to empty your guns on them and axe them while dodging skulks. Don't hit the cysts. Don't hit the eggs. Especially do NOT hit the hive and make it scream. You're attacking their resources, and those upgrades are basically banked resources waiting to be axed down.
3) Make a push from a location where there's a forward phase gate and threaten their hive(s). This game is not about lone marines dueling skulks in a forgotten corridor on a large map, or marines in base crouching by the doorway Call of Duty style (as if crouching makes bite do less damage). It is about taking territory from the enemy and not milling around a base <b>waiting</b> for aliens to come knocking.
4) Deny the aliens a second hive location if at all possible. This depends on the map and the aliens' starting location. This is the best case scenario as one hive aliens are significantly weaker than two hive aliens. One of the best things the marines can do in the early-mid game is to kill a newly born second hive. If you find one, your priority is to get your marines to kill it ASAP. It is easily shot down in seconds, and that's 40 res down the drain and it sets the alien war effort back significantly. If you cannot deny them that second hive, then deny them a third hive at all costs because a third hive allows for onos egg drops (and a third hive also means a third location where eggs are being spawned). Alternatively, you can do #3 or #5.
5) Ninja PGs. A marine sneaking into a hive, or near a hive, can build a sneaky PG for a near instant hive takedown. For example, on ns2_veil, The Neck is a great place for a ninja PG. Hives go down under concentrated LMG fire in less than a minute, and killing an established hive (and associated upgrade structures) is a major blow to the aliens in morale, economy and their upgrades.
This is only an incomplete list of ALL of the mistakes that marine commanders can make....
Common Marine Commander Mistakes
These are some common mistakes that new or somewhat new marine comms make. Read this list and take them to heart.
<u>MISTAKE: Early sentries (or sentries at all)</u>
In the early game, this is 20 res (5 for the battery and each sentry) which could be better spent on, say, shotguns...or mines....or armor 1/weapons 1, not to mention the initial cost of a robotics factory. The idea is to get upgrades to benefit the entire team, rather than 3 lonely sentries hoping for a chance to prove their worth by defending base.
<u>MISTAKE: Early second IP</u>
Unless you're doing a fast comm station + IP expand, you don't need to drop a second IP at the very moment you jump in the comm station. A second IP is necessary as marines start dying faster than your initial IP can keep up with, but until then it is better to spend the res on extractors and phase tech.
<u>MISTAKE: Early arms lab</u>
Your priority as commander in the early game is to grab resource nodes and hold forward bases. What use is a 20 res arms lab that sits unused because you don't have the res flow to make the 15 res to spend on W1 or A1? Anyway, marines with W1 still need 9 bullets (same as W0) to kill a base skulk, and A1 marines still die in 3 direct bites from a skulk (A1 shotgun marines are absolutely necessary as you approach mid game, since fades need an additional swipe to kill them). That's not to say you don't need arms labs - just drop one after you've secured your bases and res nodes.
<u>MISTAKE: No phase tech</u>
Unless you're rushing for a second comm station with forward IPs (a viable strategy on larger servers), researching phase tech is your second highest priority after securing res nodes.
<u>MISTAKE: Not fortifying a base</u>
A forward Tech Point should have a PG, armory and an extractor, with an observatory to come as res permits (meaning, ASAP). A second base should have a comm station, at least one IP, a PG, armory, extractor, an observatory (two overlapping observatories required later, to have advance warning of base rushes). It is also a good idea to drop your second arms lab here, so that losing your arms lab in your starting base doesn't drop your newly-spawning marines down to W0/A0.
Remember... don't waste res on sentries. That 20 res is better spent on...pretty much anything else.
<u>MISTAKE: Expanding too far before phase tech</u>
This is the second biggest mistake that I see on marines, not knowing when to stop expanding and when to hold a base until phase gates are available. Too often marines push further than the secondary or tertiary base and get slaughtered, with nobody to build a PG in those bases so that reinforcements can continue to pour in.
<u>HUGE MISTAKE: Not being aggressive enough</u>
Biggest mistake right here.
Being aggressive is different than expanding too far. ONE part of being aggressive is to attack the alien res nodes in the early game - all alien structures require time to grow, and most alien harvesters are dropped by the alien comm and left alone. This is a great time to chop them down - depending on the map and the skill level of the respective teams.
For example, in ns2_docking the aliens can start in Locker Rooms, or Generator or Departures. However, there is an open area directly in the middle of the map through which marines can sprint to access Maintenance / Courtyard / Stability Monitoring. Smart marines will run into Locker Rooms from Courtyard by hopping the pipes immediately to their left upon entering Courtyard (there are some items arranged in such a way that it's a 'secret' shortcut to the catwalk in Courtyard).
Regardless of the map, the idea remains the same:
1) Actively harass the res towers. Your lives and KDR as Marines are irrelevant - perform suicide runs to kill a res tower. Do it repeatedly and the aliens will be too res starved to drop an avalanche of onoses on you. It's okay if you end up with 3 kills 15 deaths because you kept nailing their harvesters over and over - trust me, the alien commander is pulling his hair out watching you kill his res flow. Been there, done that on both teams. As a side benefit, harassing their res towers helps to occupy the aliens that would be hitting your own extractors - it's a win-win.
2) Ninja the hive upgrades if you're sneaky enough. Sneak your way to their main hive and look for spurs, shells or veils. Kill them, even if you have to empty your guns on them and axe them while dodging skulks. Don't hit the cysts. Don't hit the eggs. Especially do NOT hit the hive and make it scream. You're attacking their resources, and those upgrades are basically banked resources waiting to be axed down.
3) Make a push from a location where there's a forward phase gate and threaten their hive(s). This game is not about lone marines dueling skulks in a forgotten corridor on a large map, or marines in base crouching by the doorway Call of Duty style (as if crouching makes bite do less damage). It is about taking territory from the enemy and not milling around a base <b>waiting</b> for aliens to come knocking.
4) Deny the aliens a second hive location if at all possible. This depends on the map and the aliens' starting location. This is the best case scenario as one hive aliens are significantly weaker than two hive aliens. One of the best things the marines can do in the early-mid game is to kill a newly born second hive. If you find one, your priority is to get your marines to kill it ASAP. It is easily shot down in seconds, and that's 40 res down the drain and it sets the alien war effort back significantly. If you cannot deny them that second hive, then deny them a third hive at all costs because a third hive allows for onos egg drops (and a third hive also means a third location where eggs are being spawned). Alternatively, you can do #3 or #5.
5) Ninja PGs. A marine sneaking into a hive, or near a hive, can build a sneaky PG for a near instant hive takedown. For example, on ns2_veil, The Neck is a great place for a ninja PG. Hives go down under concentrated LMG fire in less than a minute, and killing an established hive (and associated upgrade structures) is a major blow to the aliens in morale, economy and their upgrades.
This is only an incomplete list of ALL of the mistakes that marine commanders can make....
I assume you mean that the OP is wrong or bad. If that's the case, I'm going to have to disagree with you. OP is spot on.
Maybe you can re-read the original post? This is a list of MISTAKES, not recommendations... lol.
what universe is this guy posting from, op is spot on for pub commanders
no turrets. like, never. ever.
further, he goes on to point out the really important aspect of dropping obs/AL, that its not useful unless you have the res for upgrades.
less of a point for the obs, because it does have a passive bonus, and has capability of beacon, so there is some benefit to building even without res for the upgrades for it.
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->This is only an incomplete list of ALL of the mistakes that marine commanders can make....<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
The idea is that this list details most of the common, early mistakes that a marine commander makes. I could talk about med/ammo, but that would not make sense to a newbie comm - it usually ends up making them waste res on unnecessary ammo/medpack requests from people who are literally 10 ft from base. I could talk about researching exos before jps, but that's a different story altogether. I could talk about structure placement, but that's a little too advanced for a newbie comm. How to beacon (and when not to beacon) is yet another thing.
Writing about every mistake that a marine comm can make would be a book unto itself.
This should be renamed to:
Retard Guide to Comm and OP should be edited to.
"Dont get in.
Maybe you can re-read the original post? This is a list of MISTAKES, not recommendations... lol.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
so u think i dunno that you mentioned mistakes, thats a mistake. while it <u>seems</u> generally true, it is not necessarily true. let me give u a few simple example.
1. when it happens that your team is, having a clue or by accident, playing a early containment strategy and winning, early sentries and MACs will be useful. with close spawns where the situation is your team flooded the hive and starting to have success,
a. drop an armory for resupplies
b. tell your team that you could actually hold SHIFT to rush to their hive after respawning
c. dropping a 2nd ip early becomes an option in case the flood is slightly sub-par while it is still working.
d. making MACs becomes an option because you will have more manpower and if you manage to make a full containment.
e. drop sentries at the unpopular, probably the further, side to strengthen the containment.
then hold up, play co and simcity.
2. no phase tech is definitely doable when your, significant or even better majority, team have an idea of defending where it needs to be defended, particularly holding down SHIFT and aiming. after all, if all your rts are 20 seconds away from spawn and marines are not dying often, why bother getting pgs so fast anyway. using a sunken cost logic, a pair of phase gates actually requires more than 40 res to be functional. while a1 is 35. the flaw of having early arms lab rests with the same reason. if you are not going early weapons or pg, then it is only left to go arms lab unless you are containing aliens. getting early arms lab also open the opportunity to get above average damage or armour advantage. while early a1 still requires 3 perfect hit to kill a marine, early a3 with a outpost armory is definitely a pain in the ass.
3. a forward tech point does not requires a obs asap. using your same sunken cost logic, DURING ALL TIME OF THE GAME UNTIL YOU REACH W3A3 AND AT LEAST JP OR EXO,
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->this is 20 res (5 for the battery and each sentry) which could be better spent on, say, shotguns...or mines....or armor 1/weapons 1, not to mention the initial cost of a robotics factory<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
completely the same for obs. in case of instant need for marines, distress in base, make them phase in. phase gate down? rush aliens's hive.
4. expanding too far regarding as a mistake is yet another not-necessarily-mistake. a common early optimal situation is that in a 8vs8 game, 5 marines manage to start the egg lock while the aliens are not completely dying. 2 marines are in the outskirts. time for overexpanding. it does not just take time for aliens to kill your rt, you can still recycle if they attack it. and it stops khamm dropping on free rt spots. there are always those comm who throws games with a good, or even you call it lucky, start.
One thing I cannot believe the Dev team did was make sentries almost utterly useless. There is very rarely anytime I can see to actually spend the res on sentries. Their damage and area of coverage is just too weak and their health is incredibly weak as well. A lone skulk can easily get around them pretty much no matter where they are placed.
I'm glad that you feel the need to attack someone's contribution at attempting at raising the skill level of marine commanders on public servers. It is obvious that public servers and their players are not nearly as important as the few elite who were born knowing how to play this game. This will certainly contribute to the longevity of NS2 after public server players rage quit the game because they keep getting roflstomped by the aliens.
Anyway, I'd like to see you argue against any one of the points listed in the OP....but knowing that you cannot make a meaningful argument against any of them, you resort to strawmen and insults in an attempt to make yourself seem like you know it all.
Your strategy relies on marines that can shoot, and a starting hive near your spawn (Warehouse -> Server Room, or Flight Control -> Sub Access). In that case, you've already won the game if the marines are egglocking them from the start. It's a simple rush strategy that doesn't always work against aliens that know what they're doing.
And yes, you DID make a mistake by misreading my OP and thinking that what I posted were recommendations NOT to get a PG or an early arms lab. So please stop trying to cover up.
In any case, I am starting to understand why people stop posting on these forums - all you get is flak from those whose entire online existence is to troll and to say stupid sh*t like 'HOLD SHIFT DOWN TO TELEPORT TO THE HIVE WE DON'T NEED PGS' (yes I know it's sprint).
Any attempt to help or to teach, and these people jump in and start asserting themselves. I'm looking out for the future of NS2 because I want to keep playing this game on full servers, and these people are only concerned about roflstomping newbies over and over to get their kicks.
Nice write up Gorge.
I'm glad that you feel the need to attack someone's contribution at attempting at raising the skill level of marine commanders on public servers. It is obvious that public servers and their players are not nearly as important as the few elite who were born knowing how to play this game. This will certainly contribute to the longevity of NS2 after public server players rage quit the game because they keep getting roflstomped by the aliens.
Anyway, I'd like to see you argue against any one of the points listed in the OP....but knowing that you cannot make a meaningful argument against any of them, you resort to strawmen and insults in an attempt to make yourself seem like you know it all.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Actually I am suggesting that making a post that is so basic is utterly useless...
If you are aiming your guide at retards it serves no purpose, anyone without a major head injury could work out your list as a start point.
Secondly people whom might need this list wont be on the forums, only people who have taken the first steps on the ladder at commanding will have taken the time to search the forums for advice on commanding, these people probably already outstreched anti-retard guidelines you have written and thus them following this guide will probably cause them to be worse commanders.
Here have a competant argument.
Early ALab: You write this point asthough it is a bad idea to drop an Arms Lab in the first 15 seconds of the game, what idiot on this earth would ever do this?
However as most will mistread early as "Dont drop Arms Labs before phase-gates" your argument is actually conterary to what should be done in most situations.
Weapons 1 should in most circumstances always come before Phase Tech.
Also, I never insulted you, I merely paraphrased your thread.
However, since I am already accused, your a stupid boo boo head and I think you smell of poo.
If you are aiming your guide at retards it serves no purpose, anyone without a major head injury could work out your list as a start point.
Secondly people whom might need this list wont be on the forums, only people who have taken the first steps on the ladder at commanding will have taken the time to search the forums for advice on commanding, these people probably already outstreched anti-retard guidelines you have written and thus them following this guide will probably cause them to be worse commanders.
Here have a competant argument.
Early ALab: You write this point asthough it is a bad idea to drop an Arms Lab in the first 15 seconds of the game, what idiot on this earth would ever do this?
However as most will mistread early as "Dont drop Arms Labs before phase-gates" your argument is actually conterary to what should be done in most situations.
Weapons 1 should in most circumstances always come before Phase Tech.
Also, I never insulted you, I merely paraphrased your thread.
However, since I am already accused, your a stupid boo boo head and I think you smell of poo.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
He said meaningful argument. If you have to admittedly misinterpret something that is already planely stated just make an argument against the point then you really have no argument at all.
Also you are making a huge assumption no one reading this list is completely new to the game and coming on here looking for commanding tips. I see some of these things he suggested regularly and to say its meaningless shows you don't play in pubs very often or read some of the posts on these forums.
EDIT: And just to add my 2 cents to the OP....I do sort of disagree about the turrets. For a marine team that can't shoot they really do help fortifying a forward position in my opinion, especially against all the ground skulks I see now. The only downside is when the poeple on theother team know what they are doing turrets are easily countered but that is not always the case. As a whole though I c completely agree..good list.
1) Unnecessary hive rush and lose all equipments
2) Successful hive rush and do not capture the point (lots of rookie/not good enough commanders think that it would be enough just to kill hive which only costs 40 res)
I feel especially sorry watching (through stream) marines successfully rush hives on good balanced match and not taking that point, but retreat. Then khammander will put another hive with 40 res out of his 100~200 res and they will face same situation again.
<u>High Risk Strategies</u>
This refers to denying second hives or holding nanogrid in the case of ns_veil. These are highly rewarding because denying of them a second hive will most probably grant a victory. However it is a difficult task because it is normal for aliens to hold at least two hives and they will damn sure try to secure a second hive. Chances of success are low but not slim. I would definitely try some games to switch it up but I would never over-commit, which brings me to the next point.
<u>Over commitment</u>
I feel like fronts that are set up for long periods of time that yield no results can be detrimental. There are many ways to assault the opposing team and sticking to one that's not working needs to abandoned, but only when another front can be set up.
I'm glad that you feel the need to attack someone's contribution at attempting at raising the skill level of marine commanders on public servers. It is obvious that public servers and their players are not nearly as important as the few elite who were born knowing how to play this game. This will certainly contribute to the longevity of NS2 after public server players rage quit the game because they keep getting roflstomped by the aliens.
Anyway, I'd like to see you argue against any one of the points listed in the OP....but knowing that you cannot make a meaningful argument against any of them, you resort to strawmen and insults in an attempt to make yourself seem like you know it all.
Your strategy relies on marines that can shoot, and a starting hive near your spawn (Warehouse -> Server Room, or Flight Control -> Sub Access). In that case, you've already won the game if the marines are egglocking them from the start. It's a simple rush strategy that doesn't always work against aliens that know what they're doing.
And yes, you DID make a mistake by misreading my OP and thinking that what I posted were recommendations NOT to get a PG or an early arms lab. So please stop trying to cover up.
In any case, I am starting to understand why people stop posting on these forums - all you get is flak from those whose entire online existence is to troll and to say stupid sh*t like 'HOLD SHIFT DOWN TO TELEPORT TO THE HIVE WE DON'T NEED PGS' (yes I know it's sprint).
Any attempt to help or to teach, and these people jump in and start asserting themselves. I'm looking out for the future of NS2 because I want to keep playing this game on full servers, and these people are only concerned about roflstomping newbies over and over to get their kicks.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
This is the internet. There will always be someone who disagrees with you. Don't let it bother you. I think you brought up lots of good points but there will always be different opinions, who cares? The most important thing is to get people to think about what they are doing and you have accomplished that. Most of your advice is right on in my opinion but I am curious as to when you think shotguns should be researched? I can't tell if getting them early is worth it or if it just causes the marines to waste their pres.
<!--quoteo(post=2056058:date=Jan 4 2013, 06:58 PM:name=Gorgenapper)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Gorgenapper @ Jan 4 2013, 06:58 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2056058"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec--><u>HUGE MISTAKE: Not being aggressive enough</u>
For example, in ns2_docking the aliens can start in Locker Rooms, or Generator or Departures. However, there is an open area directly in the middle of the map through which marines can sprint to access Maintenance / Courtyard / Stability Monitoring. Smart marines will run into Locker Rooms from Courtyard by hopping the pipes immediately to their left upon entering Courtyard (there are some items arranged in such a way that it's a 'secret' shortcut to the catwalk in Courtyard).
THIS, so much!!! It's not about what you can defend, it's about what you can attack (or deny the enemy)!
It's infuriating to see Marines
<ul><li> all go to East Wing and unsuccessfully attack Departures forever (maximum reward: holding one res tower)</li><li> go Cafeteria, Bar, and unsuccessfully attack Locker Room for ever (maximum reward: hold 2 res towers)</li></ul>when they could just <b>hold Courtyard</b> and
<ol type='1'><li> get at least 2 RTs (Courtyard, Stability)</li><li> easily deny the Aliens 3 or 4 RTs (Courtyard, Maintenance, Stability, maybe Locker)</li><li> be quickly able to pressure Generator</li><li> maybe even keep Aliens on one Hive and keep them out of an entire half of the map (if they didn't start in Generator), which means auto-win</li><li> be able to attack ANY location except Departures VIA THE SHORTEST ROUTE</li><li> secure the crucial "No-third-Hive-for-you" location Locker Rooms</li><li> prevent Aliens from taking the entire map!</li></ol>
Seriously, the side areas of
<ul><li> Docking (East Wing, Cafe/Bar/those hallways before Locker)</li><li> Mineshaft (The Gap, between Deposit and Sorting)</li><li> Veil (Skylights - Overlook, Topo - C12 + Vents there)</li></ul>are pure <b>Noob Traps</b>. People go for the safe or instant gratification route, waste time with useless fights, and complain about bad commander after they get overrun by 3 Hive Aliens (not that they killed a single Harvester). Even after you directly tell them "DO NOT GO INTO EAST WING! GO COURTYARD!".
It has to be said: many of these Noob Traps apply to Aliens too.
Just had half of my players camp as Skulk in East Wing ("But hey we deny Marine their closest RT!" They even started arguing!), and then complain because we magically lose everything else, can't even hold Stability (no, that ONE first upgrade choice was NOT the reason we lost!).
Aliens failing to conquer Deposit for hours, wasting Onoses, instead of going after the easily attackable Repair Room EVEN AFTER DIRECTLY BEGGING THEM STOP ATTACKING DEPOSIT FOR 10 MINUTES is also a classic.
Now I feel better:p
If we are next to an alien hive I will encourage the team to pressure it using an armoury outside, otherwise just have them expand and kill harvesters. Most marines don't seem to like being told to suicide rambo extractors though.
Good post Gorge ^-^
Informative especially for the influx of new players from the NS2 sale who don't yet understand pub meta and are too afraid to try comm in a live game as a result.
<!--quoteo(post=2056058:date=Jan 5 2013, 01:58 AM:name=Gorgenapper)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Gorgenapper @ Jan 5 2013, 01:58 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2056058"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->2) Ninja the hive upgrades if you're sneaky enough.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Hell yes! This is very satisfying as marine, and annoying as all hell as alien com.
<!--quoteo(post=2056058:date=Jan 5 2013, 01:58 AM:name=Gorgenapper)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Gorgenapper @ Jan 5 2013, 01:58 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2056058"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->This game is not about lone marines dueling skulks in a forgotten corridor on a large map, or marines in base crouching by the doorway Call of Duty style (as if crouching makes bite do less damage).<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Yes x1000!
I get the impression you win a lot more than you lose as marine.
Appearently it's not so basic, since these mistakes (which I agree with) are being done very commonly on pubs.
There are many new commanders now with Steam Sales, giving out such advices is nothing but good.
it is quite essential to marine team that loses 90% of time 1v1 situations.
not to mention v.large servers (24p).
that being said, like someone already mentioned early armslab ( meaning that team has atleast 3 resourcetowers when built ) can work too if you have instead very talented marine team rather than going phasetech.