Automatically Download Map From Server

john_bjohn_b Join Date: 2011-03-10 Member: 85608Members
edited January 2013 in Ideas and Suggestions
<div class="IPBDescription">Don't know if this has been mentioned</div>One of the greatest things ever for supporting custom maps, mods & server customization in the half life 1 days was the fact that steam automatically downloaded missing maps, sound files or other custom things when you joined.

I just made a box in the map editor, put the spawn points in and ran a server, testing to see if when my friend joined it automatically downloaded it. Instead it said file not found after awhile.

This is hugely disappointing. This feature (because of valve) was even in NS1, but is sadly absent from NS2.
I implore, for the sake of growing a community and experimentation with custom content, for this feature to be added in.

Nobodys going to exit the game & wade through websites and google searches to download a custom map a server is using. This means only a tight community who plays on the same server will bother doing it. The result is, custom content is discouraged since you cut out so many potential players. Lots of servers would be empty for long periods of time.

It's funny how such a small feature can change so much, but it does.


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