I've heard of some purple mod alien mod. Haven't gone into it much but it sounds gay. Might also make it easier for an aimbot to work by looking for shades of purple.
there are hacks that are pretty much undetectable that tracks color on screen, but those are crap afaik, would never work in NS2 against fast skulks.
It's not fun for anyone when one player comes into a server and dominates everything to the point that nothing anyone but that player does even matters anymore. It's not fun if it happens because they are cheating, and it's not fun if it's just because they are just that good. If a player knowingly and intentionally ruins the game, whether by cheating or by actual skill, then they are in a word, scum.
So, if a "pro" does this unknowingly, is it okay?
For example- "pro" player joins the Marines.
Aliens view-
"pro" player is unstoppable, we can't take Repair or attack their base at all. PG's up in Repair.
"pro" player never misses with a shotgun!
"pro" player killed all three of us. I swear I bit him four times!
Marine view-
Good job "pro" player, we almost lost Repair. Dropping a PG.
"pro" player says, "skulks rushing base"..*bang* *bang* *bang*.."base is fine."
"pro" player says, "Fades up, lets get shotguns".
To the aliens, the "pro" player looks like a jerk, because their dominating at the moment. For the "pro" player, they could be just playing the game, trying to keep the aliens from gaining ground and winning. Positive K:D to them just means their not a liability to their team. Helping control the map means their doing their job and their team is having a lot of success.
There's a difference between someone being better than you, and someone who dominates the server to the point that nothing anyone else does matters. Keep in mind I'm only really referring to players so skilled that the only reason they aren't mistaken for aim botters is because they actually know basic strategy and can dodge as well. These people are literally more devastating to how the game plays out than an actual hacker. Playing against these people is not going to make you better, you aren't even going to get close enough to them to try to start work out how to deal with them,
At the risk of subjecting myself to the same backlash, I have to agree with this. Playing against people who are better than you can be a great way to learn and improve, but there is a point where the skill divide is so great that you simply cannot significantly gain from the experience. I think the popular analogy is that of an NFL pro athlete jumping into a little league game and going full bore against a group of small children who aren't really capable of appreciating the strategic nuances of being smeared across the field by a hulking man-beast five times their size. The typical response is just confusion, resentment, anger - a sense of utter and complete unfairness rather than a desire to crest the next ridge.
The progression needs to be gradual to be most effective. You play against people who are the next step or two ahead of you, but at least in sight, in the same realm, so you can understand and appreciate and absorb what separates you and what you need to do to improve. In almost every real world competitive venue, and especially those that are physical, you have these layers or tiers of skill where you compete and grow with people in the same general category, and it's considered untoward for someone of a higher tier to play against people who are significantly beneath them.
I somewhat agree. But, even in pro sports there are teams that flat outclass their opponents. Some leagues have specials rules in place just to avoid top player stacking, or Dream Teams.
I think these particular "pro"'s need to help out, by giving advice rather than just carrying their team; help make others better.
Opposing players who see the gap in skill need to accept it and move on. If the "pro" isn't being insulting, then it's not personal. Next game request random teams.
The thing that really gets me, the bit I don't understand, is why those pro players would even want to go pubstomp noobs who cannot provide them with any kind of significant challenge. Winning is great and all, monster KD ratios, sure whatever, but for me a victory is not really enjoyable unless I had to work for it. To me, it seems like dominating 'scrubs' would just be a masturbatory ego-stroke session, and so I don't have much sympathy for pro players getting indignant about their right to join rookie servers in order to violate the other players for cheap thrills.
Bringing an equally skilled friend along and then playing opposite teams is a better solution, but in almost every case where I've seen elites crashing a rookie server, they immediately stack the same team every time and are resistant to any suggestions about splitting up for the sake of a balanced game. A few matches like that are usually enough to empty the server in my experience, because it's just not fun for anyone else.
Do we not have any servers that intentionally cater to the higher skill tiers? I'd find that hard to believe, but I can see about converting one of our multiple rookie-friendly servers into some kind of haven for the pros to slug it out with each other if it's actually an issue. As it stands though, if someone so pro as to be indistinguishable from an aimbotter joins our rookie servers and continues to ruin match after match by making every other player on the server irrelevant, I'm going to ask them to leave. I don't like doing it, but the alternative is worse, and it seems to me they ought to know better.
If elites are crashing rookie servers to pub-stomp, they aren't elite in my opinion. They are there for a cheap thrill and laughs. People should leave the server, if that happens and no admin is around to fix it.
I think part of the problem is rookies play on any server. If you're good and want to play with others at your level, it's either clan, friends, or gather. If you go to a regular server (not rookie), rookies are still there and will not be kicked (or asked to go to a rookie server). If rookies stayed on rookie friendly servers (green player name or not), "pro"'s stuck to regular servers, and mid-levels bounced between the two, this would be less of an issue.
Theres a lot I can agree with here. For starters, if he's not really doing it intentionally, either becuase he doesn't think he's that good or the players he's against are extraordinarily bad, there's a good bit of leeway. Of course, after a round or two of dominating the server I would expect him to leave, realizing there isn't much there to really challenge him at all. Anyone can have a good round, and almost anyone can be made to look pro against some exceptionally bad players. It's really only the extremes that are much of a problem.
And like you mentioned, there are some ways someone who is particularly good can still play on a server without ruining the game for everyone else. For starters, he could Com. Even the best coms still rely on their team to get anything done, so he doesn't invalidate everyone else on his own team and the opponents still have a chance. Other than that, it could be possible for him to give advice and make himself useful enough in teaching newer players that they still don't want to leave even as they are getting wrecked.
That's really the main issue here. As long as he isn't making people want to leave, or at least to want him to leave, I don't really see a problem.
Lately, though, I have been noticing new people in game. Names i've never seen, who come in and do rediculous scores. Sure that doesn't mean much. I'm not "great" by any means, but I've had my fair share of 35-1 games as marine and 40-0 as alien. Anyway, these players I will watch as comm or spectate. I'll see a skulk silent walking towards the guy who is alone, and the guy snaps aim in the direction of the skulk. Second he is visible, shot dead. Consistently.
This. I've seen a lot of really good players, but some people are just playing really suspiciously and that with green armor. I know you can change the armor in the options and the games been out for more than 3 months now, but the skill ceiling some people already hit is sometimes ridiculous to the point where it's just not fun to play with them.
If you want to discuss your fictional Dickbags McRaperson who team stacks with his buddies on rookie servers for a "masturbatory ego-stroke session", I suggest you go make your own thread for that.
You could easily call this thread AusNS as fana just summed up 90% of Aus pub servers at any given time.
On topic, there's still a working wallhack that's been out nearly 3 1/2 months, there are ways to mod your files on default consistency checked servers so they're all see through, there's even a default pinkskulk.dds file I'm sure you can replace with the default that's already fluro'd for you.
You are online at 7am because you feel like playing. There are three servers, KKG, TBG, and a UWE /16 server. You play in the UWE /16 server, and after one round the server clears out to a 8 person server.
So what do you do? You join the KKG server and everybody just claims "You're too good to be here. Go to another server!"
Sorry. I don't feel like playing in a 6/16 person server. I'm going to stomp some fucking rookies, whether you like it or not.
You are online at 7am because you feel like playing. There are three servers, KKG, TBG, and a UWE /16 server. You play in the UWE /16 server, and after one round the server clears out to a 8 person server.
So what do you do? You join the KKG server and everybody just claims "You're too good to be here. Go to another server!"
Sorry. I don't feel like playing in a 6/16 person server. I'm going to stomp some fucking rookies, whether you like it or not.
that can't happen because if you're any good you're already banned from the kkg servers
Instead of trying to 'ban' good players from playing in public games ever why don't you take the initiative and try to use it as a learning experience?
I don't like getting stomped either, but you seem to just focus on the negative side of things which in my opinion hurt the community more than good players owning a server. I've recently gotten into QuakeLive, where the skill ceiling is so high it's ridiculous to watch sometimes. When I started watching Duels (1on1) I didn't even know what was going on for awhile. I was getting stomped repeatedly when I tried myself. Instead of complaining about it I started watching youtube videos, reading guides and asking questions from others who were clearly better than me at the game.
My point is: Instead of saying "X players should be banned from playing rookie servers/public servers/scrims/anything bar actual competitive games" you should be saying "Well this guy is obviously talented, I might spec him for this round and see how he moves. See what type of choices he makes during the game" or "Next round I'm going to join his team and just follow him around all game".
I agree, good players stacking rookie servers is annoying. Just change server?
But you are basically repeating the same point over and over: Ban players like fana from playing any public server ever.
Which I think is the wrong attitude.
Also, if you don't actually want to improve at the game, then just change server when someone better than you joins.
Personally when I was noticing I was too much above the server level I was trying to adapt, like doing welder kills, para-kill or other silly stuff so that the game stays fun for everybody. Adapting your level is not very hard, I'm sure everybody can do it with a bit of practice.
There was also some mods that spawned endless waves of unpredictable moving skulk-bots for practice.
Personally when I was noticing I was too much above the server level I was trying to adapt, like doing welder kills, para-kill or other silly stuff so that the game stays fun for everybody. Adapting your level is not very hard, I'm sure everybody can do it with a bit of practice.
There was also some mods that spawned endless waves of unpredictable moving skulk-bots for practice.
Just run with a group in the back, saving your buddies. If you go alone and 3on1 them, they get mad but if you do the same behind a group of people they won't even notice AND you will save your buddies.
You are online at 7am because you feel like playing. There are three servers, KKG, TBG, and a UWE /16 server. You play in the UWE /16 server, and after one round the server clears out to a 8 person server.
So what do you do? You join the KKG server and everybody just claims "You're too good to be here. Go to another server!"
Sorry. I don't feel like playing in a 6/16 person server. I'm going to stomp some fucking rookies, whether you like it or not.
You're clearing out servers. Repeatedly. On top of that you are essentially following people when they make the very justifiable decision to get away from you.
Instead of trying to 'ban' good players from playing in public games ever why don't you take the initiative and try to use it as a learning experience?
I don't like getting stomped either, but you seem to just focus on the negative side of things which in my opinion hurt the community more than good players owning a server. I've recently gotten into QuakeLive, where the skill ceiling is so high it's ridiculous to watch sometimes. When I started watching Duels (1on1) I didn't even know what was going on for awhile. I was getting stomped repeatedly when I tried myself. Instead of complaining about it I started watching youtube videos, reading guides and asking questions from others who were clearly better than me at the game.
My point is: Instead of saying "X players should be banned from playing rookie servers/public servers/scrims/anything bar actual competitive games" you should be saying "Well this guy is obviously talented, I might spec him for this round and see how he moves. See what type of choices he makes during the game" or "Next round I'm going to join his team and just follow him around all game".
I agree, good players stacking rookie servers is annoying. Just change server?
But you are basically repeating the same point over and over: Ban players like fana from playing any public server ever.
Which I think is the wrong attitude.
Also, if you don't actually want to improve at the game, then just change server when someone better than you joins.
You don't learn by playing against someone you can't get near, and you don't learn anything but the very most basic of tactics by watching either. Worse, watching how a pro plays against noobs is likely as not going to give you completely wrong information regardless.
Just change server? That's what most people do actually. Servers tend to clear out fast when one of these people joins. Guess what happens after that: They go and join another server and clear it out too. Then another. Then another. Actually the odds aren't too bad that they end up on whatever server you went to after you left, provided you both play for long enough at the same session.
I really try to be pleasant on these forums but this thread... wow. Seriously, potential aim botters aside, it is unreal that anyone could declare that good players are not allowed to play on public servers. If you are really getting stomped, change servers. If it happens on every server then maybe it is time to take a break and play something else and come back later with a clear head. That way you are mentally ready to play players better than yourself so you can learn and improve.
Why is being shitty at this game encouraged? Are you kidding me? I get called out CONSTANTLY and fortunately it's just in jest, because people recognize me, but for anyone that isn't noticed and you are genuinely good at the game- God help you. I've seen 3-4 servers that ban for a KDR higher than 3. This is natural selection, only the strong survive, not [INSERT POLITICAL FIGURE HERE]'s SUPER FUN WELFARE PARTY SAFARI, WHERE EVERYONE HAS FUN AND IS LOVED
There's a huge difference between being good at a game and being a try harding faggot at 12am+ stomping pub servers, the fact people have mentioned they go pubs before scrims/war to 'warm up' tells me they aren't alone, you know within a good 2 minutes of being on a server of where you'll stand and what you're doing.
None of you try hard nerds would learn anything playing a round of golf vs Tiger Woods, you'd be fucking floored and laughed off the green, stop pretending everyone online should be graced by your presence and ability to rack up 1000s of hours playing a dead game and going 40-3 in rookie friendly pubs.
Wow generalisations are easy, I should start making sweeping statements about everything I read. Sotahn has a good point tho, if you reach a point in the game where people start leaving the server/stacking your team because there's no chance for them to win you're doing no one any favours, especially yourself. If you were so worried about being 'cold' go play QL/UT, if you really needed NS specific combat conditions go play on a co_ server, if you absolutely had to replicate maps and humans in them organise a fucking pug, god knows there would only be 1-3 steam groups in each region specifically set up for this exact scenario for you to get pugs going before scrim/war. And being you're a clanned dickhead in the first place you would have a friends list full of other peen arses who enjoy taking the fun out of everything, would be shocking to imagine that the top 5 clans in each region can't get along with each other wouldn't it, better go back to stacking pubs.
So much fucking elitism in dead games as they get deader it amazes me the "best" in them don't just sack up and admit they couldn't have been great in games when it mattered and move on or fuck up, no one is asking for great players to be exiled from pub, asking you to stop flooring them at odd hours being a try hard for no good reason and expecting everyone to bow to your tag is a completely different matter and a very real one that effects a lot of public servers in NS2.
Bad enough dealing with online TF2 rands in Aus every other night to see the same circle jerk in EU/US, US/JP servers are the only ones I've had fun on in the last few weeks because of the friendly atmosphere and team work, contrasted to the aliasing stacking shittery that happens every single night in every Aus server, good to see I was playing on all the wrong NA servers and didn't have to check my public player privilege before being bent over and told to enjoy it and "it'll make me a better player and person" line.
You are online at 7am because you feel like playing. There are three servers, KKG, TBG, and a UWE /16 server. You play in the UWE /16 server, and after one round the server clears out to a 8 person server.
So what do you do? You join the KKG server and everybody just claims "You're too good to be here. Go to another server!"
Sorry. I don't feel like playing in a 6/16 person server. I'm going to stomp some fucking rookies, whether you like it or not.
You are online at 7am because you feel like playing. There are three servers, KKG, TBG, and a UWE /16 server. You play in the UWE /16 server, and after one round the server clears out to a 8 person server.
So what do you do? You join the KKG server and everybody just claims "You're too good to be here. Go to another server!"
Sorry. I don't feel like playing in a 6/16 person server. I'm going to stomp some fucking rookies, whether you like it or not.
that can't happen because if you're any good you're already banned from the kkg servers
Are you guys crying because you got banned from KKG or something?
There's a huge difference between being good at a game and being a try harding faggot at 12am+ stomping pub servers, the fact people have mentioned they go pubs before scrims/war to 'warm up' tells me they aren't alone, you know within a good 2 minutes of being on a server of where you'll stand and what you're doing.
None of you try hard nerds would learn anything playing a round of golf vs Tiger Woods, you'd be fucking floored and laughed off the green, stop pretending everyone online should be graced by your presence and ability to rack up 1000s of hours playing a dead game and going 40-3 in rookie friendly pubs.
Wow generalisations are easy, I should start making sweeping statements about everything I read. Sotahn has a good point tho, if you reach a point in the game where people start leaving the server/stacking your team because there's no chance for them to win you're doing no one any favours, especially yourself. If you were so worried about being 'cold' go play QL/UT, if you really needed NS specific combat conditions go play on a co_ server, if you absolutely had to replicate maps and humans in them organise a fucking pug, god knows there would only be 1-3 steam groups in each region specifically set up for this exact scenario for you to get pugs going before scrim/war. And being you're a clanned dickhead in the first place you would have a friends list full of other peen arses who enjoy taking the fun out of everything, would be shocking to imagine that the top 5 clans in each region can't get along with each other wouldn't it, better go back to stacking pubs.
So much fucking elitism in dead games as they get deader it amazes me the "best" in them don't just sack up and admit they couldn't have been great in games when it mattered and move on or fuck up, no one is asking for great players to be exiled from pub, asking you to stop flooring them at odd hours being a try hard for no good reason and expecting everyone to bow to your tag is a completely different matter and a very real one that effects a lot of public servers in NS2.
Bad enough dealing with online TF2 rands in Aus every other night to see the same circle jerk in EU/US, US/JP servers are the only ones I've had fun on in the last few weeks because of the friendly atmosphere and team work, contrasted to the aliasing stacking shittery that happens every single night in every Aus server, good to see I was playing on all the wrong NA servers and didn't have to check my public player privilege before being bent over and told to enjoy it and "it'll make me a better player and person" line.
man u are mad
maybe u should play some rounds of ns2 to cool off
Also the problem with the "I can't learn from people who are way above my skill level" is utter bullshit.
1. this is a team game! Sometimes the good player is on your team! Ask them questions and listen to what they say! Most players will happily help you out, provided you aren't being hostile towards them or arguing with the good advice they give you.
2. Even if you get stomped, think about the situation allowed him to win. Try and understand his positioning and movement. Try and think about how you could beat him.
There's a huge difference between being good at a game and being a try harding faggot at 12am+ stomping pub servers, the fact people have mentioned they go pubs before scrims/war to 'warm up' tells me they aren't alone, you know within a good 2 minutes of being on a server of where you'll stand and what you're doing.
None of you try hard nerds would learn anything playing a round of golf vs Tiger Woods, you'd be fucking floored and laughed off the green, stop pretending everyone online should be graced by your presence and ability to rack up 1000s of hours playing a dead game and going 40-3 in rookie friendly pubs.
Wow generalisations are easy, I should start making sweeping statements about everything I read. Sotahn has a good point tho, if you reach a point in the game where people start leaving the server/stacking your team because there's no chance for them to win you're doing no one any favours, especially yourself. If you were so worried about being 'cold' go play QL/UT, if you really needed NS specific combat conditions go play on a co_ server, if you absolutely had to replicate maps and humans in them organise a fucking pug, god knows there would only be 1-3 steam groups in each region specifically set up for this exact scenario for you to get pugs going before scrim/war. And being you're a clanned dickhead in the first place you would have a friends list full of other peen arses who enjoy taking the fun out of everything, would be shocking to imagine that the top 5 clans in each region can't get along with each other wouldn't it, better go back to stacking pubs.
So much fucking elitism in dead games as they get deader it amazes me the "best" in them don't just sack up and admit they couldn't have been great in games when it mattered and move on or fuck up, no one is asking for great players to be exiled from pub, asking you to stop flooring them at odd hours being a try hard for no good reason and expecting everyone to bow to your tag is a completely different matter and a very real one that effects a lot of public servers in NS2.
Bad enough dealing with online TF2 rands in Aus every other night to see the same circle jerk in EU/US, US/JP servers are the only ones I've had fun on in the last few weeks because of the friendly atmosphere and team work, contrasted to the aliasing stacking shittery that happens every single night in every Aus server, good to see I was playing on all the wrong NA servers and didn't have to check my public player privilege before being bent over and told to enjoy it and "it'll make me a better player and person" line.
Wow, u mad bro!
And by the way, you don't play golf against other people, you play against yourself.
So what you're saying is that if you're good enough, you can't play pubs?
If you're good enough, you shouldn't * play pubs. Whether you can is up to the server admins. I'm sure some won't mind and others will, and that's as it should be.
* Or, at least, you shouldn't play pubs in such a way as to ruin everyone else's fun. And rest assured, it's easy for very good players to ruin the fun of everyone else on a pub server, just by doing what comes naturally to them. Yuuki and SanCo mentioned some ways to play in pubs that keep the expert players' interest while not destroying the game for everyone else.
Havoc's analogy of NFL players in a little-league game should be instructive. If you were an NFL player (or FIFA, whatever) joining a pick-up game in the neighborhood playground, what would you do to keep things fun for everyone, both yourself and the kids? If you can't or won't do that, why would you even consider playing in the first place?
there are hacks that are pretty much undetectable that tracks color on screen, but those are crap afaik, would never work in NS2 against fast skulks.
Theres a lot I can agree with here. For starters, if he's not really doing it intentionally, either becuase he doesn't think he's that good or the players he's against are extraordinarily bad, there's a good bit of leeway. Of course, after a round or two of dominating the server I would expect him to leave, realizing there isn't much there to really challenge him at all. Anyone can have a good round, and almost anyone can be made to look pro against some exceptionally bad players. It's really only the extremes that are much of a problem.
And like you mentioned, there are some ways someone who is particularly good can still play on a server without ruining the game for everyone else. For starters, he could Com. Even the best coms still rely on their team to get anything done, so he doesn't invalidate everyone else on his own team and the opponents still have a chance. Other than that, it could be possible for him to give advice and make himself useful enough in teaching newer players that they still don't want to leave even as they are getting wrecked.
That's really the main issue here. As long as he isn't making people want to leave, or at least to want him to leave, I don't really see a problem.
This. I've seen a lot of really good players, but some people are just playing really suspiciously and that with green armor. I know you can change the armor in the options and the games been out for more than 3 months now, but the skill ceiling some people already hit is sometimes ridiculous to the point where it's just not fun to play with them.
You could easily call this thread AusNS as fana just summed up 90% of Aus pub servers at any given time.
On topic, there's still a working wallhack that's been out nearly 3 1/2 months, there are ways to mod your files on default consistency checked servers so they're all see through, there's even a default pinkskulk.dds file I'm sure you can replace with the default that's already fluro'd for you.
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/788p303gd48kaqt/IJKat251aV#f:ns2 2013-01-22 15-48-02-12.jpg taken just over 2 weeks ago? etc.
You are online at 7am because you feel like playing. There are three servers, KKG, TBG, and a UWE /16 server. You play in the UWE /16 server, and after one round the server clears out to a 8 person server.
So what do you do? You join the KKG server and everybody just claims "You're too good to be here. Go to another server!"
Sorry. I don't feel like playing in a 6/16 person server. I'm going to stomp some fucking rookies, whether you like it or not.
I don't like getting stomped either, but you seem to just focus on the negative side of things which in my opinion hurt the community more than good players owning a server. I've recently gotten into QuakeLive, where the skill ceiling is so high it's ridiculous to watch sometimes. When I started watching Duels (1on1) I didn't even know what was going on for awhile. I was getting stomped repeatedly when I tried myself. Instead of complaining about it I started watching youtube videos, reading guides and asking questions from others who were clearly better than me at the game.
My point is: Instead of saying "X players should be banned from playing rookie servers/public servers/scrims/anything bar actual competitive games" you should be saying "Well this guy is obviously talented, I might spec him for this round and see how he moves. See what type of choices he makes during the game" or "Next round I'm going to join his team and just follow him around all game".
I agree, good players stacking rookie servers is annoying. Just change server?
But you are basically repeating the same point over and over: Ban players like fana from playing any public server ever.
Which I think is the wrong attitude.
Also, if you don't actually want to improve at the game, then just change server when someone better than you joins.
There was also some mods that spawned endless waves of unpredictable moving skulk-bots for practice.
Just run with a group in the back, saving your buddies. If you go alone and 3on1 them, they get mad but if you do the same behind a group of people they won't even notice AND you will save your buddies.
You're clearing out servers. Repeatedly. On top of that you are essentially following people when they make the very justifiable decision to get away from you.
You don't learn by playing against someone you can't get near, and you don't learn anything but the very most basic of tactics by watching either. Worse, watching how a pro plays against noobs is likely as not going to give you completely wrong information regardless.
Just change server? That's what most people do actually. Servers tend to clear out fast when one of these people joins. Guess what happens after that: They go and join another server and clear it out too. Then another. Then another. Actually the odds aren't too bad that they end up on whatever server you went to after you left, provided you both play for long enough at the same session.
I really try to be pleasant on these forums but this thread... wow. Seriously, potential aim botters aside, it is unreal that anyone could declare that good players are not allowed to play on public servers. If you are really getting stomped, change servers. If it happens on every server then maybe it is time to take a break and play something else and come back later with a clear head. That way you are mentally ready to play players better than yourself so you can learn and improve.
None of you try hard nerds would learn anything playing a round of golf vs Tiger Woods, you'd be fucking floored and laughed off the green, stop pretending everyone online should be graced by your presence and ability to rack up 1000s of hours playing a dead game and going 40-3 in rookie friendly pubs.
Wow generalisations are easy, I should start making sweeping statements about everything I read. Sotahn has a good point tho, if you reach a point in the game where people start leaving the server/stacking your team because there's no chance for them to win you're doing no one any favours, especially yourself. If you were so worried about being 'cold' go play QL/UT, if you really needed NS specific combat conditions go play on a co_ server, if you absolutely had to replicate maps and humans in them organise a fucking pug, god knows there would only be 1-3 steam groups in each region specifically set up for this exact scenario for you to get pugs going before scrim/war. And being you're a clanned dickhead in the first place you would have a friends list full of other peen arses who enjoy taking the fun out of everything, would be shocking to imagine that the top 5 clans in each region can't get along with each other wouldn't it, better go back to stacking pubs.
So much fucking elitism in dead games as they get deader it amazes me the "best" in them don't just sack up and admit they couldn't have been great in games when it mattered and move on or fuck up, no one is asking for great players to be exiled from pub, asking you to stop flooring them at odd hours being a try hard for no good reason and expecting everyone to bow to your tag is a completely different matter and a very real one that effects a lot of public servers in NS2.
Bad enough dealing with online TF2 rands in Aus every other night to see the same circle jerk in EU/US, US/JP servers are the only ones I've had fun on in the last few weeks because of the friendly atmosphere and team work, contrasted to the aliasing stacking shittery that happens every single night in every Aus server, good to see I was playing on all the wrong NA servers and didn't have to check my public player privilege before being bent over and told to enjoy it and "it'll make me a better player and person" line.
Are you guys crying because you got banned from KKG or something?
maybe u should play some rounds of ns2 to cool off
This guy.
1. this is a team game! Sometimes the good player is on your team! Ask them questions and listen to what they say! Most players will happily help you out, provided you aren't being hostile towards them or arguing with the good advice they give you.
2. Even if you get stomped, think about the situation allowed him to win. Try and understand his positioning and movement. Try and think about how you could beat him.
Wow, u mad bro!
And by the way, you don't play golf against other people, you play against yourself.
If you're good enough, you shouldn't * play pubs. Whether you can is up to the server admins. I'm sure some won't mind and others will, and that's as it should be.
* Or, at least, you shouldn't play pubs in such a way as to ruin everyone else's fun. And rest assured, it's easy for very good players to ruin the fun of everyone else on a pub server, just by doing what comes naturally to them. Yuuki and SanCo mentioned some ways to play in pubs that keep the expert players' interest while not destroying the game for everyone else.
Havoc's analogy of NFL players in a little-league game should be instructive. If you were an NFL player (or FIFA, whatever) joining a pick-up game in the neighborhood playground, what would you do to keep things fun for everyone, both yourself and the kids? If you can't or won't do that, why would you even consider playing in the first place?