Rebirth of the Old Trailblazer's Server

Rage7Rage7 Join Date: 2003-12-02 Member: 23883Members, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">Bringing back the good old Public Server!</div>For all of you old time players, if any of you remember the Trailblazer's Clan and our assortment of servers to play on. I was the leader of this old guild under the name [TB]-Rage-[Gen] and maintained the fleet of servers we had. Since that time I have been busy with school and work, and finally have some free time again to be able to enjoy playing this wonderful game! I'm hoping to rekindle those fun and awesome times I had with friends and the community! I'm also trying to locate some of my old friends on here if they still play... Give me a shout out or message me and let me know what's going on!

My new server I have running currently is :

Monkman's Public NS2 Server 115 Dallas

24 Slot Server

IP :

I'm under my new Alias "Monkman"

Hope to see you guys there!

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